Autodesk Acquires Enterprise Collab Platform The Wild

While all the focus might be on virtual reality (VR) gaming, the enterprise side of the industry is a hotbed of advancing tech and ever-evolving workflows. Another nod to that fact arrives today with the reveal that AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) software specialist Autodesk has acquired immersive collaboration The Wild.

The Wild

Thanks to its own acquisition of IrisVR in 2021, The Wild is also heavily involved in the AEC sector, allowing Autodesk to gain an even stronger foothold as businesses look towards XR to help deliver projects in a world becoming more attuned to remote working practices. Integrating with tools such as Revit, SketchUp, and BIM 360, The Wild’s cross-platform ecosystem integrates with Meta Quest, HP Reverb, Pico Neo, HTC Vive, PC and even AR (on iOS devices) to make it easily accessible to all co-workers.

Between The Wild and IrisVR, both platforms serve over 700 customers worldwide which Autodesk will now be able to build upon. No acquisition sum has been revealed and there’s been no mention of how this will impact the current teams going forward.

“Our acquisition of The Wild reflects the rapid transformation taking place in the building industry, from the complexity of projects to the geographic diversity of teams who design, construct, and operate them,” said Andrew Anagnost, CEO and president, Autodesk in a statement. “XR is a must-have business imperative for today and an important part of Autodesk’s Forge platform vision.”

The Wild

“The Wild and Autodesk share a common mission of encouraging a more productive and collaborative AEC industry, and in this case, one where teams can resolve issues in minutes from their desks rather than the traditional miles of costly travel,” Gabe Paez, founder and CEO of The Wild adds. “The Wild’s customers understand the value from the get-go, building consensus as a team in the virtual world with the ability to make changes to their designs at the speed of thought.”

Considering the way prices for essentials like gas and electricity are going up, more companies are going to be looking at ways of reducing costs. Reducing travel is an easy one to take out the equation and with remote solutions now prevalent making the switch to a collaboration platform like The Wild is a simpler sell.

For continued updates on the latest enterprise use cases for VR and how immersive collaboration is changing industries, keep reading gmw3.

The VR Job Hub: Vicon, Vertigo Games, Autodesk & More

Whether you’re an experienced designer, programmer, engineer, or maybe you’ve just been inspired after reading  VRFocus’ articles – either way, you have stumbled across the weekly VR Job Hub. The vacancies listed here are usually located worldwide, from major companies to humble indie developers – the one thing they all have in common is that they are all looking for new staff.

Location Company Role Link
Oxford, UK Vicon Customer Support Engineer – VFX & VR Applications Click Here to Apply
Oxford, UK Vicon Embedded Software Engineer Click Here to Apply
Los Angeles, CA Vicon Installation Engineer – Entertainment Click Here to Apply
Denver, CO Vicon IMeasureU – Sales Development Representative: Inside Sales Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Senior Gameplay Engineer Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Gameplay Engineer Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Senior Software Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Graphics Engineer Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Audio Engineer Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Networking Engineer Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Tools & Automation Engineer Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games International PR Manager Click Here to Apply
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Vertigo Games Internships Click Here to Apply
Toronto, Canada Autodesk Research Scientist, Augmented and Virtual Reality Click Here to Apply
Oxford, UK UK Atomic Energy Authority Virtual Reality Engineer Click Here to Apply

Don’t forget, if there wasn’t anything that took your fancy this week there’s always last week’s listings on The VR Job Hub to check as well.

If you are an employer looking for someone to fill an immersive technology related role – regardless of the industry – don’t forget you can send us the lowdown on the position and we’ll be sure to feature it in that following week’s feature. Details should be sent to Peter Graham (

We’ll see you next week on VRFocus at the usual time of 3PM (UK) for another selection of jobs from around the world.

Apple Reveals USDZ – A New AR File Format Made With Pixar, Adobe Bringing Support To Creative Cloud

iOS 12 has made its official debut at Apple’s WWDC 2018 event and has brought quite a lot of new toys with it. And the team kicked off discussions by focusing on how the tech conglomerate is continuing its focus on augmented technology.  It was last year at the same time, almost to the day, that Apple revealed its AR developer platform ARKit and now as then Apple’s Craig Federighi took to the stage to talk attendees through not just the rumoured ARKit 2, as reported earlier on VRFocus, but other developments.

WWDC 18The first announcement was a brand-new file format specifically for working with AR. Something developed companies such as Pixar – “some of the greatest minds in 3D.”

“AR is transformational technology.” Federighi told the audience at San Jose’s McEnery Convention Center. “Bringing experiences into the real world? It enables all kinds of new experiences, changing the way we have fun and the way we work. In iOS12 we wanted to make an easy way to experience AR across the system.”

The new file format is called USDZ (or Universal Scene Description), which has a focus on sharing content and will be able to be used or viewed in everything from internal file views, to the web browser Safari to email. Enabling you to place 3D models into the real world.  “It’s something like ‘AR quick-look’”, Federighi explained.

USDZ - Universal Scene DescriptionApple confirmed that they would be working with leading companies in 3D tools and libraries to bring USDZ support to their services. With Allegorithmic (developer of Substance), PTC, Turbosquid, Adobe, Autodesk, Sketchfab and Quixel all namechecked on stage.

“At Adobe we believe that augmented reality is an incredibly important technology. And with ARKit, Apple is by far the most powerful platform for AR.” Added Adobe‘s Executive Vice President and CTO Abhay Parasnis who appeared on stage to explain more about the company’s work on USDZ, something he described as “a pretty big deal” and confirming that USDZ support would be coming to Adobe’s Creative Cloud set of applications and services.

“With Creative Cloud designers and developers will now be able to use familiar apps – apps that they know and love, like Photoshop or Dimension – to create amazing AR content, and bring it easily via USDZ.”

Parasnis also confirmed a new Adobe creative app for iOS, specifically for designing AR-related content that will enable developers to bring in anything from text to images and video on Creative Cloud directly into a WYSIWIG AR editing environment.

VRFocus will bring you more news on the AR developments on WWDC shortly.

VRHero 5K: VR Headset für Grafikfetischisten mit 170 Grad FoV

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Ben Lang hat sich das VR Headset VRHero 5K übergestülpt und ein Hands-on veröffentlicht. Die Brille macht ihrem Namen alle Ehre, verwandelt sie doch rein vom Look her den Träger in einen grimmigen Superhelden. Die Heldenmaske bietet mit 5120 Pixeln in der Horizontalen eine beeindruckende Auflösung sowie ein Field of View zwischen 150 und 170 Grad. Beim Design der VR-Brille für professionelle Anwender setzt der Hersteller ganz auf ein überragendes Bild.

VRHero 5K

VRHero 5K: Headset mit weitem Sichtfeld und hoher Auflösung

Die VRHero 5K nutzt in seinem eigenwilligen Gehäuse zwei OLED-Displays mit je 2560 x 1440 Pixeln Auflösung. Dadurch bietet die Brille eine beeindruckende Auflösung von 5120 Pixeln in der Horizontalen. Mit einem Sichtfeld von 150 bis 170 Grad siedelt sich die VR-Brille zwischen der Pimax 8K (200 Grad) und aktuellen PC-Brillen (100 bis 110 Grad) an. Echtes 5K bietet die VRHero allerdings nicht, denn in der Höhe stellt das Headset lediglich 1440 Pixeln dar. Ein weiterer Pferdefuß: Die Bildwiederholfrequenz liegt bei lediglich 70 Hz, während die aktuell erhältliche PC-Konkurrenz flüssigere 90 Hz beherrscht.

Aber wie sieht das in der Praxis aus? Ben Lang von Road to VR konnte die VRHero 5K testen und bescheinigt der VR-Brille ein überaus klares Bild – das klarste überhaupt jenseits von Micro-Displays. Das ermöglicht auch der Verzicht auf Fresnel-Linsen. Einzelne Pixel sind zudem laut Lang kaum noch erkennbar, auch der Fliegengittereffekt verschwinde fast vollständig. Der Bildeindruck sei sogar dem der Pimax 8K überlegen. Allerdings hat das System seinen Preis: Um die 70 Hz und eine native Auflösung pro Auge zu erreichen, kam eine teure NVIDIA Titan XP Grafikkarte zum Einsatz.

Das kompromisslos auf Grafikqualität optimierte Design bringt noch andere Probleme mit sich: So sei das Headset riesig und schwer, berichtet Lang. Mit über 1 kg wiegt es mehr als doppelt so viel wie eine Rift oder aktuelle Vive. Das störe die Immersion vor allem bei schnellen Kopfbewegungen. Außerdem entsteht laut Lang Ghosting, bedingt durch die niedrige Bildwiederholrate von 70 Hz. Auch gäbe es noch Probleme, das Stereobild einwandfrei zusammenzusetzen.

Das Design-Ziel von VRgineers ergäbt trotzdem Sinn: Die Brille ist nicht für angehende Superhelden gedacht, sondern richtet sich an professionelle Anwender wie CAD-Designer und Entwickler. Das Preisschild ist entsprechend hoch, 9000 US-Dollar muss man für die Grafikpracht berappen. Dafür erhält man neben der VR-Brille beispielsweise einen Konfiguartor für Autodesk sowie SDKs für Unreal und Unity.

(Quelle: Road to VR, VRgineers)

Der Beitrag VRHero 5K: VR Headset für Grafikfetischisten mit 170 Grad FoV zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

HTC Partners With Autodesk to Bring Professional Design into VR

HTC Partners With Autodesk to Bring Professional Design into VR

The 2016 Autodesk University event kicked off in Las Vegas yesterday, and the design software company wasted no time in making some big announcements for the VR industry.

For those that don’t know, Autodesk creates software for various industries, allowing designers to make 3D models and environments for professional use. Its services already support VR viewing, but now the company is going one step further. Forge, the company’s cloud-based developer platform, is now coming to the HTC Vive via the Viveport platform. The service will let designers and creators build products in VR, show them with others.

Autodesk CTO Jeff Kowalski spoke of the importance of VR to the company’s work during his keynote speech at Autodesk University. “When you’re in VR, you’re more connected to your data,” he said. “It’s more detailed, it’s more emotional and meaning full.” He talked about interacting with data at “human scale”, designing chairs or even buildings at their correct scales.

“Of course, the ultimate step is actually designing in VR,” Kowalski continued. “And we’re working on new tools that let you model and simulate in a VR environment from the start.” An example of what’s possible with Forge in VR is being shown at the event this week.

With Forge, HTC and Autodesk are looking to build the dominant platform for VR product design, architecture and more. A release date for Forge on Viveport hasn’t been announced, though its pricing model is likely to follow the one already established: $500 a month with a free 12 month trial period with limit cloud data storage. We’re not sure if Forge integration is exclusive to Vive or could coming to the Oculus Rift and Touch later down the line, though we’ve reached out to the company to find out.

IT’s not the only VR announcement made at this week’s event, with IrisVR also launching its own VR products.

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