Bigscreen Rolls Out To Windows Mixed Reality, More Planned For 2018

Virtual reality (VR) isn’t just about having the best videogame and what support each of the various headsets are given. Although it seems it is easy to forget that on some occasions. There’s also a wide range of software and applications out there for all manner of things, be they small or large. Everything from education to other forms of entertainment, things to get you from point A to point B, creative tool-sets for both art and design and beyond.

Whilst there’s all these other apps and systems on top of apps and systems sometimes you just want to use your computer and your computer alone – and wouldn’t that be great to do in VR? Well thankfully for those that do there’s the whole ‘virtual desktop’ category of application, which is even more virtual in VR of course. One of the biggest players in that scene is Bigscreen, which first came to prominence back in the early part of last year with their service, which has gone on to not only bring your PC into VR as a virtual desktop but has continued to develop a number of additional social features. One of which reported on recently with the bringing into the service of ‘movie nights’, with mainstream theatrical productions being shown in VR for a short period of time. The first being an official team-up with Paramount Studios to bring the movie classic eighties film Top Gun to users for free – and in 3D too.

Bigscreen also had one other piece of particularly good news however and not just for PC users. Prior to this week the app has only been available on Oculus Rift or with an HTC Vive. On Thursday however Bigscreen, Inc. expanded their scope even further and now the application supports not just these head mounted displays (HMDs) but they now, although this has yet to be updated on the Steam page listing, also have welcomed all Windows Mixed Reality HMDs as well.

Not content with that the team are looking to bring the cross-platform app to non-PC based platforms in 2018, with the Samsung Gear VR and Google Daydream smartphone powered HMDs being joined by a planned update that would also see support rolled out to PlayStation VR owners.  Another HMD specifically namechecked by the company is the upcoming standalone HMD the Oculus Go.

Speaking back in October after the company secured a large scale injection of investment following a successful funding campaign. Darshan Shankar, CEO of Bigscreen, Inc., emphasised the success of the firm and service to date.


“Over the past year, Bigscreen has grown significantly to more than a quarter million users. In just the past few months–led by several major product updates–our core metrics grew over 300%. Our power users spend 20–30+ hours using Bigscreen every week, and many users have spent more than 1,000 hours in Bigscreen.” He explained. “Based on usage and user reviews, Bigscreen is now one of the most popular VR apps in the world. Bigscreen has become a killer app for VR (and we’re just getting started).”

VRFocus will certainly be reporting on further developments with the service as we move into 2018.

Feel The Need For Speed As BigScreen Partners With Paramount To Bring Top Gun 3D To Users

Whilst there’s plenty of software, videogames and services for virtual reality (VR) there aren’t as many services as dedicated to the idea of the virtual desktop as that from the team at Bigscreen. Since it first came onto the scene back in 2016 the company has diligently been improving the software which supports both the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on PC. Whether you want to use your computer in VR, play a videogame, mess about with virtual objects, hang out with your friends in a movie theatre, a virtual forest or any other location

Over 2017 the improvements have continued. April saw a patch that began to pave the way for an inevitable version 1.0, as well as made a number of significant performance increases. September saw the Avatar Update, which along with a number of changes to how users could represent themselves whilst using the app also saw the rollout of a number of design changes. October saw a number of new environments added to the service, both ‘professional’ and ‘casual’ in their tone. October also saw the developer Bigscreen, Inc generate a sizable $11 million (USD) in additional investment.

Now though Bigscreen are set to round of 2017 with quite the coup as they have announced a team up with movie studio Paramount Pictures in order to bring the film Top Gun to the service’s virtual cinema. And not just any version of Top Gun but Top Gun 3D. There’ll be multiple showtimes available for those who have the need… the need for speed, starting on December 29th at 6:00PM EST there’ll be “multiple showtimes” over the course of a twenty-four hour period. Bigscreen owners will be able to see the film for free.

“Bigscreen’s virtual reality platform offers a new way for fans to experience films in their homes.” Commented Bob Buchi, Paramount Pictures’ President of Worldwide Home Media Distribution. “We’re excited to be a part of this experiment using cutting-edge technology to give fans a new entertainment option.”

It is though likely at this point you’re asking the question of why the decision to broadcast the film in VR in 3D.

“Why 3D movies? The first time we watched a 3D movie in Bigscreen, we were blown away.” Explain Bigscreen in a recent update blog. “It didn’t feel gimmicky. Nobody got headaches. Subtle hints of depth greatly enhanced the immersion. 3D TVs never took off, but this is different, and you need to experience it to believe it. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to watch 3D movies since online video streaming services only provide 2D content. It’s a tedious process to load BluRay discs and watch in Bigscreen. By working directly with movie studios like Paramount, we can provide amazing 3D movies directly to our users, without any additional configuration or hardware.”

As for why it’s not on-demand? There’s a social aspect to going to the cinema that Bigscreen don’t want to lose.

“We want to curate events with amazing 3D movies and video content that people love. Events give VR users a reason to put on the headset every week at a specific time, bringing a critical mass of people online at the same moment and making our social VR events feel alive.”

If a success it is likely that future tie-ups will be possible.  VRFocus will keep you informed of these as we move into 2018.



The VR Job Hub: Opposable Games, Bigscreen, Harman & Respawn Entertainment

Whether you’ve caught the VR bug this week after watching all the Oculus Connect 4 (OC4) announcements, been interested in immersive technology for a while, or you’re currently involved in the VR, AR, MR sphere and want a new challenge, VRFocus has a bunch of roles that might just be of interest.

View the new listings below for more information:

Location Company Role Link
Bristol, UK Opposable Games Unity programmer Click here to apply
Garching, Germany Harman Software Engineer Augmented Reality Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Animator Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Senior Animator Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Senior Environment Artist Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Senior Sound Designer Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Senior VFX Artist Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Senior Sound Designer Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Senior Software Engineer – Generalist Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Software Engineer Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Game Designer Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Senior Game Designer Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Associate Producer Click here to apply
San Fernando Valley, CA Respawn Entertainment Producer Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Senior Unity3D Developer – PC Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Senior Unity3D Developer – Android Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Senior Full-Stack Javascript Programmer Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Backend Engineer Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Senior Win32/Graphics Programmer Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Senior Front-end UI Developer Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Senior Unity3D Designer Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Creative Director Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Lead Avatar Artist Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Lead Environment Artist Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Content Marketer Click here to apply
Remote/Distributed Bigscreen Inc. Video Game Trailer Editor Click here to apply

As usual, you can check last week’s edition for further job listings. If you are an employer looking for someone to fill a role in a VR, AR or other related areas in the industry and want that position to be featured on next week’s VR Job Hub, please send details to either or

Check back with VRFocus next Sunday at 3PM BST and every Sunday for the latest roles in the VR industry.

Bigscreen Raises $11 million to Expand its Virtual Desktop Platform

Bigscreen Inc. launched its virtual reality (VR) virtual desktop platform Bigscreen Beta back in 2016, since then it’s grown adding all sorts of features to watch or play content as well as socialise. Today, the company has announced the closure of a Series A funding round securing the company $11 million USD of investment.

The round was led by True Ventures with participation from Andreessen Horowitz, both of which took part in a funding round earlier in the year which raised $3 million. As part of the round Toni Schneider – partner at True Ventures – will be joining Bigscreen Inc’s board.

Bigscreen will be using the funding to accelerate the development and expansion of its platform even though it didn’t need the cash. In a blog statement, founder and CEO of Bigscreen Darshan Shankar explained: “As a small, fully remote team of developers around the world, we’ve spent very little of our $3 million seed financing. With several years of runway ahead of us, we didn’t need to raise additional funding.

“However, over the past year, Bigscreen has grown significantly to more than a quarter million users. In just the past few months–led by several major product updates – our core metrics grew over 300%. Our power users spend 20–30+ hours using Bigscreen every week, and many users have spent more than 1,000 hours in Bigscreen.”

If you’ve not tried Bigscreen Beta before it’s freely available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets, and it’ll be a launch title for Windows Mixed Reality devices when they arrive next week.

For the latest Bigscreen Beta updates, keep reading VRFocus.

BigScreen Reveals A New Look For You And The App In ‘The Avatar Update’

BigScreen Inc’s popular eponymous virtual reality (VR) application BigScreen for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality has received a new update.

The free to download app, currently undergoing a long Beta period has just announced ‘The Avatar Update’ which, as the name suggests, primarily focuses on developing the ways users can represent themselves whilst using the app. With a selection torso designs for male and female body types, as well as one which is specifically neutral. All off which can be highly customised with whatever look you choose from all manner of clothing options.

This is not the only change however as the developers have also confirming an overhaul to the ways the app’s design is applied. Making interaction via controller, both with new and existing menus and the world around you, far more natural and intuitive. Feedback from users has also led the team to identify a number of bugs, specifically ones causing instability within the app for those users utilizing AMD graphics cards.

Whilst the app is still not ready to shed its Beta label, the update is significant enough that BigScreen has also announced that it will, at least, be moving out of Early Access on Oculus Home. Further updates are of course planned and VRFocus will bring you news about these as they are revealed.  You can check out the Avatar update in action with the video below.

BigScreen Releases Performance Update, Prepares For Version 1.0

It has been a while since we’ve reported on updates on BigScreen since its release almost a year ago, but that does not mean the team at BigScreen Inc have not been busy. The social app, available for free on Oculus Home and Steam allows a desktop to be viewed as a giant screens in a virtual environment, allowing you to work, play videogames or watch videos on Netflix, YouTube or Twitch has been given a ‘huge’ new update as revealed on Reddit by one of BigScreen‘s developers Darshan Shankar.

Shankar, though noting that the update does not add any new features to BigScreen, does confirm a number of significant performance changes some of which had been “silently causing major performance issues” that had been plaguing users – and particularly those who used the Oculus Rift in combination with the app. The update is a stepping stone towards a summertime release of version 1.0, confirmed by Shankar, which seemingly spells the end of it’s period in Beta. 1.0 will be “will be bug-free, high performance, and full of great features”, Shankar assures.

The patch notes are as follows:

  • Major performance bug fixes.
  • Fixed a memory leak inixed crashes in Multiplayer view caused by that memory leak.
  • Fixed bug where BigScreen wouldn’t exit cleanly by the memory leak.
    This resulted in the need to force kill the app via Task Manager.
  • Fixed Asynchronous Spacewarp / reprojection issue.
    ASW always-on caused virtual screen to appear to “tear” and visually glitch, and it cost even more CPU to interpolate the frames (temporary) patch for horrible performance caused by the BigScreen virtual keyboard.
  • Fixed several items that caused crashes.
  • Removed some inefficient code elements.

Additional targets for the development team were also identified in the post, which confirms overhauling multiplayer streaming to provide flawless and optimised HD viewing and well as improvements to the audio.

VRFocus will bring you new of when these updates drop and any further news on the version 1.0 release of BigScreen as the developers release it.