Control review

Remedy Entertainment’s Control is a mysterious paranormal adventure that occasionally loses sight of its goal in a wave of frenetic action.

5 Million Copies of PAYDAY 2 Going for Free

Last month Starbreeze Studios held a livestream making several announcements to do with future plans. One of those was the unveiling of PAYDAY 2 VR, a virtual reality (VR) version of its bank robbing title. This VR version will be a free add-on for players who already own a copy of the original 2013 videogame, and now even more will be able to access the title as Starbreeze is offering five million copies for free.

The free deal (PAYDAY 2 normally retailed for £14.99 GBP) is in preparation for the release of the upcoming PAYDAY 2 Ultimate Edition, so if you fancy going on a crime spree in VR for free you can. Currently Starbreeze has confirmed that HTC Vive will support the upcoming version but there’s a possibility further headset could be included. In a press release the studio noted: “The free download will additionally grant current and future compatible headset owners the base PAYDAY 2 VR game for free when it releases.”


PAYDAY 2 VR will feature crossplay support so players team up with their friends on PC. Additionally, those who’ve poured countless hours into the videogame will be able to retain their current characters and stats.

If you’ve not seen PAYDAY 2 its a four-player co-op first-person shooter that lets players carry out crime sprees, from small-time convenience store hits or kidnappings, to cyber-crime or emptying out major bank vaults.

The title is the work of Starbreeze internal studio OVERKILL which is also working on another VR project called OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead, which has recently been postponed until 2018. Starbreeze also worked with Lionsgate, Grab Games, Big Red Button and GameCo on John Wick Chronicles: An Eye for an Eyewhich released for HTC Vive earlier this year.

The beta for PAYDAY 2 VR is expected to start during the autumn of 2017. For any further updates on the videogame and Starbreeze AB’s VR plans such as eSport title Stormkeep reading VRFocus.