The Virtual Arena: Developments in the LBE VR Arena – Part 1

The Virtual Arena

Investment in Out-of-Home entertainment development continues, and in his latest Virtual Arena column, industry specialist Kevin Williams collects the latest investments, partnerships, and acquisition news, shaping the landscape of the location-based immersive entertainment business.

The recent movements in investment being made into location-based entertainment (LBE) developers and operators cannot be ignored. Even if most Western venues are in lockdown currently, numerous institutions and investors are banking on the post-COVID #Springback hitting the social entertainment market as the pent-up need for fun hits the streets. Many investors positioning themselves to capture this expected windfall.

The SPREE Arena in operation. Image credit: KWP

One such development was German developer SPREE Interactive, VRFocus recently reporting the successful securing of a multimillion-euro investment from strategic investors. Along with announcing that they had launched a V2 of their ‘SPREE Arena’ using the Valve Lighthouse tracking platform for easier operation and pricing. All this and a far-reaching partnership with Pico Interactive to deploy their ‘Pico Neo 2’ headset (powered by the Qualcomm XR chipset), integrated on the ‘SPREE Arena’ platform.

It is this level of investment on the future of LBE that marks the recent slew of announcements emanating from an industry that only a few months ago, some parties were keen to write off. The investment and development community has seen the need to establish a strong position in the opportunity that the social entertainment business will offer the post-lockdown audience.

Regarding that social entertainment mix trying to be developed, competitive eSports and tournament play are crucial elements, and we are seeing the development of a new cross-over between in-home and out-of-home players. One of the aspects of the SPREE Interactive announcement was their partnership with game developer VR Nerds to release an exclusive version of their smash VR competitive blaster Tower Tag. As previously reported, Tower Tag has been deployed in LBE venues in Japan through a previous affiliation with amusement factory SEGA. Having also been launched as a consumer title, the new SPREE release of the videogame will offer a dedicated eSports element for competition, with a leaderboard shared between the home and venue players.

Hoops Madness

Other LBE developers have looked at the need for a dedicated cross-over between the home players, and the future facility tournament competitions. VRstudios has revealed its new VRstudio Sports line, with the release of their VR basketball experience Hoops Madness. The eight-player game has been specially developed to offer an intense competition element, that is supported by a dedicated eSports competition component and leaderboard. But the company has also expanded the competition element by supporting an innovative business model that links the consumer to the venue. Consumer VR players hone their skills to try-out at the facility tournaments.

The investment in using standalone headsets as an alternative to the tethered and backpack PC’s continued, with news of a new partnership from Asia entering the Western LBE scene. Vietnamese based Holomia announced the launch of an update to the game MissionX – VR Laser Tag. A frenetic multiplayer VR arena platform offering 3 game modes, such as capture the flag and deathmatch, across a series of unique maps. The system can accommodate up to 10 players, with the developer running 8 headsets in a game at one time as part of their tournament competition.

Holomia - MissionX
MissionX – VR Laser Tag. Image credit: Holomia

The developers have the game running on the Oculus Quest 2, with the developer currently using SideQuest to provide a download, offering commercial use license for VR arcades. The use of SideQuest hoping to negate the need to abide by the Oculus for Business restrictions on commercial entertainment usage, of this kind. But in a move to break into the Western market the company is working to release their platform in partnership with SynthesisVR – developers of a VR facility management and content distribution platform.

Speaking of VR arcade content delivery and support, and one of the largest of these operations had an announcement of their own. SpringboardVR, the leading VR venue management and distribution platform currently, serving some 500 venues with over 400 pieces of VR content; revealed that they had been acquired by Vertigo Games, famous for their multi-platform VR development and publishing with VR titles such as Arizona Sunshine.

Vertigo Games was recently acquired themselves by Koch Media GmbH Austria (a subsidiary of Embracer Group AB), and this latest move was part of the operation consolidating its position in the commercial VR entertainment landscape. Recently we reported on the work that the Vertigo Arcade LBE division of the company had achieved with their new game ‘Ghost Patrol’. In acquiring SpringboardVR, they now represent the leading providers of venue content. As well as managing the revenue operation and royalty transaction of these facilities and games.

Ghost Patrol VR

It was announced that following the acquisition of SpringboardVR, emerging from this move is a brand new operation called ArborXR – developed as content providers to deploy enterprise VR at scale. This follows on from our report from the London education conference, BETT, in 2020 where we reported on development by the team on VR educational content in partnership with HP on their platform.

The investment into commercial (enterprise) development as eagerly attacked by many new start-ups. Where the home entertainment scene seems to be constantly incubating this immersive technology, the need for a more inclusive business model sees growing investment.

We expect to cover in the next part if this report, another series of major acquisitions and partnerships in the coming days. 

Vertigo Games Acquires VR Arcade Game Distribution Platform SpringboardVR

Vertigo Games, the studio behind Arizona Sunshine (2017) and upcoming VR shooter After the Fall, today announced that it has acquired SpringboardVR, creators of the eponymous location-based VR content distribution platform.

The acquisition amount was undisclosed, however the move is slated to see several members of the SpringboardVR team transfer to Vertigo Games, something the company says in a press statement will “ensure seamless service and operations for arcade operators and game studios around the world.”

Vertigo Games says both the SpringboardVR brand and software platform will continue to operate “but with the support and resources of the Vertigo Games team.”

“This combination will provide operators with access to free-roam VR content via Vertigo’s HAZE VR distribution platform as well as giving both operators and game studios new tools to grow their LBE business. The roadmap for this new content and features will be released in the near future,” Vertigo Games says.

The founders of SpringboardVR and a few senior members of their development, product, and services teams have moved to form the core of a new company called ArborXR, which manages devices, content, and users in the enterprise VR ecosystem.

Location-based entertainment is still very much an industry in recession, as nearly all VR arcades worldwide shut down for extended periods due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now with the initial rollout of a multiple vaccines, the most well-funded names in location-based VR entertainment, The Void and SandboxVR are still dangerously close to complete bankruptcy. With the acquisition of SpringboardVR though, it’s possible companies believe location-based entertainment is about to make a come back.

The post Vertigo Games Acquires VR Arcade Game Distribution Platform SpringboardVR appeared first on Road to VR.

Vertigo Games Acquires LBE Platform SpringboardVR, Founders Form ArborXR

Arizona Sunshine LBVR (horizontal)

Arizona Sunshine creator Vertigo Games has been involved in the location-based entertainment (LBE) side of the virtual reality (VR) industry for several years now and today marks another step in that journey. The company has completed its acquisition of SpringboardVR, a platform providing VR venue management software and content.

Arizona Sunshine LB VR Edition - Key Art

The purchase brings SpringboardVR under the umbrella of Vertigo Games and its new parent company Koch Media. Certain key customer-facing members of the SpringboardVR team will be moving across to ensure its service and operations remain unaffected for arcade operators worldwide. The SpringboardVR brand will continue with VR arcades also able to access Vertigo Games’ own free-roam VR content via its HAZE VR distribution platform, offering titles like Arizona Sunshine LB VR. 

“Vertigo Games continues to believe in the power of location-based virtual reality to drive the growth of the medium,” said John Coleman, Director of Business Development at Vertigo Games in a statement. “We’ve had a great relationship with the SpringboardVR team over the past four years, and we are excited to pick up the responsibility to carry forward the vision of SpringboardVR.”

With the acquisition now complete the founders of SpringboardVR and a core team are launching a new company called ArborXR. This will be an enterprise-focused company which manages devices, content, and users in a singular ecosystem.


“ArborXR is a natural evolution for us – we always saw the transformative power of VR beyond entertainment,” noted Jordan Williams, Co-Founder and COO of ArborXR. “Many companies today are trying to deliver XR training and experiences using consumer hardware and inadequate enterprise software. Consequently, as they transition from pilot projects to larger deployments, they face all kinds of problems. We’ve already built a commercial VR solution managing thousands of users, devices, and content titles and we translated that experience to ArborXR, which is purpose-built to make it easier for companies and content providers to deploy enterprise VR at scale.”

Vertigo Games’ VR experiences are currently available across more than 700 arcades, theme parks and other venues, with the Arizona Sunshine franchise remaining strong.

There’s been renewed interest in the LBE sector with the likes of SPREE Interactive continuing to invest and Immersive Tech revealing its UNCONTAINED attraction. For further updates on the sector, keep reading VRFocus.