BBC Comedy People Just Do Nothing Goes 360

The BBC has produced a number of virtual reality (VR) and 360-degree experiences, usually tending to focus on serious subject or important issues like the ocean’s ecosystems for example. It’s latest, however, is a much more light-hearted piece, produced by BBC VR Hub and Roughcut TV it features the cast of hit BBC Three sitcom People Just Do Nothing.

BBC Three

Fans of the series will find themselves placed in the role of a record company boss that has just so happened to have been kidnapped by the crew of pirate radio station Kurupt FM.

The group made up of MC Grindah and DJ Beats, alongside manager Chabuddy G, are trying and convince the viewer to sign them to their record label by performing a track.

“This hilarious short film is a great example of how fun VR can be,” said Zillah Watson, head of BBC VR Hub in a statement.  “So far we’ve launched BBC VR experiences that have taken us into space, up in a bomber during the Second World War, to Russia for the World Cup, and now finally to a flat in Brentford. We’re making people laugh – which is quite hard in a VR headset – and showing that VR can work in any genre.”

Kurupt FM image

Check out the 360-degree video below, or watch it via the BBC VR app, available for Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR.

MC Grindah had this to say: “We’re already the best thing on the telly and radio, now we’re the best in virtual reality aswell. 360 degrees of pure Kuruption. You lucky little people.”

While manager/entrepreneur Chabuddy G remarked: “Make sure you check out this exclusive live performance from the Kuruft FM. Especially if you’re from a big music label. We’re open to offers.

For further coverage of the latest BBC VR and 360 projects, keep reading VRFocus.

BBC Comedy People Just Do Nothing Goes 360

The BBC has produced a number of virtual reality (VR) and 360-degree experiences, usually tending to focus on serious subject or important issues like the ocean’s ecosystems for example. It’s latest, however, is a much more light-hearted piece, produced by BBC VR Hub and Roughcut TV it features the cast of hit BBC Three sitcom People Just Do Nothing.

BBC Three

Fans of the series will find themselves placed in the role of a record company boss that has just so happened to have been kidnapped by the crew of pirate radio station Kurupt FM.

The group made up of MC Grindah and DJ Beats, alongside manager Chabuddy G, are trying and convince the viewer to sign them to their record label by performing a track.

“This hilarious short film is a great example of how fun VR can be,” said Zillah Watson, head of BBC VR Hub in a statement.  “So far we’ve launched BBC VR experiences that have taken us into space, up in a bomber during the Second World War, to Russia for the World Cup, and now finally to a flat in Brentford. We’re making people laugh – which is quite hard in a VR headset – and showing that VR can work in any genre.”

Kurupt FM image

Check out the 360-degree video below, or watch it via the BBC VR app, available for Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR.

MC Grindah had this to say: “We’re already the best thing on the telly and radio, now we’re the best in virtual reality aswell. 360 degrees of pure Kuruption. You lucky little people.”

While manager/entrepreneur Chabuddy G remarked: “Make sure you check out this exclusive live performance from the Kuruft FM. Especially if you’re from a big music label. We’re open to offers.

For further coverage of the latest BBC VR and 360 projects, keep reading VRFocus.

Life In 360°: A Weekend To Die For…

Last week we brought you news of new activity from the BBC, which has been slowly increasing its use of virtual reality (VR) technology. Then it was details on how it’s experiemental branch BBC Taster announced the BBC Taster VR App which was to focus on VR related content from BBC Three and also its Planet Earth II documentary series.

Today though we’re looking at a 360 degree video for BBC Three that promotes yesterday’s debuting feature-length documentary One Deadly Weekend in America. Bringing real footage together with interviews and observations from all those involved director Ursula MacFarlane guides viewers through seven shootings occuring during a July weekend – the time that sees the most gun-related deaths in America.

The taster below features a slow walk down a dark and street interspersed with video clips. Are you safe? Is anyone? A note of warning as it does include footage that some may find disturbing – but it is both the sad and harsh reality. Views in the UK with access to the BBC iPlayer service can find the documentary here.

VRFocus will return with another Life In 360° on Wednesday.