The VR Game Launch Roundup: Snowballs, Sailors and Seascapes

VRFocus brings you another roundup of all the virtual reality (VR) titles due to come out over the course of the next week. This week’s selection features a series of independent titles and re-release titles. Make sure to check out our accompanying video to get a short preview of each videogame.


Snowman – XOCUS

Test your hand-eye coordination in this icy, wave shooting experience. Protect your camp from hordes of incoming frosty aliens who have invaded earth. Utilise a number of weapons and team up with a combat robot who will cover your back while you quickly build a wall to protect your base. Play online against friends and set new records with a worldwide leader board.

A Fisherman’s Tale – InnerspaceVR

Previously released January 2019, InnerspaceVR’s mind-bending puzzle adventure is now receiving the Oculus Quest treatment. Featuring the options of room-scale, standing or seated playing, users can shrink and grow in size as you play as this wooden puppet fisherman in this seemingly never-ending highly interactive lighthouse setting.

  • Supported platforms: Oculus Quest
  • Launch date: 27th November

Affected: The Manor - Oculus Quest

Affected: The Manor – Fallen Planet Studios

UK-based developer Fallen Planet Studios has announced an Oculus Quest version of its popular horror VR title, Affected: The Manor, boasting new interactivity features to make use of the headset’s features. First released in 2016, experience this haunted house setting with two different routes and four different alternative outcomes for players, now featuring new manually opening door features to add to the realism.

  • Supported platforms: Oculus Quest
  • Launch date: 27th November

Fullchoke – Listo Games

Use a double-barrelled shotgun to perfect your clay target shooting abilities in winter, greenfield and desert settings. Compete with others around the world with an online leader board. Featuring the ability to adjust displays and resize targets to assist beginners.

Oceans We Make

Totalling in only 5 minutes in length, you have little time to explore the whole of this ocean environment. An ideal starter videogame for new VR users of any age, the player will discover the impacts of plastic pollution on the marine environment in this playable educational VR experience.

‘Affected: The Manor’ Arrives On Oculus Quest With Some New Updates

VR horror game Affected: The Manor is out now on Oculus Quest many years after its initial launch.

The horror app was an early VR experience for Gear VR back in 2016. It is a short but effective game, if you could call it that. The developers, Fallen Planet Studio, designed Affected: The Manor so it “does not follow the traditional gaming blueprint of objective-based tasks and gamification elements; instead, its main aim is to scare.”

That lines up with our review of the original Gear VR version back in 2016. Affected: The Manor also launched for PlayStation VR last year, and is the first in a planned trilogy of games in the series. The sequels are still in development, according to a recent press release.

The Quest version includes a few updates to the original game including hand interactions and increased environmental interactions. The game assets have also been reworked for “a more seamless experience.” This “remastered version” is also supposed to launch on PSVR “in time for Christmas.” We’re not sure whether the remastered version will be a free update for existing owners of the game on PSVR, or a separate purchase — we’ll update this post if we clarify.

This isn’t the only classic VR horror game to come to the Quest lately either. Dreadhalls also launched a Quest version recently, meaning that the Quest now has two early VR horror titles as part of its ever-expanding library.

Are you a fan of Affected: The Manor? Let us know in the comments below.

The post ‘Affected: The Manor’ Arrives On Oculus Quest With Some New Updates appeared first on UploadVR.

First Oculus Quest Screenshots of Affected: The Manor Appear

On Friday 13th in September, British virtual reality (VR) developer Fallen Planet Studios announced it was working on an Oculus Quest version of its popular haunted house title, Affected: The Manor. This week the studio released the first couple of screenshots of the port, and it’s already looking promising.

Affected: The Manor - Oculus Quest

Affected: The Manor became a horror favourite among VR fans back in 2016 when the title first arrived for Gear VR. Since then the experience has been ported to the likes of Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. Due to the technology when Affected: The Manor was originally developed its less of a videogame and more of a ‘walkthrough horror’ as the studio has previously described it, with players only able to affect movement.

The Oculus Quest version, on the other hand, is going to get a few upgrades. As Fallen Planet Studios’ CEO Alex Moretti mentions in a blog post: “To take advantage of Quest’s abilities, we brought hand avatars and interactivity to the experience for the first time, making you feel more ingrained in the environment. Small additions include the ability to interact with doors (they opened automatically before) and other parts of the environment; all intended to make you really feel like you’re in that manor!”

Even with those new interactions, Affected: The Manor still won’t be gamified with items like puzzles or trying to find keys to unlock doors. The team see this as an important factor, keeping the entry-level simple so anyone can enjoy the experience.

Affected: The Manor - Oculus Quest

Affected: The Manor is the only consumer-focused VR title the studio has released but the franchise does include many other editions aimed at location-based entertainment (LBE). These include Affected: Ghost Rider, a motion simulator at a theme park in South Korea; Affected: The Visit made in collaboration with Ultrahaptics, and Affected: The Hotel in Las Vegas. Work is also still ongoing with Affected: The Carnival, with more details still to come.

Fallen Planet Studios is currently aiming to have Affected: The Manor out for 28th November on Oculus Quest. If that does slide VRFocus will let you know as soon as possible.

AFFECTED: The Manor: Horrorklassiker erscheint am 28. November für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Entwicklerstudio Fallen Planet Studios veröffentlicht seinen VR-Horrorklassiker AFFECTED: The Manor morgen am 28. November offiziell für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store.

AFFECTED: The Manor – Horror-Walkthrough-Erfahrung ab morgen für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erhältlich

Die VR-Horrorerfahrung AFFECTED: The Manor führt die Spieler/innen durch ein Gruselkabinett, um sie mit ihren schlimmsten Ängsten zu konfrontieren. Dabei wird weniger Wert auf interaktive Spielelemente gelegt, stattdessen steht der Gänsehautfaktor im Mittelpunkt.

Durch den klassischen Aufbau eines Spannungsbogen, welcher durch die düstere Umgebung, Licht- und Soundeffekte untermalt wird, entsteht ein mulmiges Gefühl beim Durchlaufen der VR-Erfahrung. Mit klassischen Jump Scares sorgen die verantwortlichen Devs für Angst und Schrecken in euren vier Wänden und lassen euch mit zunehmender Zurückhaltung durch die verwinkelten Korridore der uralten Villa wandern.

Bereits 2016 erschien das erste Kapitel der dreiteiligen Affected-Reihe für Gear VR. Ein Jahr später folgte die Veröffentlichung für Oculus Rift und weitere Plattformen. Nun schafft es der erste Teil des Horrortitels auch auf die PlayStation VR (PSVR).

Alex Moretti, CEO von Fallen Planet Studios, findet optimistische Worte zur Konsolenveröffentlichung des Horrorspiels:

“Wir freuen uns sehr darüber, Affected: The Manor auf die PSVR zu bringen. Unsere Oculus-Version wurde seit der Veröffentlichung erstklassig von den Usern bewertet, weshalb wir sehr aufgeregt sind, wie die PlayStation-Community unseren Titel aufnehmen wird. Wir haben im Design bewusst auf komplizierte Mechaniken und Rätsel verzichtet, sodass ein vollständig immersives Erlebnis per einfachen Knopfdruck (zum Bewegen in eine Richtung) entsteht. Also das, was Virtual Reality im Kern ausmacht. Als Studio legen wir besonders viel Wert auf Qualität und wir glauben, dass wir die beste Horror-Walkthrough-Erfahrung überhaupt geschaffen haben. Unsere Bewertungen auf anderen Plattformen beweisen das, und wir haben lange an unserem PSVR-Build gearbeitet, um es in der Qualität zu bringen, diee die Leute von einer Fallen-Planet-Veröffentlichung erwarten.”

Während amerikanische PSVR-Besitzer bereits heute zuschlagen dürfen, müssen sich europäische Spieler noch einen Tag länger gedulden, wie die Entwickler auf ihrem Facebook-Profil veröffentlichen. Demnach verzögere sich der Release im PlayStation Store vonseiten SIEE (Europe) auf den 28. November.

AFFECTED: The Manor ist ab morgen für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store erhältlich.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Video: Fallen Planet Studios YouTube)

Der Beitrag AFFECTED: The Manor: Horrorklassiker erscheint am 28. November für PlayStation VR (PSVR) zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Affected: The Manor Brings its Horror Chills to PlayStation VR Tomorrow

Having originally released for Samsung Gear VR in 2016, Fallen Planet Studios’ horror experience Affected: The Manor then arrived for Oculus Rift the following year. Having gained popularity thanks to its pacing and atmosphere, the title is now set to arrive on PlayStation VR tomorrow.

Affected - The Manor

Affected: The Manor isn’t a full-blown virtual reality (VR) horror with puzzles to solve or monsters to fight. It’s what Fallen Planet Studios calls a ‘walkthrough horror’, where players have control of their movement and nothing else. Set in a dimly-lit haunted house where suspense, audio, and lighting are used for dramatic effect, Affected: The Manor offers variety in the form of two alternate routes and four different endings – if you’re not too scared to watch again.

“We are delighted to bring Affected: The Manor to PSVR,” said Alex Moretti, CEO of Fallen Planet Studios in a statement. “Our Oculus version is a top user rated experience and has been since its release, so to be able to make it available for the PlayStation community is really exciting for us. During design we deliberately removed any complicated mechanics and eschewed convoluted puzzles, so with just one button to move in any direction that the player is facing, it enables full immersion within the experience; it really is virtual reality at its core. As a studio, quality is so important to us feel and we really feel we have created the best horror walkthrough in VR. The ratings we have received on previous platforms is testament to that and we have worked for a long time on our PSVR build to get it to the quality that people expect from a Fallen Planet release.”


Today’s announcement isn’t just about Affected: The Manor, as fans of the title will know that it’s part of a trilogy. Affected: The Asylum and Affected: The Carnival were originally slated for a 2017 release but have now been confirmed for next year. In another twist, it looks as though all three may arrive on disk for PlayStation VR with Rob Edwards, MD of Perp Games commenting: “We are thrilled that one of the most successful VR experiences is coming to PSVR. The scares and horror within the Manor are just the start and we are very excited to be working with Fallen Planet Studios on a very special Physical Release in 2019.”

Affected: The Manor is available on the PlayStation Store from 27th November in all territories for £5.99 GBP / €5.99 EUR / $7.99 USD. For further updates on the other two titles, keep reading VRFocus.

Horror Classic Affected: The Manor Finally Hits PSVR This Week

Horror Classic Affected: The Manor Finally Hits PSVR This Week

As far as horror classics go in VR, Affected: The Manor is as original as they get right now, and it’s finally arriving on one of the most popular platforms this week.

Developer Fallen Planet Studios confirmed that the game will launch on Sony’s headset tomorrow, 27th November with a limited-time half price discount (we don’t know the full price but it’s $7.99 on Steam).

Affected was one of the earliest apps to showcase what can be done with VR and horror. You explore a spooky manor house, choosing your own route through as you endure jump scares and creepy terrors. It’s not a ‘game’ as such as it’s very much on the short side and designed for anyone to be able to experience, but there are multiple endings based on your choices and it most certainly is not for the faint of heart.

It’s the first in a planned trilogy of VR horror games with the second installment, Affected: The Asylum currently in development. No word on its release just yet.

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The post Horror Classic Affected: The Manor Finally Hits PSVR This Week appeared first on UploadVR.

Oculus Creep Into Their Store’s Crypt, Return With Gear VR And Oculus Rift Horror Sale (Updated)

The temperature is getting colder, the nights are getting darker, and there’s more than a few unsavoury noises coming from beyond the foggy darkness. It’s the witching hour draws near and Halloween is just a short while away.

Throughout the few couple of weeks we’ve been keeping you up to date constantly on all the latest Halloween related updates, be they related to new content as we’ve seen today with’s pumpkin-filled update for city destruction sandbox videogame VRobot. Limited time bundle deals, as we’ve seen from HTC Vive adding Star Trek: Bridge Crew into the sales deal for a short time. New releases such as OBSCURA, The Exorcist: Legion VR and Stifled. Even augmented reality (AR) videogames are getting in on the act with Scooby-Doo Go, another dog – this time a ghostly one – in the form of Bydo’s Return and of course the inevitable update from Niantic Labs for Pokémon GO.

For Oculus themselves they have several items in the offing; including Echo Arena‘s 2017 Halloween Bash, with the VR multiplayer title receiving a makeover with mysterious sights, new costume options to customise your avatar and a number of spooky and peculiar holiday-themed toys for you to play around with – if they don’t decide to play with you, that is. There’s been a small focus on re-advertising some fright filled experiences as well, with the likes of ABR VR receiving a new trailer upload on Oculus’ YouTube Channel.

ABE VR screenshotThe best news for Oculus Rift owners though must surely though be the newly announced Halloween sale which has, for the second year in a row, now gone live on the Oculus Store. Seventeen Oculus Rift along with sixteen Samsung Gear VR videogames and experiences have been reduced in price for a limited time.  The full list is below.

Oculus Rift:

Gear VR:

There will no doubt be more Halloween related updates coming soon, be sure to stay informed by checking back regularly with VRFocus.

Horror Awaits as Oculus Holds Friday 13th Sale

If you didn’t realise already today is the most ominous of days, Friday 13th. If you happen to own an Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR however then there’s no need to fret, in fact you can celebrate as Oculus has decided to mark the occasion by discounting a bunch of scary videogames to immerse yourself in.

There are 15 titles on discount across each platform for one day only featuring some of the best horror available for the platform. From psychological thrillers to all out gun toting action experiences, there’s something for everyone – if you can handle it.

Wilson's Heart_E32016 (2)

On offer today for Oculus Rift there’s:

While for Gear VR there’s:

  • Death Horizon – £2.75
  • Drop Dead – £3.99
  • Affected: The Manor – £1.11
  • Into the Dead – £3.49
  • The Hospital: Allison’s Diary – £1.11
  • The Cathedral: Allison’s Diary – £1.49
  • Dead Secret – £3.99
  • Witchblood – £2.99
  • Deadhead VR – £1.11
  • Darkdays – £2.99
  • Zed Shot – £1.11
  • Sammy – £1.99
  • Dreadhalls – £1.99
  • The Rabbit Hole – £1.11
  • Bad Dream – £0.79

And that’s your lot. For more deals and discounts on Oculus Rift and Gear VR, keep reading VRFocus.

More Content for Affected series coming soon to Oculus Rift

Popular horror title Affected: The Manor was launched for Oculus Rift last week after being available for Gear VR. Now developer Fallen Planet is working on new instalments in the series.

Affected was originally a tech demo designed for the Oculus development kit, the DK1. A version titled Affected: The Manor later came out for mobile VR on the Gear VR where it enjoyed renewed popularity, reaching no. 1 in the mobile apps section of the Oculus Store. The new version is now available for Oculus Rift complete with Touch support.


Fallen Planet is currently working on future titles in the series. The second instalment, Affected: The Asylum expected to be released for Oculus Rift in May, followed by The Carnival in October, just in time for Halloween. The developer is also working on Affected: The Cabin, which will be a much longer, narrative experience inspired by the works of renowned horror filmmakers such as John Carpenter and David Lynch.

Fallen Planet Creative Director Mark Paul said in an interview on Oculus’ blog: “First and foremost, we wanted to make something entertaining. We use horror as a vehicle for these VR experiences, but we try to make sure they’re never gory or gratuitous. That can be off-putting to a lot of people, especially when it’s in VR! Essentially, we recreate the live haunted house walk-throughs that are already so popular around the world. When you add VR into that equation, it makes for a very powerful experience.”

Affected: The Manor is available now through the Oculus Store for £5.99 (GBP).

VRFocus will keep you updated with further content for the Affected series.