E3 2019: Acron Gameplay Shows Cute Squirrel Vs. Tree Cross Device Multiplayer

E3 2019: Acron Gameplay Shows Cute Squirrel Vs. Tree Cross Device Multiplayer

In Resolution Games’ upcoming VR title a magical tree protects its acorns from squirrels trying to ferret them away.

Acron: Attack Of The Squirrels is targeting release in the coming months featuring cross-play from VR headsets to mobile devices. A player in an Oculus Quest or Oculus Rift VR headset inhabits a magical tree with arms to throw items or try and slow down the squirrels playing the game with an iOS or Android device. The tree is the protector of the “seeds of life” that the squirrels try to grab. It’ll feature multiple levels and environments with various roles for players to fill, according to Resolution Games.

The developers revealed the first gameplay from Acron: Attack Of The Squirrels today during the E3VR showcase.

Oculus Quest’s all-in-one system in particular could be a fantastic fit for the kind of gameplay showcased here. We’ve gotten a few asymmetric multiplayer VR games over the years like The Playroom’s cat and mouse game and Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes. We’ve seen some cool experiments too and these types of games theoretically solve one of VR’s most common criticisms — isolation. These games are hard to make, though, and not as common as we would like. Resolution Games is the studio behind a number of VR games including Angry Birds VR, Wonderglade, Bait! and Narrows, so they’ve got the experience to build on with Acron.

Look for the Acron: Attack Of The Squirrels later this summer and we’ll report back as soon as we get to spend some time with the game.

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First Trailer Released for Acron: Attack of the Squirrels

There have been a number of virtual reality (VR) titles over the years that have gone for a local social aspect, like The Persistence which allowed non-VR players to help or hinder the VR player, or Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes which featured a printable manual for players to follow. Resolution Games, the team behind Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs will be making one of its own called Acron: Attack of the Squirrels. The studio has now dropped the first trailer ahead of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) this week.

Acron: Attack of the Squirrels

The multiplayer, cross-platform party title is all about stealing or protecting the coveted seeds of life. If you’re the VR player then you become a rather overly protective tree who isn’t into sharing. While up to seven other players can join in as squirrels on their iOS or Android devices to steal as many Golden Acorns as possible.

As the tree, you can grab and hurl wood chunks, boulders and sticky sap to impede the relentless squirrels. If you’re one of the furry little critters then you’ll have special abilities to fall back on, with four character classes available. Matches are timed so there’s no dawdling about with players having to work together to retrieve all the acorns in time.

Acron: Attack of the Squirrels will support Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets, with a Summer 2019 release window currently scheduled. Resolution Games has yet to confirm any prices or if the mobile version of the title will be free to encourage more players to play against the one in VR.

Acron: Attack of the Squirrels

VR has long had a stigma regarding the technology being socially isolating, yet several games and apps showcase this isn’t necessarily so when developers put their minds to it. Previously, Tommy Palm, co-founder and CEO of Resolution Games has said: “We’ve always believed that VR is more enjoyable when you can play with your friends and family,” which titles like Acron: Attack of the Squirrels help to showcase.

Check out the first trailer below. For further updates on Acron: Attack of the Squirrels as well as all the other VR titles at E3 this year, keep reading VRFocus.

ACRON: Neuer VR-Partytitel von Resolution Games angekündigt

Entwicklerstudio Resolution Games (bekannt für Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs) kündigt mit ACRON einen neuen Partytitel ein, welcher VR-Brillen mit lokalen Smartphone-Nutzern verbindet.

ACRON – Neuer VR-Multiplayer-Titel von Resolution Games

Nach dem kürzlichen Release von Angry Birds VR folgt nun der nächste VR-Titel aus der schwedischen Spieleschmiede. Dabei geht ACRON einen anderen Weg als die bisherigen Veröffentlichungen des Studios, denn der Partytitel kombiniert VR-Brillen mit Smartphones, um VR-Nutzer und Nicht-VR-Spieler gemeinsam in ein kooperatives sowie kompetitives Spiel zu integrieren.

Das funktioniert folgendermaßen: der Spieler mit einer VR-Brille schlüpft in die Rolle eines gigantischen und uralten Baumes, welcher als Wächter der Acrons (eine Art von goldenen Eicheln) fungiert. Die Smartphone-Spieler bilden dagegen ein Team, um als flinke Eichhörnchen die “Saat des Lebens” zu stellen. So treffen Schnelligkeit und Teamfähigkeit auf pure Größe und Kraft, was im Clash für reichlich Spielspaß  sorgen soll.

Dabei sollen verschiedene Level mit abwechslungsreichen Umgebungen sowie Charaktere mit unterschiedlichen Rollen und vermutlich auch Spezialfähigkeiten zur Auswahl stehen, um für taktischen Tiefgang zu sorgen. Weitere Informationen wurden bisher noch nicht bekannt gegeben.

Per Mail äußert sich Tommy Palm, CEO von Resolution Games, gegenüber Upload VR, um das VR-Projekt weiter vorzustellen:

Wir haben schon immer daran geglaubt, dass VR mehr Spaß macht, wenn man gemeinsam mit Freunden und der Familie spielen kann. Hier geht ACRON noch einen Schritt weiter, indem es VR-Spielern erlaubt, mit und gegen Gegner auf dem Smartphone in einem sozialen Umfeld zu spielen. Und dabei ist es nicht nur eine erstklassige Möglichkeit, um Leute an die VR heranzuführen, sondern ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass ich noch nie so viel Spaß in VR hatte, wie mit diesem Spiel … und ich habe eine Menge VR-Games gespielt.”

Ebenso unbekannt ist, für welche VR-Brillen das Spiel erscheinen soll. Auf der offiziellen Webseite ist die Anmeldung zu einem Newsletter für weitere Informationen möglich. Dafür wird ebenso nach dem Gerätetyp gefragt. Ein Release für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows-VR-Brillen, Oculus Quest und PlayStation VR (PSVR) wäre also durchaus denkbar. Bestätigt ist aufgrund des plattformübergreifenden Gameplays natürlich bereits die Veröffentlichung für iOS und Android.

(Quellen: ACRON | Upload VR)

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Resolution Games to Launch Multiplayer VR Party Game ‘Acron’ This Summer

With Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs (2019) fresh out the door, Resolution Games today announced Acron, a new multiplayer game that pits one VR player against a group of local mobile users.

Resolution Games says Acron is expected to launch across several major VR platforms and both iOS and Android devices this summer. The studio hasn’t published screenshots or a trailer yet, so there’s still much to learn about Acron.

Here’s how Resolution describes it:

Through the magic of VR, one player becomes a large, ancient tree that is the sole protector of the ‘seeds of life’ (the Golden Acrons), while the players on mobile take on identities of a gang of rebellious squirrels that band together to strategize on how to best scurry around getting as many nuts as they can. The game will come with multiple levels depicting different nature environments and several characters with various roles for players to become.

The studio says the game is both “competitive and cooperative in nature for players across VR and mobile devices.”

“We’ve always believed that VR is more enjoyable when you can play with your friends and family,” said Tommy Palm, co-founder and CEO of Resolution Games. “ACRON takes that idea even further by allowing players in VR to play with and against opponents on mobile in a social setting. And not only is this game a prime way to introduce people to VR, but I can honestly say this game is the most fun I’ve ever had in VR… and I’ve played a lot of VR games!”

You can follow along with progress on Acron by signing up for updated via the game’s website. While it’s not clear exactly which VR devices will see support, the game’s email sign-up form features a questionnaire denoting the following devices: 

Resolution Games is currently set to launch a number of titles on the upcoming standalone headset Oculus Quest, including Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs and Bait!.

The post Resolution Games to Launch Multiplayer VR Party Game ‘Acron’ This Summer appeared first on Road to VR.

Acron Is A New Multiplayer VR Game From The Makers Of Angry Birds VR

Acron 3

Not long after the release of Angry Birds VR on several platforms, developer Resolution Games is back. It’s fair to say its latest project, Acron, is a fair bit different to its previous work.

Acron is a multiplayer VR game in which players face off against others outside of the headset. The VR player embodies an enormous ancient tree that protects Golden Acrons (no I’m not spelling it wrong) known as the ‘seeds of life’. Meanwhile, other players on iOS and Android devices form a team of squirrels that, you guessed it, want the Acrons for themselves. They may have numbers on their side but the VR player is much larger.

We don’t have any gameplay footage yet but the image above gives you a pretty good idea of the game’s tone.

“We feel the future of VR will be social and are focused on integrating multiplayer components in every game we create,” Resolution CEO Tommy Palm told us over email. “When it comes to cross-platform games we see an opportunity for VR enthusiasts to share the VR experience while exposing more people to the magic of VR. ACRON in particular is intended to be a party game where players can jump in and out, pass around the VR headset, change roles, challenge each other and have a ton of fun. Imagine having a dozen guests over with many of them participating in the play with others likely having just as much fun spectating. It’s about as inclusive of a VR experience as you can get.”

It’s the eighth project from Stockholm-based Resolution, which got its start with casual mobile VR titles like Solitaire Jester and Bait!. Last year the studio also released a version of Angry Birds for the Magic Leap One AR headset.

Resolution says the game will launch across “several major VR platforms” as well as iOS and Android. No specifics were provided but Angry Birds VR came to pretty much every headset under the sun and will soon arrive on Oculus’ new Quest standalone headset too. Back in February, the studio told us that it was working on “a few” projects for Quest, so it’s possible this is one of them.

Look for Acron to launch later this summer. For more information about the game you can check out an official website.

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Bait! Developer Resolution Games Reveals Multiplayer Party Game ACRON

Resolution Games has created quite the portfolio of virtual reality (VR) titles over the past few years. From highly popular, multiplatform fishing title Bait! to its recent partnership with Rovio Entertainment on Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs. Today, the studio has unveiled its next project, a multiplayer party videogame called ACRON.

ACRON hero image

Described as both ‘competitive and cooperative’ by Resolution Games, ACRON will feature cross-platform multiplayer between VR headsets and mobile devices. Currently, the studio hasn’t confirmed which VR headsets ACRON will support but on the mobile side both iOS and Android are catered for.

There aren’t any screenshots just yet, but details have been revealed regarding gameplay. The VR player becomes a large ancient tree that is the sole protector of the ‘seeds of life’ (the Golden Acrons). All the players on mobile become rebellious squirrels who must work together and work out the best course of action to acquire the seeds. The setup sounds very similar to Evocat Games’ Nemesis Realms which had non-VR players fighting against a VR boss opponent. There will be multiple levels depicting different nature environments and players will have several characters to choose from, each with their own roles.

“We’ve always believed that VR is more enjoyable when you can play with your friends and family,” said Tommy Palm, co-founder and CEO of Resolution Games. “ACRON takes that idea even further by allowing players in VR to play with and against opponents on mobile in a social setting. And not only is this game a prime way to introduce people to VR, but I can honestly say this game is the most fun I’ve ever had in VR… and I’ve played a lot of VR games!”

Angry Birds VR

There’s a good chance ACRON is one of the videogames the studio is working on for Oculus Quest. A couple of months ago Resolution Games mentioned it was working on several titles for the standalone headset, and with the launch expected soon Oculus will want a continual stream of new contentACRON is currently scheduled for a summer launch.

As further details are released by Resolution Games, VRFocus will keep you informed of the latest updates.