Beat Saber to Feature PlayStation VR Exclusive Features

If there’s one virtual reality (VR) videogame that has caught the imagination of HTC Vive and Oculus Rift players at the moment then it’s Beat Games (previously Hyberbolic Magnetism) Beat Saber. Having launched in Early Access on Steam and Oculus Store, the studio confirmed last month that PlayStation VR would be getting its own version. Now it appears that PlayStation VR owners will be getting exclusives as well.

Beat Saber Screenshot

In an interview with GamesBeat, Beat Games CEO Jaroslav Beck revealed that PlayStation VR owners would be getting unique gameplay features, whilst adding: “There will be quite a lot of things we would like to deliver to PS VR exclusively, but it’s a little too soon to talk about it. Stay tuned!”

As for those fans worried that the PlayStation VR version will be a downgraded copy then don’t be, with Beck saying: “We were very surprised that we don’t have to make many changes. PlayStation is capable to deliver almost 1-to-1 experience as we have on PC right now.”

Additionally, for those that do happen to own a PlayStation 4 Pro, it “will render the game in higher resolution, and some of the effects will have higher details,” Beck confirms.

Beat Saber Screenshot

Currently though there’s no confirmed release date for the PlayStation VR version, simply ‘later this year.’ This is likely due to the team working on several other aspects of the videogame as well.

First of all there’s going to be an official level editor for fans to create their own tracks. After which Beat Games plan of launching a multiplayer component so players can compete side-by-side on the same level for the best score. And lastly, announced last week is the Beat Saber Arcadean official licensing initiative by the studio so location-based entertainment (LBE) venues can purchase and use the title.

So there’s masses going on. As soon as further details are released by Beat Games, VRFocus will let you know.

Beat Saber PSVR Will Have Exclusive Features, PS4 Pro Support

Beat Saber PSVR Will Have Exclusive Features, PS4 Pro Support

It sounds like you won’t have to worry about the PSVR version of Beat Saber being downgraded from its PC sibling too much.

Speaking to GamesBeat this week, Beat Games CEO Jaroslav Beck noted that the console experience — which was announced at E3 last month — will be very similar to the version Rift and Vive owners are enjoying right now. “We were very surprised that we don’t have to make many changes,” he said. “PlayStation is capable to deliver almost 1-to-1 experience as we have on PC right now.”

Like the PS4 that runs PSVR is capable of amazing VR experiences, it’s not as powerful as most of the PCs that run the Rift and Vive, which means ports of PC VR games to PSVR usually suffer in terms of performance and graphical fidelity. It’s great to hear that Beat Saber might not face the same challenges though, considering the game is simply a set of streaming notes arriving on time with a beat, we’re not too surprised.

It’s also worth noting Beat Saber should work perfectly with PSVR’s 180 degree tracking, too, which is another issue PC VR games usually run into when porting.

Beck also confirmed the PS4 Pro version of the game will render at higher resolution and effects will have more details. Not only that, but the developer is working on “quite of lot” of features that will appear exclusively in the PSVR version of the game. It’s apparently too soon to talk about it, though we wouldn’t be surprised to hear that some new tracks were exclusive to this version of the game.

There’s still no word on exactly when Beat Saber will arrive on PSVR but we’re keeping our eyes peeled.

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Beat Saber Arcade-Version soll in wenigen Wochen erscheinen

Das Entwicklerstudio Beat Games reitet weiter auf der Welle des Erfolgs und erweitert kontinuierlich seine Reichweite. Nach dem Multiplayer-Modus kündigte das Team kürzlich eine spezielle Arcade-Version des VR-Hits Beat Saber an. Damit verfolgen die Verantwortlichen einen lange gehegten Plan, indem sie eine kommerziell nutzbare Lizenz des Spiels veröffentlichen. Damit zieht der Rhythmus-Titel bald in die lokalen Arcade-Hallen ein. Der lang ersehnte Level-Editor für die heimischen Brillen ist weiterhin in Arbeit und soll ebenso bald erscheinen.

Beat Saber Arcade-Version – Musikalischer Lichtschwertkampf in lokalen Arcades

Die Entwickler/innen von Beat Games kündigten kürzlich eine Arcade-Version von Beat Saber an. Auf der offiziellen Webseite schreiben die Verantwortlichen, dass dieser Schritt bereits seit Anbeginn geplant war, allerdings durch die lang währende Arbeit an zusätzlichen Features zunächst nach hinten verschoben wurde.

Das Entwicklerstudio setzte seinen Fokus zunächst auf den kommenden Level-Editor, der sich von einer großen Spielerschaft gewünscht wird. Auch der Build für die PSVR-Adaption des Spiels hatte lange Zeit höhere Priorität als die Erhöhung der Reichweite auf Arcade-Hallen. Dabei wünschte sich das Team von Beat Games seit Anbeginn seinen Erfolgstitel nicht nur für die eigenen Vier Wände, sondern auch für eine breitere Masse zugänglich zu machen.

Beat Saber

Das schwertschwingende Gameplay des VR-Rhythmusspiels passt dank der reichen Bewegungsfreude optimal in die Umgebung der Spielehallen. Zeitgleich nutzen die Verantwortlichen die Ankündigung, um sich bei der gesamten Community für das reiche positive Feedback und die Geduld der Spieler/innen zu bedanken.

Die Arcade-Version von Beat Saber soll bereits in wenigen Wochen veröffentlicht werden. Weitere Informationen darüber, in welche Arcades der VR-Titel einziehen wird und wie man eine legale kommerzielle Lizenz erhält, sollen in Kürze erscheinen. Der Level-Editor für die heimischen Brillen soll ebenso in naher Zukunft folgen.

(Quellen: Beat Saber Arcade)

Der Beitrag Beat Saber Arcade-Version soll in wenigen Wochen erscheinen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Beat Saber Arcade Coming Soon For Official Use At Out-of-Home VR Centers

Beat Saber Arcade Coming Soon For Official Use At Out-of-Home VR Centers

Legal use of VR software at VR arcades is a rampant issue in the industry. If you’re going to operate a commercial out-of-home VR experience center then you need to handle licensing issues (we’ve got a detailed guide on how to do things properly here) which often means commercial versions of popular games. In order to facilitate that revenue stream, the folks behind Beat Saber are releasing an official Beat Saber Arcade edition very soon.

Today, the company announced the new version with this landing page that states:

“It is so important to us that you have the very best experience with our game wherever you play it. We couldn’t be more grateful for the positive response from the Beat Saber community and hope you find our delay to make earlier arcade announcements more a reflection of our commitment to quality than anything else.

But now we are just a few weeks away from releasing the arcade version! More details will soon follow where you will be able to find Beat Saber and get a legal commercial license.”

More details should be coming soon. We know the PSVR version of Beat Saber is currently in development, you can download lots of custom tracks, and the studio is even working on a multiplayer update as well. They’ve already sold over 100,000 copies and this new Arcade edition will likely be another smashing success for the small studio.

Let us know what you think of the news down in the comments below!

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2018 VR Award Nominations Highlight Skyrim, Beat Saber, Coco, And More

2018 VR Award Nominations Highlight Skyrim, Beat Saber, Coco, And More

Nominations are in for the 2018 VR Awards which is put on by VR Bound and judged by an expert panel. As of today there’s a shortlist of nominees for 12 different categories including headset of the year, VR game of the year, and even best marketing.

Last year marked the first-ever VR Awards with Rift taking home best headset and Raw Data securing VR game of the year — among a long list of winners. Comparatively, for UploadVR’s 2017 awards, we selected the Samsung Odyssey and Lone Echo/Echo Arena respectively as our winners for those categories.

Here are this year’s nominees:

VR Headset of the Year Nominees

HTC – Vive Pro

Oculus – Go

VRgineers Inc. – VRHero 5K Plus

HTC – Vive Focus

VR Game of the Year Nominees

Bethesda Softworks – Fallout 4 VR

Bethesda Softworks – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

Beat Games – Beat Saber

Survios Inc. – Sprint Vector

Ready At Dawn – Lone Echo / Echo Arena

Hidden Path Entertainment – Brass Tactics

Vertical Robot – Red Matter

VRWERX – Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul

ARVORE Immersive Experiences – Pixel Ripped 1989 (currently unreleased)

inXile Entertainment – The Mage’s Tale

Cloudhead Games Ltd. – The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone

Electric Hat Games – TO THE TOP

nDreams – Shooty Fruity

VR Experience of the Year Nominees

REWIND – Silicon Valley: Inside The Hacker Hostel

Framestore – A Moon For All Mankind

Magnopus – Coco VR

Magnopus – Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab

Preloaded and BBC Worldwide – BBC Earth: Life in VR – California Coast

Tomorrow Never Knows – The Day The World Changed

Flight School – Manifest 99

Framestore – Sky4DVR

Human Interact – Starship Commander

Interactive Media Foundation gGmbHl – Ulm Stories – The Dream of Flying

NextVR – NBA League Pass in NextVR: 2017-2018 Regular Season

VR Film of the Year Nominees

Baobab Studios – Asteroids!


Pink Kong Studios – Aurora

Room One Films – The Committee

Lucid Dreams Productions – The Sun Ladies

Olympic Channel & Jaunt – Trending Gold

Vision3 – My Africa

NSC Creative – Vestige

FoxNext VR Studio – Isle of Dogs Behind the Scenes (in Virtual Reality)

TopDogVR – Speed Kills VR

VR Marketing of the Year Nominees

ILMxLAB – Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay

Flight School and Momentum Worldwide – GMC Rangeland Derby VR

BackLight – L’Oreal / Diesel Only the Brave

Pebble Studios – Pebble Studios: DuckTales | 360° Adventure: The Lost Key of Tralla La

Magnopus – Coco VR

Somewhere Else – Delicatessen

GrandPano – SPP – SMART HOME

Magnopus – Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab

Welcomm (working together with Bravo!/Plato Reality) – Melbourne, meet your new train

TAKELEAP – IKEA Virtual Reality Store

Audi and ZeroLIght – Audi VR Experience

Rising VR Company of the Year Nominees

Flight School


VRgineers Inc.

Fast Travel Games AB

Neurogaming Limited

Cooperative Innovations

Innovative VR Company of the Year Nominees

Striker VR






Human Interact

Visbit Inc.


Gravity Sketch

VR Education of the Year Nominees

Schell Games – HoloLAB Champions

MEL Science – MEL Chemistry VR

Elara Systems – Alcon Virtual Eye Experience

ITI, United Rentals, & Serious Labs – VR Crane & Equipment Operator Training Simulator Suite

Alliander – Alliander Virtual Platform

VR Factory – Bartender VR Simulator

MEDIASQUAD Medienentwicklungs- und Vertriebs-GmbH – Pharmaceutical Line Clearance VR Training

FarBridge, Inc. – MasterWorks: Journey Through History

VR Healthcare of the  Year Nominees

Elara Systems – Alcon Virtual Eye Experience

Medis Media – 3D Organon VR Anatomy – Enterprise edition

VRHealth – First Certified VR Medical Device Company in the world

Rescape Innovation Ltd – DR.VR

Infinite MR – Cigna Peak Challenge


Virti – Virti

appliedVR – EaseVR

NUMENA Virtual Reality Architects – B. Braun Spine Days

Out-of-Home VR Entertainment of the Year Nominees

ILMxLAB and The VOID  – Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire

Figment Productions – Kraken Unleashed, SeaWorld Orlando

Framestore – A Moon For All Mankind

BackLight – Eclipse

Neurogaming Limited – World of Tanks VR


Kynoa – Koliseum Soccer VR

Neurogaming Limited – PolygonVR

Frontgrid – ParadropVR

VR Social Impact Award Nominees


The Distillery – What Will Your Day Bring?

Flight School – Evolution of Testicles

The Guardian Media Group – The Party – A virtual experience of autism

Virtual Dream Foundation – Virtual Dream

CNN – Global Warning – Arctic Melt

VISYON – Window to our World

VR CITY – Malaria: Life on the frontline

Animal Equality – The Dairy Industry in 360 Degrees

VR Architecture and Real Estate of the Year Nominees

GrandPano – ALL in ONE VR for architecture

Virtual Worlds – Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre

Overstruct – Overstruct

Nanopixel – Bostoen – Creating your dream house before it’s even built

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Beat Saber Arcade to be Officially Rolled Out for Location-Based Entertainment

Simple yet ludicrously addictive, Myperbolic Magnetism’s Beat Saber is still in Early Access yet enjoying phenomenal success on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. While players are still awaiting a level editor which the studio has previously mentioned, the team has made an unexpected announcement, that Beat Saber will be available for commercial licensing later this month.  

Beat Saber Screenshot

Location-based entertainment (LBE) venues have been growing in number and popularity over the past year, with studios working in virtual reality (VR) using that growth to license their videogames and make some money – something which is harder to do via the consumer market.

This is obviously an avenue Hyperbolic Magnetism is keen to capitalise on due to Beat Saber’s easy to pickup gameplay style. In a statement the studio said: “It has always been our intention to provide Beat Saber for audiences both at home and in arcades, yet our small team has been so excitedly heads down adding new features like the soon to be released level editor and a build for PSVR, that it took us longer than expected to create the version most playable in arcades.

“It is so important to us that you have the very best experience with our game wherever you play it. We couldn’t be more grateful for the positive response from the Beat Saber community and hope you find our delay to make earlier arcade announcements more a reflection of our commitment to quality than anything else.”

Beat Saber Screenshot

The plan is to make the arcade version and the legal commercial license available in the next few weeks, with the studio still to specify how commercial venues go about gaining said license.

Another feature still to be released is multiplayer. With the first version expected to be a competitive realtime multiplayer, where players compete against each other to get the best score on a specific level, this would ideally suit an arcade setup with multiple devices. So maybe this will all happen at the same time? As further details are released, VRFocus will keep you informed.

‘Beat Saber Arcade’ Coming Soon for Sanctioned Use in VR Arcades

Beat Saber, the acclaimed VR rhythm game, is soon to get a special version, Beat Saber Arcade, which will offer officially sanctioned use of the game in out-of-home VR arcades.

Despite Beat Saber’s seamingly perfect fit for VR arcades—thanks to its ease of understanding and quick fun—developer Beat Games hasn’t yet offered a means of commercial licensing for the game, which would give VR arcade operators the rights to offer the game to their customers.

Today the company announced that Beat Saber Arcade will be released in “a few weeks,” and further said they had planned to offer commercial licensing from the beginning but that the small indie team has been stretched working on the forthcoming level editor and the PSVR version of the game.

“We couldn’t be more grateful for the positive response from the Beat Saber community and hope you find our delay to make earlier arcade announcements more a reflection of our commitment to quality than anything else,” the company writes.

'Beat Saber' to Get a Multiplayer Mode, Custom Avatars & Sabers Considered

The studio says they’ll release more details soon as to when and where Beat Saber Arcade will be available.

While the existing version of Beat Saber is already a good fit for VR arcades, we expect the arcade version will use local leaderboards by default, and possibly have some additional customizations to enhance the game for the arcade setting.

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Beat Saber Livestream: Custom Songs Like Beat It, Take On Me, And More

Beat Saber Livestream: Custom Songs Like Beat It, Take On Me, And More

We’re diving back into Beat Saber for today’s livestream and focusing on our massive catalog of great custom tracks the community has produced. I’ve got 40 different custom tracks installed, plus the game’s original 10, so we should have plenty of content to peruse on today’s stream.

If you’re unaware, Beat Saber is what you get when you mix DDR-style rhythm game with lightsabers and VR. Instead of stepping on arrows you’re slashing boxes and it’s one of the most satisfying things you can do in VR this side of The Lab.

Here’s our full Early Access review for more about why we love it.

We’ll be livestreaming Beat Saber on PC using an HTC Vive starting very soon (which means we’ll start at approximately 2:45PM PT) and aim to last for about an hour or so. We’re going to use Restream to hit both YouTube and Twitch at the same time!

You can see our archived streams all in this one handy Livestream playlist over on the official UploadVR YouTube channel (which you should totally subscribe to by the way). We’re also rebooting our Twitch channel too.

Let us know which games you want us to livestream next and if you want to see more Beat Saber in the future. Comment with any feedback down below!

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Become a High Score Master Thanks to New Beat Saber Video

It was only released in May as an Early Access title yet Hyperbolic Magnetism’s Beat Saber has caught the imagination of virtual reality (VR) fans across the world, becoming an instant hit whilst garnering a big modding community to add further songs. Whether you’re new to the wonders of Beat Saber or a light saber expert, you may have wondered exactly how the scoring system works in the videogame. Well question no more as the studio has released a handy video to explain.

Beat Saber Screenshot

Of course the main challenge of Beat Saber is to hit each block in the correct direction in time with the song’s beat. But doing that will only net you so many points. The trick to achieving maximum points, getting and ‘S’ ranking and getting on those leaderboards is the quality of the swing.

The video posted on the Beat Saber twitter goes into more detail but essentially each swing needs to be as long as possible to achieve 100 points, and it doesn’t even need to be straight. For a further ten points get the cut as close to the centre of the cube as possible. So there’s a maximum of 110 points for each block.

This is all makes sense and sounds easy enough, although trying to ensure such lengthy swings in the higher difficulty modes is easier said than done, but at least you now now how to beat your mates highscore.

Beat Saber arrived on Steam Early Access for the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality devices on 1st May 2018. PlayStation VR compatibility then arrived in the run up to the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2018. Hyperbolic Magnetism has been working on Beat Saber since 2016 and plan to exit Early Access by the end of this year. As further details about the videogame are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

‘Beat Saber’ Scoring Explained – It’s All in the Technique

With the release of Oculus Quest, more and more players are jumping into Beat Saber. And while it’s easy enough to cut cubes to the beat, there’s a trick to achieving the highest score. Here’s how scoring works in Beat Saber.

Beat Saber requires decent timing to slice directional blocks on the beat, but unlike most rhythm games, getting the highest score is about swing technique, not perfect timing. If you’ve found yourself wondering ‘how do I get the highest score in Beat Saber‘, you aren’t alone—the details of the scoring mechanics aren’t well explained in the game itself, but luckily you’ve come to the right place.

This video from developer Beat Games shows that swinging in a wide arc (both before and after your cut) is key to achieving getting the most points out of each cut, while the alignment of your cut also helps to a degree.

While the video is correct in concept (and applies to all versions of the game), the score and angle values have been tweaked slightly; here’s a breakdown of the three factors at play.

  • Swing angle before cut – 100 degrees ideally
  • Swing angle after cut  – 60 degrees ideally
  • Center cut – closer to center of arrow means earns additional points

Collectively, both the swing angle before and after the cut contribute up to 100 points. The centrality of the cut contribute up to 15, meaning you can get a maximum of 115 point per note.

Of course there’s also the combo counter which you can see in-game on the right which stacks up to 8x for consecutive cuts and multiplies each cut score accordingly but drops back to 1x if you miss a block.

The key to going above A to achieve S and SS ranks is holding a steady combo and having the ideal cut technique.

If you’re hunting to top scores, check out the Practice Mode (activated on any song by tapping the graduation cap icon). With Practice Mode in Beat Saber you can play specific parts of the track and even play in slow motion to learn complex block patterns. While you practice, remember that swing angle contributes much more to your score (up to 100 points per block) than cut centrality (up to 15 points per block), so you’ll want to prioritize accordingly.

'Beat Saber' Gets Imagine Dragons DLC Music Pack, New 360 Game Mode Coming Soon

Released in May, 2018 for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows VR, Beat Saber quickly became one of the best selling VR games to date, passing one million units sold in less than a year. The game has since become available on both PSVR and Oculus Quest.

The studio is currently planning on bringing multiplayer, custom avatars, and custom sabers to the game, which would certainly add the already massively fun game a new dimension on top of their soon-to-come custom level maker.

The post ‘Beat Saber’ Scoring Explained – It’s All in the Technique appeared first on Road to VR.