Bill Gates on ChatGPT AI: ‘It will have a huge impact’

(AI-generated image via Lexica.)

“AI is the big one,” said Bill Gates in a recent Q&A session on Reddit. “I don’t think Web3 was that big or that metaverse stuff alone was revolutionary but AI is quite revolutionary.”

The tech giant and philanthropist went on to express his admiration for OpenAI’s ChatGPT, calling it “a glimpse of what is to come” in the world of AI.

I am impressed with this whole approach and the rate of innovation,” he said.

But what exactly is generative AI and how was it impacting the world of technology?

Recent advancements in AI had led to the development of generative models, a type of AI that can create new and unique content based on the patterns it learns from existing data. This technology can be used to generate text, music, images, and even videos. In the world of AI art, generative models had been making waves in recent years, with notable examples like Midjourney, an AI art generator that took the world by storm in 2022 and won an art competition.

But the potential of generative AI extends far beyond the art world. In the business world, generative AI can be used to generate product designs, write marketing copy, and even create financial forecasts. In healthcare, generative AI can be used to create personalized treatment plans and help with drug discovery. In education, generative AI can be used to create personalized learning experiences and improve access to education in remote areas.

One exciting application of generative AI was in the field of virtual reality. Generative AI can be used to create unique and immersive virtual environments, from realistic landscapes to fantastical worlds. It could also be used to generate non-player characters that interact with users in a believable and natural way. This technology could also be used to create personalized virtual experiences, such as virtual shopping or virtual tours, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to innovate in the field of virtual reality.

Bill Gates. (AI generated image via

“I am quite impressed with the rate of improvement in these AIs. I think they will have a huge impact,” said Gates. He went on to express his views on the potential of AI tutors that help kids learn math, and medical help for people in Africa who can’t access a doctor. And as he notes, “I still work with Microsoft some so I am following this very closely.”

It is clear that generative AI was a technology worth keeping an eye on. It has the potential to transform industries and change the way we live and work, including virtual reality. Businesses that embrace generative AI then would have a significant advantage over those that don’t, and it is an opportunity for individuals to improve their skills, access to information and opportunities.

Bill Gates’ Take on NFTs: They’re Based on ‘Greater Fool Theory’

When it comes to technology and who people will listen to, Microsoft founder Bill Gates is high up on that list of influential thought leaders. He recently broached the subject of NFTs during a climate change event hosted by Tech Crunch noting his dislike of them due to his view that they’re “100 percent based on greater fool theory”.

Greater fool theory is a well-known financial concept whereby overpriced assets can still be sold at a profit if the seller can find someone (the fool) willing to pay a higher price, even in a market bubble. “Obviously, expensive digital images of monkeys are going to improve the world immensely,” he remarked, in reference to Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), one of the most well-known NFT collections.

Gates went on to discuss what he preferred to invest in, saying: I’m used to asset classes, like a farm where they have output, or like a company where they make products.” Referencing both crypto and NFTs, he added: “I’m not involved in that, I’m not long or short any of those things.”

This isn’t the first time Gates has voiced his scepticism on the world of cryptocurrencies, noting the volatile nature of the industry. And that’s not unreasonable in the current climate. Whilst Bitcoin has hit highs of $64k in 2021, that’s now tanked alongside the rest of the industry, currently sitting around $21k.

Bored Ape Yacht Club
Bored Ape Yacht Club. Image credit Shutterstock

That’s seen prices of NFTs fall including those of BAYC and CryptoPunks in what’s termed a bear market. Prior to the overall market decline, cashes like Terra’s stablecoin UST and its native token LUNA have only added to cryptos’ woes of late.

NFTs aren’t going away anytime soon though, more and more keep cropping up. Some are tied to celebrities whilst platforms including Instagram have been experimenting with integration. Bill Gates isn’t going to be buying NFTs at any rate, but if you are then check out gmw3’s NFT Spotlight.

TIME Release Augmented Reality Issue with RYOT Lab

Reading magazines on your tablet is one thing the digital age has brought us, but now print has found a way to win us back, and TIME is moving into the future. In TIMEs latest issue, you can use a smartphone app to turn the pages into an augmented reality (AR) feast for the eyes.

It’s a world away from the paper pages we know today, and an interesting way to make print relevant again, in a world where most people read news and articles on their smartphones.

Interestingly, the issue is guest edited by none other than Bill Gates, of Microsoft fame. Gates narrates a cover feature telling readers about an Ethiopian boy, Mohamad Nasir, whom Gates met in 2012. It’s a celebratory story about the reduction in child mortality rates in Ethiopia and throughout the world.

Gates says; “Child mortality is a a good measure for overall well-being; it’s also a leading indicator of progress. What is more fundamental than keeping children alive so they can thrive and build the future?”

The AR features of the magazine are powered by RYOT Lab, whom we’ve seen previously taking their virtual reality (VR) shorts to Sundance, and have also released a comprehensive app for Windows Mixed Reality.

RYOT Lab logoNot content to stop there, the next issue of TIME on January 15th will sport yet more AR features, with an infographic created by Bono. Yes, the U2 Bono. He’s quite rightly highlighting the gender gap in education, and is inspired by drawings created by Bono himself.

Bono hopes to give us a look into a world where men and women truly have equal education, and understand the struggles we currently face in that area. Learn more with the video below.

It’s fascinating that TIME are moving into AR compatibility, though the question is whether this is a passing fancy to celebrate the new year, or if this is a way for them to revolutionise print magazines again and make them relevant in a new age.

For all of the latest in AR and VR, and whether we’ll see more of that in print magazine, keep reading VRFocus.

Life in 360°: Feeding Bodies to Help Feed Minds

For today’s Life in 360° the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, has created an immersive video that looks at a growing problem facing children, going to school hungry. Millions of students in the poorest countries (and some wealthy ones) will begin the new term hungry, with the World Food Program, estimating 66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world.

So Gates has created ‘I’m 8′ a 360-degree video featuring several eight year old’s, their families, and what they tend to eat on a daily basis. He’s promoting school lunches as a way of not only improving the nourishment kids get, but also the knock on effects.

If children get fed at school they’re more likely to turn up, increasing their energy levels so they learn better. Gates alos notes on his blog of other benefits, saying: “Economic modelling shows that every US$1 invested in school meals programs brings a US$3-10 economic return from improved health, education and productivity.”

VRFocus will be back on Friday with another example of 360-degree video being used around the world.

VRTV: Cyber Tanks, Traditional Tales and… Bill Gates?

Thursday means it’s time once again for your scheduled update of the headlines from the last week courtesy of VRTV, and this on this episode there’s quite the mix of stories for Nina to go through. With everything from new Betas and multiplayer updates for established game titles. To a new party game, a new virtual reality (VR) rendition of a traditional story and one of computing’s biggest names is getting into the Gear VR in a big way.

Click the video below for Nina’s round-up. You can find out more information about the stories mentioned via the links below.

On this week’s VRTV:

VRTV will back on VRFocus at the same time next week, and also on Tuesday where you can catch Nina’s VR review. Check out this week’s review of Lone Echo here.

Bill Gates Erfahrungen mit Gear VR und neuer Videokanal

Der Gründer von Microsoft und Multimilliardär Bill Gates veröffentlichte vor Kurzem einen 360-Grad-Videokanal für Gear VR. Darauf zeigt er den Zuschauern seine Erfahrungen und Abenteuer mit der VR-Technologie.

Bill Gates in der virtuellen Realität

Der neue Kanal heißt Gates Notes und derzeit sind vier Videos abrufbar. Auf diesen Videos erforscht Bill Gates das Potenzial der Technik, um damit Verbesserungen für unsere heutige Welt zu finden. Dazu gehören beispielsweise das Video Small Innovations – Big Impact. Dieses handelt davon, dass auch kleine Innovationen, die teilweise kaum wahrnehmbar sind, einen riesigen Einfluss auf unseren Alltag haben. Weitere Videos sind Sizophila, das von einer jungen Frau mit HIV in Johannisburg und den damit verbundenen Komplikationen handelt. Sowie Bill Gates and the man who blew up the moon, in der es um das Science-Fiction-Buch Seveneves geht. Der neue Kanal wird durch die Samsung Gear VR App beworben. Darin können sich die Nutzer der Gear VR auch über prominente Gäste freuen. So gibt es beispielsweise einen Dialog zwischen Gates und Warren Buffet in Philanthropists in golf carts eating dilly bars.

Anzumerken sei, dass dieser Kanal nicht das erste Experiment von Bill Gates mit Virtual Reality ist. Letztes Jahr produzierte er ein 360-Grad-Video in dem der berühmte Science-Fiction Autor Neal Stephenson, der übrigens Gates Lieblingsautor ist, auftrat. Darin fuhren die beiden in einem elektrischen Auto von Tesla und führten eine Diskussion. Dieses Video wurde an alle VR-Nutzer weltweit ausgestrahlt.

Wie oft Herr Gates neue Videos hochlädt und wie aktuell er dabei ist, steht noch nicht fest. Laut seinem Twitter Account soll der Kanal allerdings stetig aktuelle Inhalte erhalten. Warum er seine Inhalte für Gear VR veröffentlicht ist momentan noch unklar. Schließlich gehört diese zu Samsung und ist damit ein direkter Konkurrent für Microsofts eigenes Mixed-Reality-Headset HoloLens. Aktuell gibt es noch keine offiziellen Äußerungen von Microsoft darüber. Wir dürfen gespannt sein, was es damit auf sich hat.

(Quellen: vrfocus, Samsungvr)

Der Beitrag Bill Gates Erfahrungen mit Gear VR und neuer Videokanal zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Bill Gates Posts his Adventures on Gear VR

The founder of Microsoft and self-proclaimed super-nerd Bill Gates has launched a 360-degree video channel on Gear VR to show his travel and adventures with technology.

The new channel is called Gates Notes, and so far features four videos in which Gates explores the potential for technology to improve the world we live in. Such as the video titled Small Innovations, which shows how small improvements that are barely noticeable can dramatically improve people’s lives.

The new channel is prominently featured on the Samsung Gear VR app, where Gear VR users can watch content such as a dialogue between Gates and fellow billionaire Warren Buffet.

The channel is not Gates’ first time experimenting with virtual reality (VR) technology. Last year he produced a 360-degree video featuring famed science fiction writer Neal Stephenson, who Gates has declared as one of his favourite writers. The two took a ride in a Tesla electric car and had a discussion, all of which was broadcast to VR users around the world.

There is as of yet little information on how often the Gates Notes channel is set to update, but Twitter updates from Gates indicate it should receive regular new content.

Some analysts have noted that it is curious that Gates is releasing this content on the Gear VR, which is acting as a competitor to Microsoft’s own mixed reality headset, the HoloLens. There has not yet been any word on what the official Microsoft reaction to this development it.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on new content for the Gear VR and other VR platforms.