‘Bigscreen’ Now Lets You Watch Your Own Video Files on All Supported Platforms

Bigscreen today released an update that brings to the social VR viewing platform a video player that lets you watch your own video files. Yes, even on Oculus Quest.

Bigscreen’s new video player lets you watch your own files alone, or with friends—provided they have the same file stored on their local machine. If your friends do happen to have the same file, Bigscreen automatically syncs everyone in the room so you can watch it together.

Exactly how you obtain those files is up to you; the new update is only a video player and not a file sharing service per se.

Bigscreen’s video player supports both 2D and 3D movies (side-by-side and over-under), and is said to support most of the common file types. At the time of this writing, the video player doesn’t support 180/360 content, or DLNA/Plex, although it’s currently being considered for a future update.

You’ll find the video player there starting today; it works cross-platform across all supported headsets, including Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, Oculus Go, HTC Vive, and all SteamVR-compatible headsets.

The social VR platform already has robust support for screen sharing, which is accomplished by mirroring the desktop of a host user to anyone in the room. With the recent inclusion of more direct streaming services, which includes both TV and movies, Bigscreen offered up a big slice of functionality to users on standalone headsets like Quest or Go, as well as to users without access to their own premium streaming services like Netflix or Hulu.

'Bigscreen' Brings On-Demand Movies in New 'Movies & Events' Update

Today’s update, while offering a comparatively basic feature, actually puts Bigscreen in a better position to not only compete as a virtual desktop solution (more than it already is), but also to further fill the gaps that platform holders are leaving with their own lackluster native offerings.

There is another side to it, although it remains to be seen whether the worry is founded in reality or if it’s simple speculation at this point—anyway, insert grain of salt here. Bigscreen’s continued deals with movie studios and streaming services may put it in the position at some point in the future to somehow limit the screensharing aspect of its business on PC platform, as individual users can easily stream more movies than they could ever license for their paid (and free) movie viewings. The video player, for ill or good, may be a way for Bigscreen PC VR users to have their cake and eat it too should that particular shoe ever drop—putting the onus on the individual to share files instead of simply mirroring their monitor for all to freely view. Again, that’s a small slice of speculation for the old brainpan.

In any case, the next set of features on the agenda definitely sound exciting: a Bigscreen Friends system, more new environments, a redesigned avatar system, built-in YouTube and TV channels into rooms, and more movie studio partnerships to host 3D movie screenings.

Bigscreen supports Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index, all Windows VR headsets, Oculus Quest and Oculus Go. Find out how to download it for free here.

The post ‘Bigscreen’ Now Lets You Watch Your Own Video Files on All Supported Platforms appeared first on Road to VR.

Bigscreen Update Adds Videoplayer For Native Video File Playback

A new Bigscreen update launching today adds the capability to play local video files stored on a device in Bigscreen, even when offline. The feature also supports synchronized multi-user online viewing sessions, provided each user has the same video file stored on their own device.

Bigscreen has always been one of the leading applications for watching movies and videos in VR, with various environments and online multi-user capability. Bigscreen currently allows users to stream and view their entire Windows desktop in VR, including any videos or applications running on the computer. The app also offers ticketed official movie broadcasts in their virtual cinemas, which is run in participation with major movie studios.

However, this new videoplayer feature is slightly different and designed with mobile headsets like the Oculus Quest in mind. It allows users to pull up any video file, stored locally on the headset itself, to watch in Bigscreeen. Even if the user is offline, Bigscreen can be used to watch local video files, transferred onto the Quest from a computer, in any of the various environments on offer. The feature supports many video file formats and codecs, even including 3D video files.

There’s also online capabilities, allowing you and your friend to start an online session and watch a synchronized version of the same video, just like you would in any other Bigscreen experience. However, to do so, each participating user will need to have the same video file stored locally on their own device — the videoplayer doesn’t support streaming or sharing the file.

You’ll also be able to use the videoplayer feature in conjunction with other Bigscreen features, like desktop screensharing. So, on PC VR, you can now have a local video file playing in an environment while also using the desktop screenshare feature at the same time for other things.

The Bigscreen Videoplayer update is free and launches today.

The post Bigscreen Update Adds Videoplayer For Native Video File Playback appeared first on UploadVR.

Bigscreen’s Next Update Adds a Built-in Videoplayer


Over the years Bigscreen has become one of the go-to virtual reality (VR) apps if you want to watch 2D or 3D film content. Today, the app will release a new update adding a free feature, a built-in videoplayer.


Now, from the very outset, you’ve been able to watch videos on Bigscreen, originally by desktop screen sharing web browsers, YouTube, or Windows Media Player for example. Most recently that was expanded via Bigscreen movie offerings, with rentals or live film events.

The new videoplayer adds a third option for users. The community has been asking for this as it provides a range of benefits thanks to native integration. Because the videoplayer allows you to watch content directly off a device it’s great for mobile VR users needing a quick way of viewing content.

The videoplayer has a UI designed for easy VR navigation and features social elements like being able to sync a video with everyone in a room so long as they all have the video file on their device – Bigscreen doesn’t include any filesharing features. This works cross-platform across all supported headsets.


The videoplayer supports multiple file formats and codecs as well as 3D movies, works offline – great when taking the Oculus Quest out and about – and can be used alongside Bigscreen’s other features like desktop screen sharing and multi-monitor capabilities.

The Bigscreen VR is free to download, supporting a wide range of devices like HTC Vive, Valve Index, Windows Mixed Reality, Oculus Rift, Oculus Go and Oculus Quest. As Bigscreen continues to enhance its feature set VRFocus will keep you updated on all the latest announcements.