United Nations Conference Enhanced By AR And Gaming Technology

At a policy conference in the German city of Bonn, videogame and augmented reality (AR) tech was in use to enhance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in world’s first ‘playable’ UN conference.

Gmers and activists teamed up to address some of the most complex problems facing the world today. Instead of just speeches, debates and presentations, attendees at the conference could also try out a ‘hands-free gardening’ app developed by software company Huxley.

Ryan Hooks, manager of Huxley, told UN News; “It’s an AI (Artificial Intelligence) and augmented reality for plants. Greenhouses that use hydroponics to circulate the water are very complex systems and it’s hard to scale water efficient food solutions. I’ve found that augmented reality and AI can be really useful for reducing labour cost.” Hooks then demonstrated the app by pointing it at a plant on the table, which the app identified as ‘apple mint’. “It’s augmented reality, it knows what kind of plant it is,” he explained, “what percentage its health is, when to pick it, pack it, ship it and the environment (around it), so people can have hands-free augmented gardening.” [sic]

Conference attendees could also participate in the 2030 Hive Mind game, where players had the chance to manage a hypothetical country, plan it’s policies and try and convince other players to support your ideas. The conference organisers say the game is designed to reflect the trade-offs and tough choices that policy makers may be faced with in real life if sustainable development is to be achieved.

UN SDG GlobalIdeas

Cristina Gallach, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, said; “We have to make the world aware of this […] agenda that is definitely going to transform the planet and that is going to ensure that no one is left behind. The more we communicate about the SDGs and make people aware of the agenda, the more the governments we will be accountable and will ensure that it is implemented.”

To further illustrate the purpose of the conference and the SDGs, 17 icons have been created to represent each goal, each with it’s own colour, short name or phrase and a distinctive image. These icons and their attached phrases have been translated into over 50 languages.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on AR development and use in conferences and events.

The VR Doctor: Where Virtual Reality Meets Artificial Intelligence For Healthcare

In the next instalment of feature series Dr. Raphael Olaiya, a NHS doctor and medical education academic, who works with the NHS on virtual reality (VR) immersive training programmes for doctors and nurses. Discusses the meeting point of VR and A.I. for healthcare. 

We can see it, feel it, touch it, taste and even smell it, virtual reality (VR) is very tangible and its sophistication and fidelity are increasing at a rate where anyone who self-identifies as a technology fan must chase updates biweekly to prevent being left behind. An accepted consensus is that by 2030 VR/Augmented Reality (AR) with be the fundamental platform for mobile communication and be firmly embedded as a mainstay within the industries of energy, entertainment, education, training and healthcare.

Raphael Olaiya

Conversely A.I., artificial intelligence from the perspective of the average self-identified technology fan can only be perceived in depictions from what Hollywood directors spoon feed us. An optimistic but plausible feat all the same, however actualizing it seems much more of a lucid dream than reality for the masses. When Siri, Catana and Amazon Echo are publically self-hailing themselves as having artificially intelligent capability it throws the masses of technology hobbyists into confusion because the only thing they see here is glorified voice recognition search tools.

A.I.: Glorified Voice Recognition Search Tools

A.I. to the masses means firstly on demand adaptive learning and android-esque tendencies physically, emotionally or intellectually stemming from Hollywood’s portrayal of characters including J.A.R.V.I.S from Iron Man, Skynet, Bicentennial Man, Ex Machina, Star Wars amongst others. This example highlights a problem with the classification of the definition of A.I. which has lead to a degree of trivialization of commercial A.I. and reducing its appeal because the recurrent depictions are just simply not realistic technology right now.

Trivialization of Commercial A.I. and Reducing its Appeal

Robot Earth

Delving deeper in A.I. technicalities, A.I. is certainly alive and kicking. IBM Watson at the forefront with Google Deepmind, Microsoft Oxford and currently changing the way businesses trade, the way doctors diagnose and how engineers construct. Deep learning algorithms that are able to re-synthesize formulae for future tasks based on the results of previous formulae. However, the reach of IBM Watson and its cousins seems somewhat disconnect to the masses. Why? This boils down to the sedimentary reasons of;

  1. The current level of cutting edge A.I. in 2017 focuses on area specific ( i.e. IBM Watson X Sloan Kettering partnership focusing on more effective and efficient cancer diagnosis and treatment ) big data processing and delivers directed specific answers after arduous instructions and direction from the subject matter experts i.e. world-renowned oncologists. So the focus of technological advancement is not on A.I. for consumer tech rather for area specific specialist.
  1. There is not a strong enough tie yet between the organisations/companies with mass consumer reach and the tech communities working hard on breakthrough expert level programming needed to adapt up to date artificial intelligence tech to a use that will serve the masses directly. This disconnection will soon bridge.
  1. Tangible applications to channel current available A.I. tech into “perceived real A.I.” applications have not taken off in the open market yet. Eager A.I. fans wait for the anticipated killer/golden app. The app that will utilise A.I. technology in a way that bridges away from the island of gimmick and enters a realm of the value add whether it be saving time, money, or enhancing entertainment.

VR/AR represents a golden ticket opportunity to present to the mass consumer market a application of artificial intelligence that is very easy to relate to and get excited about for anybody. This highlights the importance of the user experience and perception of A.I., for example, an A.I. application field that billions of dollars are currently being invested to currently is an A.I. medical diagnosis tool for patients with no/delayed access to a doctor. It doesn’t take a controlled experiment for us to agree that the user experience would be more successful with a realistic CGI android style VR/AR artificially intelligent voice

A Golden Ticket Opportunity

Recognising an A.I. nurse/doctor as such more than a messenger style chat box despite having the exact same level of A.I. sophistication is such.

Health Robot

Whether or not we define or perceive A.I. as algorithmic formulae clever enough to generate more formulae and build upon past experience, in order to learn deeply coupled with a powerful searching function doesn’t take away the fact that how we interact with it is the most important feature of all! After all, A.I. is for the betterment of our lives, to increase joy and pleasure, ease suffering and further the realisation of our ability as humans to supersede ourselves.

VR and A.I. intertwining in a multidisciplinary approach to serve us more holistically is the goal. Healthcare a universal priority is a worthwhile focus point for this blending.

Application for A.I. and VR/AR for healthcare: (Non-exhaustive)

  1. Hospital or healthcare facility management and work flow visualisation, planning and implementing.
  1. On demand patient healthcare triage system to prioritise medical or surgical emergencies.
  1. On demand patient home diagnosis. (limited without clinical judgement and examination)
  1. Artificially intelligent VR/AR assistants for Medical doctors to reduce errors.
  1. Medical education and simulation training adaptive to the own users learning style to optimise learning and retaining knowledge.
  1. Demonstrating the neural pathway of the artificially intelligent system in use: There will be a point where the AI being used for healthcare reaches a point that we as humans cannot comprehend the process. VR/AR represents a method by which these processes can be explained to us more effectively than code.

So just as this article started to see it, feel it, touch it, taste and even smell to do this is to make A.I. a human experience.

You can contact Dr. Raphael Olaiya on this topic or his work at Medigage Ltd via raphael.olaiya@nhs.net.