Robots will take control. It’s a scary state of mind, but it depends on how humans will control it. Automotive, ADAS and self-driving systems are fast-growing markets that are already adopted by all the big players and brands in the car and high-tech industry. It’s not so obvious that the “big boys” of the car industry trust that solution and are already implementing it into new cars. Behind the decision stands a lot of thinking and questions to ask:
Is it safe?
What are the risks?
Is it cost effective?
Is it the best timing to go to market?
Do we really need it?
What are the real benefits?
Everyone heard about Mobileye’s solution, “Tesla”s self-driving car and google’s vision/ But behind the big names, there are a lot of types and solutions that we still didn’t hear about them, and new trends and technologies that are being developed in the back yard of the big companies. Automotive solutions combine inside several solutions that already exist such as, Computer vision, AI, AR, and IoT. What stands behind all the new buzz words, is it just a narrow point of view into the future where we as humans will try to lose control, We can’t answer everything here, but we need to understand the consequences of the new trends and technologies.
Everyone is trying to position themselves as innovative.
Toyota that is using an artificial intelligence agent, called Yui. Yui takes communicating with your car to a next level with the AI actually learning your habits and then responding with an in-car lighting, sound, and touch. Toyota believes that a simple “question and answer” based voice command system (like Siri) is outdated and the above AI technology is the future.
Ford and Amazon “Alexa” are collaborating and providing voice control system. Nvidia, known more for its excellent processing chips and graphic setups, has tied up with Audi to build the next generation of autonomous vehicles. They have announced they will showcase a self-driving car within 12 months. The two companies have already been working closely during the last one year to create this new AI car platform that will act as a base to future Audi products.
Eyesight, a sensing solution for in-car environment, tracks the driver’s attention on the road, detecting when the driver is distracted or is showing signs of drowsiness. Using deep learning and other machine learning tools, eyeSight’s automotive solutions addresses three main aspects of the driving experience:
1. Driver awareness.
2. Infotainment Control.
3. Driver identification.
Argus Cybersecurity – This Israeli-based company is tapping into an explosive new marketplace: Automotive Cybersecurity. Millions of new cars and trucks on roads today have Internet connectivity, allowing automakers to deliver a host of new services to its customers, including Wi-Fi hotspots and the ability to remotely unlock and lock a vehicle from a mobile app. But the increasing level of connectivity, too, is going to expose consumers and manufacturers to a new set of risks, if, or more likely when, hackers are able to find weaknesses and exploit them.
Polysync, founded in 2013, has developed a middleware platform that lets automakers and other autonomous vehicle startups test, gather data, and eventually deploy driverless vehicle applications without spending an inordinate amount of time and resources. The system is designed to turn software algorithms and sensors into plug-and-play applications.
See you in the future
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