9 Oculus Rift Apps That Have To Be Ported To Santa Cruz

9 Oculus Rift Apps That Have To Be Ported To Santa Cruz

Yesterday we broke the news that Oculus is tentatively targetting a Q1 2019 release for its Santa Cruz standalone VR headset. The news doesn’t come as too much of a surprise given Oculus’ Rift and Go devices both got early releases in their respective launch years. What did raise eyebrows, though, is the news that the VR specialist is keen to port many of the games that have launched on Rift over the past two years to its new device.

With its sensor-free inside-out tracking, Santa Cruz technically should be almost as capable as the Rift on the tracking front, though there were a few small hiccups when we last tried it at Oculus Connect 4. Spec-wise, though, the headset almost certainly won’t measure up to the high-end PCs that power the Rift, which makes speculating about what games could make their way over an entertaining task.

Below, then, we’ve listed nine Rift apps that we think absolutely must come to Santa Cruz. It would be easy to just repeat our existing list of the best Rift games you can play today, but we’ve taken technical ambition into heavy consideration for this list. We’d love to see Echo Arena on a mobile device, for example, but it feels like too big of an ask (we’d be happy to be wrong of course).

Beat Saber

We recently saw someone on Reddit say that if Santa Cruz has Beat Saber as a launch title then it’s basically going to print money. There probably isn’t a better way to put it; Beat Games’ Star Wars-style rhythm action game is arguably the closest we’ve yet gotten to VR’s killer app, attracting plenty of attention for its lightsaber-fuelled gameplay. It’s so popular that people are even ripping it off with very little effort to conceal it.

The chance to play Beat Saber tether-free is just too tempting to pass up, and would really encourage us to lose ourselves in the music more than ever. Add to that the fact that incoming features like multiplayer and a track editor will be much closer to completion by the time Santa Cruz launch rolls around and this could be the biggest game on the platform.

Blasters of the Universe

If I had to pick a wave shooter to be ported to Santa Cruz (and, let’s be honest, there’s probably plenty of them coming) it would have to be Secret Location’s stylish Saturday morning tribute. Why? Because Blasters of the Universe is as much about dodging as it is attacking. It’s a bullet hell game, which means you need to avoid a steady stream of projectiles being shot right at your face. Can you think of any better test for the headset’s inside-out tracking?

As a showcase of VR’s ability to put you right in the action, Blasters of the Universe is one of the best examples currently out there. With a deep weapon customization system and an endless game mode, there’s more than enough here to keep you entertained and it’s simple enough for anyone to pick up and play.

Apex Construct

We probably wouldn’t have put Apex Construct on this list if it weren’t for the fact that Fast Travel Games showcased a mobile VR version of the game running on Gear VR back at GDC 2018. While the results were promising, Gear’s lack of positional tracking and its 3DOF controller aren’t ideally suited to Apex’s world-spanning adventure. Santa Cruz, though, is the perfect remedy for that.

Apex Construct offers one of that most-requested of things, a full single-player campaign in a VR game that isn’t a wave shooter. It might not be ground-breaking from a design perspective, but its mix of intriguing story and engaging combat lays a great foundation for what to expect in the future, and it’s definitely worth playing in its own right.

Superhot VR

If Beat Saber isn’t VR’s killer app then Superhot VR is next in line. This hugely popular spin-off is a winning mix of time-halting mechanics and VR’s robust tracking options, creating a shooter in which every tiny twist of the head or movement of the hand matters. You have to kill all enemies in a level before they kill you, making for an incredibly tense and expertly-designed experience in which you set the pace.

Superhot might be a little more on the ambitious side of this list, but it’s definitely one of the most essential choices. Nearly two years on from its original release and it still hasn’t been topped in terms of raw excitement and accessibility. There’s still nothing else quite like Superhot VR, and that’s exactly why Santa Cruz needs it so badly.

The Climb

Another more ambitious addition; The Climb remains one of the most visually impressive VR experiences on the Rift. That said, it’s also one of the most popular games on the platform and one of the best to quickly demonstrate VR’s transformative power to put you in an entirely different place leading out an entirely different life.

With that in mind, then, we’d implore Crytek to get to work scaling down the sparkling graphics in order to get an otherwise-simplistic game running on Santa Cruz. Clambering up the sides of mountains and cliffs remains one of the most thrilling and intuitive experiences that you can have in VR. Part of what’s so amazing about The Climb is the simple fact that it works, even when your feet are still rooted to the ground. Santa Cruz is the perfect way to showcase that.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

When we’d go hands-on with Star Trek: Bridge Crew pre-launch Ubisoft would have a four-player setup in one room. Even though we were all meeting in VR, having your friends in the same room really helped enhance the experience, allowing us to communicate with great ease and all sharing in the laughter as we blew up aliens. Sadly, as good as the final release is, bringing four PCs and four VR headsets into the same room with all the necessary sensors just isn’t feasible for many.

On Santa Cruz, though, it most certainly is. We can totally see ourselves heading over to a friend’s house for VR game nights in which we pilot the Enterprise and beam people up. True, we still probably won’t have many friends that buy Santa Cruz, but cross-play support with non-VR platforms and PSVR might make this more of a reality, too. This is one place Santa Cruz boldly needs to go.

Google Earth VR

So far the incredible Google Earth VR has eluded mobile VR platforms, including Google’s own Daydream devices. Santa Cruz really needs to buck that trend, though, because there really isn’t a better way to quickly demonstrate the power of VR that strapping the entire world to their head and letting them explore to their heart’s content.

Google Earth VR allows you to go anywhere, so it’s only right that it comes to a headset that allows you to do the same. Plus, we’d love to see an updated take on the app that perhaps adds some next locations and maybe even integrates without mobile Google VR apps like Street View in some way.

Rec Room

Rec Room is another app that hasn’t made its way to mobile headsets just yet, but with Santa Cruz’s inside-out tracking now is the perfect time to port the best social VR platform out there over. Against Gravity’s ever-expanding platform has made a name for itself as one of the most positive and entertaining places to meet up with people in VR, and it’s time to let anyone get a taste of that.

Rec Room allows you to do anything from play sports to paintball with friends around the world. A VR enthusiast telling their gamer friends that they could be playing dodgeball or taking part in co-op quests if they buy this single piece of VR equipment could be a huge selling point for Santa Cruz. This has to happen.


We’ll dream just a little for our final entry. Onward is one of the most complete, comprehensive multiplayer VR experiences on Rift, though its relatively simplistic visuals have us hoping we could get at least some form of port onto Santa Cruz. Even if it meant a sacrifice to player count or map size, it’s something that should be considered.

Onward has made a name for itself thanks to its realistic competitive combat that answered a call few other developers were addressing at the time of release. Competition might be stiffer by 2019 but the remarkable work Downpour Interactive has done sustaining the experience thus far has us confident it could thrive on Santa Cruz.

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Beat Saber PSVR, Firewall, Blood And Truth And More Are Playable In The UK This Weekend

Beat Saber PSVR, Firewall, Blood And Truth And More Are Playable In The UK This Weekend

If you’re in the UK, you know this weekend in the last bank holiday for a while. That means it’s the last chance to plan a lengthy three-day break and then look back at it all next Tuesday and realize you wasted everything unsuccessfully trying to speedrun Superhot VR. That is unless you head to this weekend’s Insomnia 63 event, where there’s a bunch of new PSVR games making their UK debut.

Beat Saber, the incredibly popular rhythm action game from Beat Games, is going to be playable at the Birmingham-based show this weekend, for example. As far as we know, this is the first chance people in Europe have had to go hands-on with the console version of the game, which is pretty funny seeing as I just got back from Gamescom and pretty much all Sony was showing on headsets there was Firewall and Astrobot (which are both at Insomnia too). There’s some snaps of the stand below.

As you can see Sony is also showing flashy puzzling tribute Tetris Effect at the show and Sony London’s anticipated shooter, Blood & Truth is there too. It’s a good chance to try out Firewall before it launches next week, at least.

Beat Saber PSVR was announced back at E3 earlier this year, though we don’t know when it’s launching yet. In the game, you wield two lightsaber-like swords, slashing colored notes that arrive in time with a beat. We love it, you love it, and PSVR owners are almost certainly going to love it too. Beat Games is promising a perfect port of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive game complete with PS4 Pro support and even exclusive features.

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11 Great ‘Beat Saber’ Custom Songs Worth Playing

If you’ve only played Beat Saber’s default levels, you’re missing out! A community of enthusiasts have created lots of unofficial levels which are easy to install, many featuring recognizable tunes that make the game even more fun. We’ve got a list of 11 great community-made custom songs for Beat Saber that are definitely worth a try.

First thing’s first: if you haven’t installed any custom songs for Beat Saber yet, click over to this simple guide to install the mods you need to download and play custom songs.

Second: this list is focused on Expert-level play; if you’re still playing Beat Saber at Hard or lower difficulty, consider continuing to practice with the default levels, as custom songs skew toward even higher difficulty, and not all custom songs include difficulties easier than Expert and Hard (some have Expert+!).

New 'Beat Saber' Song 'Angel Voices' Now Unlocked by Default

So, once you’ve got the mods installed, you’ll find a ‘Beatsaver’ button insider of Beat Saber on the main menu. Clicking on it will show you all of the custom songs available for download. There’s many to choose from, but the quality of each beat map can be hit or miss. So here’s some fun and challenging songs to get started (don’t miss the ‘Search’ button at the top of the list inside the game to find these easily):

  • Believer – Imagine Dragons (Beat map by Rustic)
  • Uptown Funk – Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars (Beat map by BennyDaBeast)
  • Hyper Drive – Jaroslav Beck, Generdyn (Beat map author unknown)
  • New Dawn – PrototypeRaptor (Beat map by Rustic)
  • Popcorn Funk – Monstaz. (Beat map by Rustic)
  • Can’t’ Stop The Feeling! – Justin Timberlake (Beat map by BennyDaBeast)
  • Uso No Hibana (V2 fixed) – 96Neko (Beat map by WinEpic)
  • Never Sleep Alone – Kaskade (Beat map author unknown)
  • Burn – Ellie Goulding (Beat map by BennyDaBeast)
  • X Gon’ Give It To Ya – DMX (Beat map by attackpanda11)
  • Harder Better Faster Stronger – Daft Punk (Beat map by RunRockGame)

It seems that the best Beat Saber levels find a way to make your movements reflect the feeling of each song, and that’s certainly exhibited in many of the above. Thanks to all the community members who have put these quality beat maps together for the rest of us.

Know a great custom song for Beat Saber that’s not on this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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Someone Turned All Of Shrek Into A Beat Saber Track (Yes, Really)

Someone Turned All Of Shrek Into A Beat Saber Track (Yes, Really)

Someone has turned all of the first Shrek movie into an 83-minute Beat Saber track. Yes, really.

ShrekSaber, which I really can’t believe I just typed, is now available to download for the ever-popular VR rhythm game. Yes, a modder named KingPeuche has taken the entirety of the ogre’s original adventure and mapped it to one mammoth level in the Star Wars-inspired title. Notes are stuck to the soundtrack, but all of the dialogue is in there too. It’s like Shrek the audiobook… the VR game.

This guy streamed it, just in case you still don’t believe me.

Watch #SHREKTOURNEY – Literally 1.5 hours of the Shrek Movie Tournament Style from BennyDaBeastLIVE on www.twitch.tv

That means immortal hits like Smash Mouth’s All Star and actually immortal hits like Hallelujah are now available inside Beat Saber, you just have to play through a lot of unbearably cheesy movie to get there.

It took KingPeuche over 120 hours to make ShrekSaber. The modder told Beat Saber fansite, bsaber, that they had often seen requests for Shrek and Bee Movie (yes, really, Bee Movie) to be mapped to the game.

“Sure it’s time consuming, but not only is it for Shrek, it’s for the history books,” Peuche told the site. “I’ve yet to see any rhythm game have an entire film be mapped. I think this would make a lot of people happy, and the initial support I received from the modding staff and community really gave me a push. I would spend most of my free time mapping anyways, so I figured I may as well use that time to make history.”

Well, history has certainly been made.

Oh and, don’t worry, KingPeuche is planning to map Shrek 2, too. VR is saved!

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Beat Saber: Mann verliert 83 Kilogramm dank VR-Workout

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Beat Saber macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern verbrennt zudem reichlich Kalorien. Ein engagierter Spieler hatte daran so viel Freude, dass er den VR-Titel schlicht und einfach zum Training nutzte und eine 30-minütige Workout-Routine entwickelte. Der VR-Enthusiast nahm nach einigen Schicksalsschlägen massiv an Gewicht zu und suchte aufgrund von körperlichen Problemen nach einer passenden Trainingsmethode, die er innerhalb des VR-Rhythmusspiels fand – mit beeindruckenden Ergebnissen.

Beat Saber – VR-Workout bringt Gewichtsverlust und neuen Lebensmut

Robert Long musste einige Schicksalsschläge erleben. Der Familienvater wurde in zwei Autounfälle verwickelt, die nicht nur körperliche, sondern auch seelische Schäden hinterließen. Als Folge der Kollisionen blieben permanente Rücken- und Nackenbeschwerden, welche die Bewegungsmöglichkeiten des Unfallopfers extrem einschränkten. Zusätzlich kämpfte er mit Angstzuständen und Depressionen, was sich auf sein körperliches Gewicht auswirkte.


Robert Long vor dem VR-Workout

Er nahm stark zu und verfiel in Selbstmitleid, weshalb nicht nur Folgeerkrankungen herannahten, sondern zu allem Überfluss das Verhältnis zu seinen Kindern bedroht wurde. Doch der ambitionierte Mann wollte sich nicht länger seinem Schicksal hingeben und begann nach einer effektiven Trainingsmethode zu suchen, um den Kilos und der ungesunden Lebensweise den Kampf anzusagen.

Aufgrund seiner körperlichen Einschränkungen fielen typische Sportmethoden weg, doch im Zuge seiner Recherche stieß er eines Tages auf die Virtual Reality, weshalb er sich eine HTC Vive anschaffte. Zur Veröffentlichung von Beat Saber schlug er sofort zu und verliebte sich in den VR-Titel. Da das Spiel seine Vorlieben für 80er Jahre Neon- und Lasereffekte, 90er Jahre Pop und die Technik der heutigen Zeit vereint, bezeichnet er dies regelrecht als Schicksalweisung.

So begann er ein Gesundheitstagebuch zu führen, eine strikte Diät einzuhalten und natürlich die tägliche Partie Beat Saber zum Kalorienabbau. Nach einiger Zeit entwickelte der damals 212 Kilogramm schwere Mann verschiedene VR-Workout-Routinen. Dazu zählen ein 30-minütiges Programm und ein 60-minütiges Programm, welches er auf zwei Parts aufteilte.


Robert Long nach seinem drei-monatigen VR-Workout

Seine harte Arbeit trug bald Früchte, denn das routinierte Spielen wirkte sich massiv auf sein Gewicht aus. Nach drei Monaten brachte der VR-Sportler satte 83 Kilogramm weniger auf die Waage. Den großen Erfolg sieht er vor allem in der Freude, die er beim spielerischen Training verspürte. So hält ihm der Spaß am Spiel am Ball und er spürt förmlich den Beat jedes Liedes. Dadurch bewegt er sich reichlich und steht währenddessen nicht nur im Spielbereich herum. Natürlich spielt eine disziplinierte Ernährung dabei ebenso eine Rolle.

Doch damit ist noch lange nicht Schluss. Der VR-Enthusiast möchte auch weiterhin abnehmen und setzt dafür auch in Zukunft auf das virtuelle Trainingsprogramm. Um mehr Abwechslung einzubringen, empfiehlt er die Nutzung von Mods zur Integration zusätzlicher Songs. Wie ihr die Modifikationen nutzt, haben wir hier für euch zusammengefasst.

Die gesamte motivierende Geschichte sowie weitere Trainingsroutinen und Gameplay-Aufnahmen von Robert Long findet ihr auf Reddit.

(Quellen: Reddit | VR Scout | Videos: Robert Long Youtube)

Der Beitrag Beat Saber: Mann verliert 83 Kilogramm dank VR-Workout zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Beat Saber Could Remake VR Arcades With Tournaments And Mixed Reality

Beat Saber Could Remake VR Arcades With Tournaments And Mixed Reality

Indie sensation Beat Saber is now officially supporting VR arcades with a commercial license. This means VR arcades can officially start carrying the rhythm slicing game through an agreement with its creators.

Distribution platform SpringboardVR is one of the first partners to get official access to Beat Saber for arcades. While the arcade roll-out is much larger than one single distribution partner, SpringboardVR operates at hundreds of locations around the world and co-founder Will Stackable said they “tracked” four million minutes of usage across their network in June. Those are interesting numbers to take note of as one of VR’s most exciting games comes to neighborhood arcade locations around the world.

“I think it has the potential to transform the VR Arcade space,” Stackable wrote. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it jumped to a top 10 slot and accounted for 5-10% of our total minutes the first month, which would be between 200k-400k minutes. (A number that would put it in good company with other top titles).”

Stackable offered up several reasons he’s excited to see what Beat Saber’s release in arcades does to shape the VR industry.

1.) It’s A Fun Game

The VOID draws in people with Star Wars while Dave & Buster’s just launched an alluring Jurassic World VR attraction. For VR arcades, Beat Saber might be just the thing to draw people into repeat visits. If the game turns out to be a compelling enough title to transform the scale of SpringboardVR’s business then it will likely also remake the larger VR arcade industry as well.

“Beat Saber is, put plainly, a truly high quality game,” Stackable wrote. “And just as importantly it’s the first quality game that is specifically made for arcade play. VR Arcades are used to taking consumer games and trying to fit them into an arcade play style. This game changes that.”

2.) Beat Saber Looks Incredible On Camera

Springboard is planning to partner with LIV and Virtual Athletics League to host a VR Arcade Tournament at more than 50 arcades with mixed reality broadcasting to show spectators what the game looks like.

“It’s the first VR game that looks as fun to play as it actually is to put on a headset and play,” Stackable wrote. “Mixed reality videos of Beat Saber are blowing up the internet… and we haven’t really seen that yet in VR. VR Arcades (and VR as a whole) desperately needs that. We need a game that people watch a video of on Facebook and say, ‘I NEED TO PLAY THAT!’ Beat Saber is a marketing teams dream game.”

3.) Per Minute Pricing

According to Stackable, SpringboardVR recommended the team behind Beat Saber price their commercial license around 6 cents per minute — a rate Stackable says is emerging as an industry norm.

“This is based partially on what operators are realizing makes sense for them financially,” Stackable wrote. “With their margins, spending approximately 15% of their revenue on commercial licensing makes sense. Above that and it gets tricky. So at $25 an hour, that comes out to $.06. ($25 * .15 = $3.75 an hour / 60 minutes = $.0625) While we are seeing a trend of operators seeking to license content at closer to that .06 mark, we do have a variety of pricing right now on the developer side. And honestly mostly the pricing has been arbitrary. We’ve got top 20 titles everywhere from $.06 to $.11. Early on we had a number of top 20 titles that were even at $.12… but pretty quickly those dropped off the charts as operators realized they couldn’t make the math work.”

Taken altogether, the pricing, mixed reality broadcasting and quality of the game itself might be enough to transform the landscape for VR arcades. We’ll plan to check back in with SpringboardVR in a month or so to see how things are going.

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How to Install (and fix) ‘Beat Saber’ Custom Songs

If you’re a serious Beat Saber player, you probably installed the unofficial mod allowing for custom songs, and also probably realized that the v0.11.0 update this week made your custom songs disappear. If you didn’t already custom songs installed, you’ll definitely want to! This guide will show you how to install the unofficial Beat Saber custom songs mod and how to fix it after patch v0.11.0.

The developers of Beat Saber are working on an official custom song editor, but the game’s community quickly beat them to the punch with a unofficial mods which works surprisingly well, allowing you to browse and install new songs from directly inside the game.

The Beat Saber Mod Manager installs and updates the mods necessary to make this happen and it’s dead simple to install. Here’s how (an optional step below will fix the broken custom songs issue for those who had installed them prior to v0.11.0):

  1. Download the latest version of BeatSaberModInstaller.exe (1.9 at the time of writing).
  2. (Optional) If you installed custom songs prior to v0.11.0, open the Beat Saber directory and rename the ‘Plugins’ folder to ‘PluginsOLD’.
  3. With the game closed, launch the .exe, confirm that the game’s directory is correctly selected, then install the core mods (the ones checked by default, select extras if you wish). [the .exe may trigger a warning from Windows when you run it]

Note: As of 7/19/2018, the only mods that are working are the core mods from the installer. You can run the installer again later to check for updates which may fix the other mods.

That’s it. Now when you launch Beat Saber you’ll find a new button on the main menu which says ‘BeatSaver’, click this to browse and download new songs which will appear in the usual song list below the official songs.

Shout out to elliotttate on Reddit who provided the instructions, and the volunteer developers who have created these features and made it easy for the rest of us: xyonico, andruzzzhka, Umbranoxio, xyonico, taz030485, and other contributors and beat map makers!

The post How to Install (and fix) ‘Beat Saber’ Custom Songs appeared first on Road to VR.

Beat Saber Update Includes Easter Egg Track

Everyone’s favourite virtual reality (VR) title, Beat Saber, received a new update this week. Rather than just the normal bug fixes and improvements Beat Games also hid a special Easter Egg for fans.

Beat Saber EasterEgg

In a Steam listing concerning the update the studio gave a little hint about how to find said Easter Egg, saying:

“Go to the place where your journey should have started.
Maybe something is meant to be otherwise than stated.”

If you want to find the secret yourself then stop reading now. However if you can wait then continue reading as VRFocus reveals how to find it.

Head to the tutorial and once it begins cross the sabers so they start to spark. Keep them crossed and put the sabers into the rings (so blue will go into red and red into the blue ring). When the blocks start to appear cut each one with the opposite coloured saber and continue until the tutorial says you’re ready. Then head back into the music library and Angel Voices should have appeared – the longest track yet at just over 6 minutes and 1202 notes.

Beat Saber Screenshot

As for the updates in Beat Saber v0.11.0 they are:

  • Settings for how in-game menu can be triggered added (instantly or long press)
  • Volume settings added
  • Swap Colors settings added
  • Static Lights gameplay options added
  • No Obstacles gameplay options added
  • “Cut in any direction” tutorial voiceover and text added
  • Fixed simultaneous vibration of both Oculus Touch controllers (only with -vrmode oculus)
  • Fixed calculation of maximum possible score
  • Fixed bug where you can spawn too far from the platform
  • Legendary Hardcore Flying Car!

We’re still waiting for Beat Games to release the level editor and the multiplayer which haven’t yet been given exact arrival windows. The same goes for the PlayStation VR version, but owners do at least have some exclusives to look forward to. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Beat Saber, reporting back with any new updates.

New ‘Beat Saber’ Song ‘Angel Voices’ Now Unlocked by Default

Beat Saber update last week was mostly full of fixes and under the hood changes, but it also added a secret song that could be unlocked by solving a riddle offered by the developers. A newer update has unlocked the new track ‘Angel Voices’ for all players.

Update (July 23rd, 2018): The Beat Saber v0.11.1 patch has unlocked the new song by default. You no longer need to solve the riddle to unlock the track, instead you’ll find it in the default song list.

The hidden song is called ‘Angel Voices’ by artist Virtual Self. As far as Beat Saber’s official songs go, it’s a beast, clocking in at 6 minutes and 12 seconds at 166 BPM with 1,202 notes (on expert), which is about three or four times the length of most of the original songs.

How to Install (and fix) 'Beat Saber' Custom Songs

The original article, including the solution that previously unlocked the hidden track, continues below.

Original Article (July 20, 2018): Beat Saber got an update to v0.11.0 today, and while you’ll still have to wait until a future update brings the promised custom song editor, the developers have previewed a bit of what’s to come by hiding a new song in the game. The only clue they offered for those who want to unlock it is as follows:

Go to the place where your journey should have started.
Maybe something is meant to be otherwise than stated.

If you aren’t in the mood to go searching, you can watch the video below for the solution. Spoiler Alert: the video contains the answer to the riddle.

The v0.11.0 update to Beat Saber also brought a series of other welcomed changes; the official changelog is noted here:

  • Settings for how in-game menu can be triggered added (instantly or long press)
  • Volume settings added
  • Swap Colors settings added
  • Static Lights gameplay options added
  • No Obstacles gameplay options added
  • “Cut in any direction” tutorial voiceover and text added
  • Fixed simultaneous vibration of both Oculus Touch controllers (only with -vrmode oculus)
  • Fixed calculation of maximum possible score
  • Fixed bug where you can spawn too far from the platform
  • Legendary Hardcore Flying Car!

The studio also said the update brings “heavy refactoring of almost everything inside,” which ought to pave the way for the upcoming custom track editor.

Exclusive: 'Beat Saber' Creators Break Down Every Track – Soundtrack Now Available

PSA for any hardcore Beat Saber players out there who have installed custom music, be aware that this update will likely break your custom library, and you’ll need to install new versions of mods to get everything working again.

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Beat Saber Update Adds Hidden Exclusive Song

Beat Saber’s First Update Adds Hidden Song

An update for Beat Saber promises the first “exclusive” song hidden as an Easter Egg.

The update is live now on Steam and Oculus with the following hint posted to help people unlock the song:

Go to the place where your journey should have started.
Maybe something is meant to be otherwise than stated.

I’m away from my PC right now but if you figure out how to unlock it, please share in the comments.

Other changes to Beat Saber include:

  • Settings for how in-game menu can be triggered added (instantly or long press).
  • Volume settings added
  • Swap Colors settings added
  • Static Lights gameplay options added
  • No Obstacles gameplay options added
  • “Cut in any direction” tutorial voiceover and text added
  • Fixed simultaneous vibration of both Oculus Touch controllers (only with -vrmode oculus)
  • Fixed calculation of maximum possible score
  • Fixed bug where you can spawn too far from the platform
  • Legendary Hardcore Flying Car!

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