Review: Animal Force

Usually, when the aliens come to invade in fiction, its a scrappy group of humans who need to band together to save the day. Not so in Animal Force. Humans are helpless to prevent the aliens from kidnapping them all over the place, and its up to the efforts of Earth’s animals to stop them in a curious take on the tower defence idea.

The setting for Animal Force is a bright, cartoonish world with rolling farmland and busy cities portrayed in a cute, but clean-looking and quite appealing art style. It is to this world that aliens descend, intent on kidnapping humans for nefarious purposes, and your band of animals to stop them.

Animal Force screenshot1

In effect, this makes the human populace the ‘tower’ you need to defend, instead of protecting a fixed location. This creates a more dynamic feel, which works quite well in VR. Each animal has its own particular powers, strengths and weaknesses, and the player needs to position the animal units in the correct places to protect the hapless humans.

The action takes place across various sections, where aliens will appear and head on a pre-determined path to grab a human and bring them back to the mothership. If ten humans are kidnapped, then it is game over. Some levels will have a boss appear to change things up a bit.

Controls are mostly handled with a single PlayStation Move controller. The various animal units can be picked up and positioned, and then re-positioned if you realise you need them elsewhere. This works very well, and saves you from feeling like the game is playing itself.

The difficulty curve ramps up fairly quickly. The first few missions are almost laughably simple, but the difficulty quickly ramps up until you are frantically diving around trying to get your units in the right place. At least until you realise that some of the units are basically useless and focus on putting the really useful units in the right place.

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One particular mechanic of note is the ‘black hole’. From approximately world three onwards, a ‘black hole’ will show up, supposedly randomly. These spawn in extremely quickly, and can swallow your units whole with nary a warning, so you don’t really have time to move them out of the way. Curiously, despite supposedly appearing randomly, it only seems to appear when things were going very well for the player. As a result, it feels controller-snappingly unfair.

The music is mostly bland and forgettable. It’s fine, and not bad it just fades listlessly into the background. The sound effects are also fine, and fit well, but can be a little repetitive.

While Animal Force makes a valiant effort to bring some changes to the tower defence genre, and take advantage of VR, and it only manages to clear the ‘its okay’ bar. It has some nice touches, and an appealing art style, but it also has very linear, repetitive gameplay, a steep difficulty curve and some very bizarre gameplay decisions that prevent it from being as good as it could have been.



  • Verdict

Tower Defence Title Animal Force Arrives for PlayStation VR in North America

Oasis Games is a fairly prolific Chinese videogame publisher when it comes to PlayStation VR, with the company having released titles such as comedy puzzle experience Salary Man Escape, Light Tracerhorror experience Dying: Rebornvoxel shooter Pixel Gear, and many more. One of the most recent was tower defence title Animal Force which hit the European PlayStation Store in May. Today, Oasis Games and developer ISVR have rolled the videogame out to North American players as well. 

Animal Force

Animal Force is a tower defense VR adventure featuring lots of furred and feathered friends who must save planet Earth from mysterious aliens. To do this players will command a team of animals with superpowers stationed on a rocket before it is too late.

In the main single-player campaign players control a rocket that can scoop up animals, and then move them strategically to protect the atmosphere; or choose to manually hold on to entire chains of superpowered animals to battle against the enemy forces. There are 30 missions across seven stages, with a variety of environments to play through, each needing a unique combination of animals for the best protection.

To make sure Animal Force  isn’t purely a solitary experience ISVR has added several multiplayer modes, so that up to three additional players can join in via the PlayStation VR social screen function. Using DualShock4 controllers the three non-VR players have to team up to win against their VR opponent. In the three modes available the PlayStation VR wearer needs to try to find the hidden human players in Odd One Out, while they work together to rob the VR player in Steal the Statue, or then there’s picking up hapless humans and leading them to safety in Divide & Conga.

Animal Force screenshot1

Developed exclusively for PlayStation VR, Animal Force is available on the PlayStation Store for $15.99 USD. For any further updates from Oasis Games, keep reading VRFocus.

Animal Force To Deploy Onto The PlayStation Store For The U.S. Next Month

PlayStation VR owners might well recall videogame publisher Oasis Games. The Chinese company, formed in 2011, is one of several of the more prolific publishers of virtual reality (VR) videogames. Including puzzle adventure title Light Tracer, escape room horror Dying: Reborn and colourful pixel-stylised shoot-em-up Pixel Gear. The latter of which was the recipient of a physical edition earlier this year thanks to the team at Limited Run.

Animal Force screenshot1Oasis Games are back with another title, once again for the PlayStation VR. In party videogame Animal Force players take control of the last line of defence on an alternate universe Earth that has been hard pressed by an assault from a mysterious alien race. It just so happens that this line of defence happens to be “a ragtag team of animals with superpowers on a rocket”. Choosing from eleven animals, players must help defend the planet through the title’s story mode. Utilising the roster of heroes’ different character traits in minigames Tower Defense, Steal The Statue, Odd One Out, or – and yes, you are reading this one properly – Divide & Conga.

Animal Force has actually been in the news previously, initially announced back in March and announced, at least in Europe, in May. Now however the title will be making a slightly later appearance on the U.S. market with Oasis Games as publisher there.

“Many of us had a fascination with the animal kingdom as children, giving them personalities and wondering how much like us they were,” explained Daniel Lin, Oasis Games’ Senior Marketing Director. “With Animal Force we hope our players of all ages will channel their animal spirit and join their friends, humans and animals alike, in this zany VR adventure.”

You can see the ‘reveal trailer’ which is different to the previous ‘announcement trailer’ in Europe below. Animal Force is set to come out onto the American PlayStation Store at an unspecified date next month. VRFocus will bring you more news in on the title as we get it.

PlayStation VR Exclusive Animal Force Arrives Next Week

After Chinese developer ISVR made a surprise reveal in March for its PlayStation VR exclusive project Animal Force, today has seen the studio confirm the launch date, next Tuesday 22nd May.

Animal Force screenshot1

A tower defense videogame that been designed specifically for virtual reality (VR) and PlayStation VR’s particular features, Animal Force is a strategy title is about saving the world from alien invaders using super-powered animals.

Using these animals players have to learn each of their unique abilities to create a tactile and impenetrable defense. And if things get too intense then they can always get in on the action, grabbing a defender and going hand-to-hand thanks to PlayStation Move, whilst dodging and weaving their attacks.

And to make sure the VR immersion is held throughout ISVR has ensure are no immersion-breaking menus; Animal Force is purely real-time action throughout, so new forces and resources are all revealed through playing the experience.

Animal Force screenshot

The single-player campaign has seven stages to play through including boss fights. In addition to the main game and to make Animal Force more social the title has three local multiplayer mini-games. Supporting up to 3 additional players, all they’ll need is a DualShock4 controller. Try to find the hidden human players in Odd One Out, work together to rob the VR player in Steal the Statue, or pick up hapless humans and lead them to safety in Divide & Conga.

ISVR still has more to reveal ahead of launch next week so keep an eye out for further updates from VRFocus in the next few days.

Animal Force Is A Chinese PSVR Launch Title Finally Coming West

Animal Force Is A Chinese PSVR Launch Title Finally Coming West

If you’ve ever signed up for an Asian PlayStation account to peruse some of the offerings that differ from the PlayStation Store in the west, you may have come across Animal Force, a bizarre tower-defense game. If not then don’t worry, because it’s coming to these lands very soon.

Developer ISVR this week announced that its cartoonish adventure will be coming exclusively to PlayStation VR (PSVR) very soon. In the game, you must save earth from an alien invasion by utilizing super powered animals. This means picking up cute little critters like pandas and rhinos and placing them in a 3D space with your PlayStation Move controller so that they can shoot down approaching enemies.

You can even grab your allies and swing them into enemies to take part in the action yourself. The trailer above shows what that looks like; it all seems a little manic, but the developer assures it requires a lot of skill and strategy.

On top of the standard campaign, there’s also a four player party mode with an assortment of minigames that look to offer Playroom VR-style fun. This one could offer a lot of laughs.

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PlayStation VR: Animal Force für PSVR angekündigt

Damit ihr euch mit eurer günstig geschnappten PlayStation VR Brille nicht nur gelangweilt vor der Brille hockt, hat Sony ein quietschbuntes Spiel für alle Altersklassen vorgestellt. Mit Animal Force wird noch in diesem Jahr ein neues  Tower-Defense-Spiel aus dem Hause ISVR erscheinen. ISVR ist ein Studio aus China mit Fokus auf Virtual Reality Spiele seit 2015.

Animal Force für PSVR angekündigt

In Animal Force ist es eure Mission, die Erde vor einer Alien-Invasion mit der Hilfe von mit Superkräften gesegneten Tieren zu retten. Jedes Tier hat seine eigenen einzigartigen Fähigkeiten und als Spieler müssen die Skills geschickt gewählt werden, um die hinterhältigen Außerirdischen zu besiegen. Auch wenn die Spielidee abgedreht klingt, so versprechen die Entwickler eine ernsthafte Herausforderung. Es wird sieben verschiedenen Stationen mit individuellen Gegnern, Boss Fights und Twists geben. Drei lokale Multiplayer-Modi sollen für Langzeitmotivation sorgen. Beim gemeinsamen Spielen greifen die anderen Mitspieler zum Dual Shock 4 Controller und erleben das Geschehen auf dem Fernseher/Monitor.

Wann Animal Force genau erscheinen wird, hat Sony noch nicht verraten. Die Entwickler versprechen aber, dass das Spiel schon bald und exklusiv für die PSVR-Brille erscheinen wird. Somit ist eine zeitnahe Portierung für die Rift oder die Vive zunächst ausgeschlossen.

(Quelle: PlayStation Blog, VR Focus)

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