DOOM VFR is a New Game; Story Details Revealed

Today’s reveal of DOOM VFR has been met with significant praise, given that the publisher is targeting both PC and console formats through HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. However more details on the highly anticipated release are coming thick-and-fast, as Bethesda Softworks has now confirmed that DOOM VFR is not simply a remastered version of 2016’s DOOM for virtual reality (VR), but an entirely new entry in the franchise.


DOOM VFR screenshotDeveloped by id Software, the studio that created the DOOM franchise, DOOM VFR casts the player as the last known human survivor of the demonic invasion of the UAC’s Martian research facility. That is, until you yourself are torn from the mortal coil. As part of a top-secret UAC contingency protocol, your consciousness is transferred to an ‘artificial brain matrix’, or in layman’s terms, a robot body. It’s then your sole purpose to restore stability to the facility by using any means necessary. Including a great deal of violence.

Players of DOOM VFR will be able to explore entirely new areas of the UAC facility not seen in last year’s DOOM, as well as use the new abilities of the cybernetic UAC operative. According to Bethesda Softworks:

DOOM VFR brings the fast-paced, brutal gameplay fans of the series love to virtual reality. Immerse yourself in the UAC facility on Mars and the depths of Hell, as your skills are put to the test through intense combat and challenging puzzle-solving. Play as a cybernetic survivor who is activated by the UAC to fight the demon invasion, maintain order, and prevent catastrophic failure at the Mars facility. Lay waste to an army of demonic foes as you explore and interact with the outlandish world of DOOM from an entirely new perspective.”

DOOM VFR will launch late in 2017, alongside Fallout 4 VR, as part of Bethesda Softworks’ first step into VR. Already available for pre-order and confirmed for launch at physical retail, DOOM VFR will be priced at $29.99 USD. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on DOOM VFR and Fallout 4 VR.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR Compatibility Rumours Hit

Rumours have begun circulating that Bethesda Softworks will reveal another virtual reality (VR) compatible title at this month’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Los Angeles. In addition to Fallout 4 VR and the prototype version of DOOM that were both revealed at the event last year, a version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim may also be announced.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim screenshot

The rumours began on 4Chan, a website which is notable for its hit-and-miss leaks. Therefore, the rumour – despite being believable given Bethesda Game Studios’ continued investment in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, following a recent re-release and upcoming Nintendo Switch version – should be taken with a pinch-of-salt at present.

A supposed ‘leaker’ claiming to work internally at Bethesda Game Studios has stated the following:

“There will be a few announcements at E3 one is a new major title from Bethesda themselves aswell. The two Major announcements are Fallout 4 VR and Starfield. They are working on Skyrim VR aswell but they aren’t sure if they are going to show it yet since they don’t want to take the light away from Fallout 4 VR or Starfield. [sic]”

The first clue that the supposed ‘leaker’ may not be accurately informed is that Fallout 4 VR was revealed – and actually playable – at E3 last year. However, the word ‘announced’ could simply be an inaccuracy on the poster’s behalf.


It doesn’t currently look as if the aforementioned Starfield will be VR compatible, however it’s suggested to be part of the same timeline as Bethesda Softworks’ other big franchises.

“The game has actually been in conceptual stages since around Fallout 3’s release. It went into pre production officially very low tier pre production after Skyrims Release. After Fallout 4’s release it went into full pre production and after all the DLC was out they sped into full development.

“The game is going to be a sci fi open world RPG in typical bethesda first person fashion. Its going to feature 5-10 races there’s still some debate on what should and shouldn’t go in and takes place in the Fallout universe just so far in the future and far away from earth that it’ll only be mentioned in hints. This is part of an ongoing planned interconnected universe of every Bethesda franchise. They gave hints of this by implying the Brotherhood of Steel created nirnroot in Fallout 4. They’re getting a little wacky with the lore and using “Elder Scrolls time wounds” to justify lore inconsistencies.

“Basically Fallout is the beginning of the timeline, Starfield is the middle, and Elder Scrolls is Far Future. The game will feature space travel and hub worlds aswell as RNG worlds. Its meant to be a test into more sandboxy/minecraft ish AAA thing but with Bethesda gameplay and still actual designed worlds/quests/etc. [sic]”

The poster wraps up their comments speaking of The Elder Scrolls franchise. Bethesda Game Studios has already stated that another title in the bloodline of the franchise is some time away, however the anonymous poster suggests that it would be coming sooner than expected:

“They have another Fantasy game of a famous franchise in the works. Game of Thrones and preproduction Elder Scrolls VI and conceptual for Elder Scrols VII which is Todds Magnum Opus. [sic]”


A lot of information has been included then, but very little in the way of evidence. We’re expecting more details on the VR edition of Fallout 4 for Xbox One/Project Scorpio and other formats, as well as a potential release for DOOM in VR. Will we see any further announcements from Bethesda Softworks? VRFocus will of course keep you updated.

VR vs. Nostradamus – Part 3

Okay boys and girls, this is the last week of this, I promise. But it does set us up nicely for what comes afterwards and there are some relatively big topics still to address. Before we get to that there is some other business to attend to, since I was asked whether or not this weekend just gone’s live streamed HTC Vive tournament counted for my ‘VR Only eSports Tournament’ prediction. In short, the answer is no. Had I been aware of it at the time of writing I would’ve been slightly clearer of course; but this tournament would need to be slightly bigger in scale than a live stream by one of the platform holders.  That said, it was very nice to see and another indication that perhaps what I inferred isn’t that far away.

Casting the runes out onto the carpet the fates say…
Bethesda Pulls The Trigger

It may be hard to recall right now in 2017, but do you remember the excitement at E3 when Bethesda surprised the world with not just a DOOM VR experience but a Fallout 4 experience as well? We’ve heard precious little about either experience since August and you’ve got to wonder what with the team have learnt whether or not we might see something more whole at this year’s E3. So that’s my prediction, Bethesda, a year later come back with a full and proper experience and not just a demo. VRFocus described DOOM VR as “a great showcase” and Fallout 4 as “woefully short”, but in all honesty I’d like to see both get their due on the HTC Vive.

If one of the more mainstream studios is going to be brave and be the one to go for it Bethesda is not a bad bet.

Staring at the dripping wax from the candle I see…
China Rises

We’ve talked about it on a number of occasions but whether it is industry or football, China’s rise to a true powerhouse (economic in this case) has been on the cards for some time. Ignoring the politics the country is very good at getting its ducks all in a row and China look set to be by the end of 2017 a VR power in waiting. Certainly it will become a talking point at the end of the year as to who will be the industry leader in the Asian block.

VR in China

Using a whirlybird fortune teller I can tell you will marry David from your Geography class, and also that…
Apple Waits

Will they? Won’t they? They will, but not just yet. Apple will of course enter the VR/AR fray at some point it’s as nailed on as you can get. As I’ve mentioned before the company is not keen to let rivals get a head start on them, but in this instance Apple might just be playing the smart long game. Letting everyone else do the developing and the building before storming in with something to kick off a Gen 3 perhaps?

For me though it’s more that Apple simply have other things to concern themselves with at this time. People aren’t happy with the company, they’ve still – somehow – got lawsuits and court cases about patents and tax to deal with and more importantly they’ve a product line that their customer base is growing in burn out and disinterest.  Do they really want to leap into battle against Facebook, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, etc?  A year to steady the ship with some solid crowd-pleasing updates and a 2018 when they can then go on the offensive.

Holding the swinging pendulum it indicates…
VR Does What Nintendon’t

So the Nintendo Switch (*insert click noise here*) announcement occurred and naturally everyone lost their minds, before a very high percentage proceeded to lose the contents of their wallets as well. 2017 I feel will bring much more of the same from ol’ Ninty when it comes to VR.

Person X isn’t keen, it doesn’t work. Person Y is keen, it does work. Person Z suggests it is something the company has to look into and in fact they are. Round and round and round it goes. Where it stops nobody knows. Least of all X, Y and Z.

No headset will be announced for the Switch – which is just as well in some ways based on the pricing of some of the peripherals. Nintendo will continue to um and arr and be grumpy that you, me, and everyone else keep asking them about it. Much like the SEGA advert of old, whatever anyone says when it comes to VR Nintendon’t and Nintenwon’t.

Reaching out into the void for consultation with the spirits of the dead I pause for a moment-
And Speaking Of SEGA…

Where the heck is SEGA? No really. If you look at SEGA historically they’ve been frightfully keen since they went third-party to get in on the ground floor with new technology and have something ready from the get go. Flinging an old franchise or an evergreen franchise at the tech in the hope that if it sticks it’ll see them in prime position. This has not worked particularly well in the past, (trust me, I’ve worked on some of them) yet they have persisted. Be it SEGA Superstars on EyeToy, Sonic Free Riders and Rise Of Nightmares (whose artwork seems to get plagiarised a lot on horror image asset packs) on the first Kinect. That Sonic deal with Nintendo on the Wii U? Remember that?

For VR though? They’ve had a couple of Hatsune Miku games of course. They did have those for launch of the PlayStation VR. (Not that they yelled particularly loudly about it.) But that’s tempered by the fact that,well… Their name might feature in one of the titles but Miku and the Vocaloid brigade aren’t exactly SEGA’s intellectual property.


Has anyone even mentioned SEGA’s franchise library in the VR discussion yet? I’m not talking about Creative Assembly wafting a 360 video at us that one time. An actual SEGA game.

I predict 2017 will rectify that and we will have a familiar traditional SEGA franchise on the books for VR. Maybe even a resurrected one. There’s plenty to choose from. So many that it gives me an idea. Come back next week as I go through the ten franchises SEGA would be crazy not to bring to VR.