Top Ten AR Videogames

AR Game Montage

Augmented reality (AR) is one of the more interesting technologies our smartphones can handle with ease. At first, it felt like a bit of a gimmick, but in the right hands, it can add a lot to gaming. Whether you prefer to stay home and solve puzzles, or roam the area battling or catching creatures, there’s something out there for you. VRFocus has put together a list of some of the best AR infused videogames you can play right now.

Pokemon Go Trainer Battles

Pokemon Go!

It wouldn’t be an AR list without Pokemon Go!, would it? The game that got everyone outside in the summer of 2016 has been using AR technology since the outset. What started with Pokemon placed within the world you inhabited, has become a robust system with avatars that interact while your physical self stands around tapping the screen in a gym or raid battle. AR features are integral to Pokemon Go!, particularly the map view which tracks not only yourself but the gyms, pokemon and pokestops along the route; using photos and location services along with the accelerometer to interact with the fantastical world Niantic Labs have created.

The Birdcage

The Birdcage, and its sequel, are beautiful puzzle games that place the central puzzle within your home space. Aiming the camera, you can place the titular birdcage in the centre of a room. The task is to open the enclosure and free the bird by solving puzzles attached to the cage. Utilising your phone’s camera, the perspective can be changed by moving closer or further, and even around the cage. There are lots of switches to flick, dials to turn and word puzzles to move through the steps. The Birdcage looks and sounds gorgeous and is perfectly taxing on the brain; think The Room but in your room.

Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs

Angry Birds had its time in the sun quite some time ago, but recent entries have tried to implement the winning formula onto new technologies. Dabbling in VR (where applicable) and this AR entry, the mechanics feel fresh again. Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs opens and asks you to place the traditional looking level on a nearby table (or on the floor). Everything is recognisable – towers and buildings made from blocks with chubby pigs standing by. On your phone, you’ll have a direct view of a catapult, into which the familiar birds jump and can be fired at the puzzle. Watching the blocks and pigs tumble about is joyous and it fits within the AR space ideally. A great game for everyone, but kids will love it!

Angry Birds AR Structure Destroyed

Draw a Stickman: AR

There’s something wonderful about drawing an object on your phone and watching it come to life. With Draw a Stickman: AR, that’s the first step. Your stickman can be as simple or lavish as you want. Once they’re created, an RPG style world is displayed on the floor or surface of your table and you can tap where your stickman needs to go. What comes next is a simple RPG, full of monsters and dungeon crawling… and more drawing! This adds a nice flair to the game, and watching everything pop up in a 3D space through your phone never gets old.

The Walking Dead: Our World

It’s been a few years since TWD: Our World was released and in that time, enthusiasm for zombies has waned a little. Don’t let that stop you from trying this AR gem, though. If one of your daydreams has been how you would deal with a zombie outbreak, now is your chance to live that out. There are walkers roaming your neighbourhood – with maps from Google – and they need to be put down. With legends from the TV show to recruit, you can search out stashes of items and weapons ready to fight it out with the shambling terrors. There are plenty of missions to take on, including saving survivors and holding off rival NPCs, so there’s a lot of variety in this apocalyptic world.

Five Night’s at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery

The tenth overall instalment in the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise, it’s time to be scared again. Well, only if creepy, broken, furry robots are your nightmare fuel. There are still puzzles to solve and horrors to avoid, except this time the animatronics are in your home! Played in first-person perspective, the jump scares will get you every time. Thankfully combat is an option, and bashing the demonic beasts has never felt more satisfying. The videogame received a lot of content updates, so anyone jumping in now will have plenty to do.

Pikmin Bloom

Pikmin Bloom

Also from Niantic Labs, comes another Nintendo property in Pikmin Bloom. Some liken this title to a gamified fitness app, as there is no deep gameplay aspect like other AR games on this list. Pikmin Bloom encourages users to leave their homes, walk their local areas and this is reflected in collecting seeds along your route and hatching them into cute Pikmin. Features from the console counterpart have been implemented – like Oliver’s ship log, which is now a daily tracker with photos and captions – to create a richer world.

The Witcher: Monster Slayer

In summer 2021, a surprising AR game popped up on app stores. The Witcher: Monster Slayer is a remarkably enjoyable extension of the Witcher universe. Much like Pokemon Go! the player explores the local neighbourhood battling monsters within the AR world overlaid onto a scale map of your area. Here, instead of using cute creatures, your finger swipes are translated into sword swings and spells to destroy the horrific monsters plaguing the land. A great inclusion are story-driven quests which expand the lore within the games (and the books) and give you a good sense of progression, alongside earned XP and new items to unlock as wander the streets.

Ghostbusters Afterlife: ScARe

Released in conjunction with the latest Ghostbusters movie, this AR app is wonderful jumping on point for the Ghostbusters universe. Packed with puzzles, flying objects possessed by new and familiar ghosts which require ‘busting’ and lots of footage to guide the light story along. This is a great app for kids who can explore their home, or even a local park, while looking for ghosts. There’s something spectacular in swiping and moving the phone to control the stream of the proton pack and wrangle the spectral monsters and slam them into the trap.

Doors: Awakening

Much like The Birdcage above, Doors: Awakening uses your immediate space to position an object bursting with puzzles. In this instance, it’s a door. If you don’t feel like walking back and forth across your living room, you can place these doors on a table and spin them using swipes on the screen. Doors: Awakening has a spooky atmosphere delivered by luscious graphics which bring a real sense of otherworldly adventures to our world. The puzzles aren’t overly difficult, the main reason to play is the visual spectacle it brings to our world.

Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs Finally Soars Onto Android

At the beginning of 2019, there was a double whammy of immersive Angry Birds content from Rovio Entertainment and Resolution Games, Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs and Angry Birds AR: Isle of PigsThe latter only came to iOS devices at the time. Today, that changes with an Android version due to be released today.

Angry Birds AR Structure Destroyed

Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs is still very much the same experience iOS users have known for the past six months, utilising the power of AR so that players can physically walk around those pig structures looking for weaknesses. Android players can also rely on the same trusty characters like Red and his mates, offering different strategic bonuses.

It’s worth remembering that as an AR videogame, Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs can be resized to suit a players environment. Only have a small tabletop, no problem, enjoy a tiny game of Angry Birds AR. Have a whole living room or more, why not scale things up. As you’ll probably know, structures can hide various goodies that aren’t always plainly obvious on first glance. Those green pigs can be hidden and so can useful TNT boxes. Being able to fully explore these 3D buildings at any size and angle should help to uncover their secrets.

Android players will have 78 levels to challenge them, making their way up to party city through the island’s jungle, desert, and frosty hideout areas. “In this special 10th anniversary year for Angry Birds, it’s awesome that we can offer fans novel ways to enjoy our classic slingshot gameplay. We’re delighted to now make this game available for Android users,” said Sami Ronkainen, Creative Director, Extended Reality at Rovio Entertainment in a statement.

Angry Birds AR Blue Bird

Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs really illustrates the beauty of AR, allowing players to bring their favourite feathered friends into their own environments,” adds Tommy Palm, CEO of Resolution Games. “Whether they’re at home on a rainy day or at the park or bus stop, players can take the Angry Birds with them wherever they go.”

Download Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs from Google Store today for Google ARCore compatible devices. For further updates from Resolution Games, keep reading VRFocus.

Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs Lands on iOS

The Angry Birds franchise has massively outgrown its original mobile origins, with Rovio Entertainment creating all sorts of merchandise, spin-off videogames and even a film. Thanks to a collaboration with Resolution Games Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs was created, and now there’s an augmented reality (AR) version for owners of Apple phones and tablets. 

Angry Birds AR Structure Destroyed

The classic Angry Birds formula is still there, it’s just been tweaked and refined for a 3D world. The actual gameplay in Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs works in a similar fashion to its virtual reality (VR) cousin, whereby players can fully view the pig fortresses before launching their angry birds at the structure. The major difference, its AR so players get that mobile freedom to play anywhere, on a table top, the floor, any suitable flat surface.

Additionally, this also means that AR players have full freedom to walk around each structure, rather than the select teleportation points in the VR version. Which is perfect for getting in close to find weaknesses, hidden items, or to line up that perfect shot. Then players can step back and watch the destruction unfold.

“We’ve received a great reaction following the announcement of Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs,” said Kati Levoranta, CEO at Rovio Entertainment in a statement. “Now that the game is available globally, we’re excited to see how fans react once they get their hands on it and experience how seamlessly Angry Birds slingshot gameplay translates to augmented reality.”

Angry Birds AR Slingshotting Red“AR creates interactive experiences like no other for gamers within their own environments,” adds Tommy Palm, co-founder and CEO of Resolution Games. “And, when you mix the rich character engagements and gameplay dynamics Angry Birds fans have come to love, we think it’s a recipe for an incredible amount of fun, and we can’t wait to see what players think.”
Download Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs from the App Store now, completely free of charge. And there’s even more in store for Angry Birds fans in 2019, with a movie sequel, The Angry Birds Movie 2, arriving in August, as well as the 10th anniversary to celebrate. As further details are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

The Angry Birds are Going Mental With New VR Content and AR Game

Rovio Entertainment’s Angry Birds franchise dipped its toes into the immersive waters of mixed reality (MR) last year with a Magic Leap version, followed by a virtual reality (VR) edition in February. This is all thanks to a collaboration with Resolution Games and it looks like the pair aren’t stopping there, expanding the VR version in terms of content and support, as well as announcing an augmented reality (AR) videogame for mobile.

Angry Birds VR

On the Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs the title is now arriving on Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) headsets today, with a PlayStation VR version landing next Tuesday, 26th March. Additionally, the videogame will be getting 13 new levels in a spooky update.

Fans will now have to battle a new boss pig, Dr. Frankenswine, who takes over the entire island, steals the eggs and turns it into a petrifying paradise. Set on Maliboo Beach, players will find new gameplay elements, including the Alchemy Bomb, and the tricksy cube that transforms other blocks when it explodes.

“The response to the game so far has been very motivating. We’ve been eager to get the game live on more platforms and are ready for more players to try their hand at the virtual slingshot,” said Tommy Palm, Resolution Games co-founder and CEO in a statement. “We’ve also been listening to community feedback and are excited to get the new content out, which will add new challenges for those star-seeking players.”

Angry Birds AR Rocky Ruins Level

And then there is the Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs which is coming to iOS devices. Using Apple’s ARKit technology players will now be able to view the videogame in a whole new way, able to overlay the 3D buildings into the real world, helping get that perfect shot and angle.

“We’re delighted to bring the beloved physics-based gameplay of Angry Birds to life through augmented reality,” said Kati Levoranta, CEO at Rovio Entertainment. “It’s an especially timely moment to bring our avian friends to mobile AR for the first time, as this year marks the tenth anniversary since the release of the first Angry Birds game.”

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is available now for $14.99 USD/ £11.39 GBP on Steam for Windows Mixed Reality headsets as well as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs is available for pre-order today on the App Store, with the global release due to happen in Spring 2019 featuring at least 40 levels. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.