Something For The Weekend: PlayStation VR Discounts Across The Board

Once again its time for another entry of Something for the Weekend, the weekly series where VRFocus bring you a number of deals on virtual reality (VR) titles. September moving along nicely and though the weather in the UK doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be, that doesn’t stop the deals on VR titles from coming. This week we have a look at the PlayStation Store to list some of the best deals currently available. This includes mind-bending puzzle adventures, charming tales about friendship and even going for a dive, there is sure to be something for everyone. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

18 Floors

Experience a suspenseful and thrilling VR puzzle adventure in this title that will have you traveling to a time-bending black hole to discover the true identity of Andrea, Queen of Noah Star. Along the way you will also come face-to-face with a galactic conspiracy and need to try and keep yourself focuses on this fantastic journey that will require puzzle solving skills and focus.

18 Floors is available now for £7.99 (GBP) down from the usual £11.99.

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Unearthing Mars

“As Co-Pilot of the retrieval team, the player will have the full experience of a space explorer on Mars. Unearthing Mars provides hours of unique gameplay experiences, ranging from navigating a landing craft through a sandstorm to driving a Mars rover. From puzzle-solving to first-person shooting, the game will allow players to resolve challenges from a variety of game genres.”

Unearthing Mars is available now for only £4.99 (GBP) down from £11.99.

Along Together screenshot

Along Together

Become a kid’s imaginary friend in this charming title that will see you guiding them through extraordinary worlds in a journey to find their missing dog. Players will need to harness the power of imagination to lift trees, move boulders, power incredible machines, and create new paths where there are none to follow. Along Together is a charming experience that will be sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Along Together is available now for £7.99 (GBP) down from £15.99.


SUPERHYPERCUBE seems like the love child between Rez Infinite and Tetris, psychedelic, neon rich visuals with a puzzle mechanic that’s difficult to put down. If you’re after something that little bit different for your HTC Vive this holiday season, take a look at SUPERHYPERCUBE.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of SUPERHYPERCUBE.

SUPERHYPERCUBE is available now for £4.99 (GBP) down from £11.99.

The Walker

The Walker

The Walker was selected for the China Hero Project by Sony, representing the highest level of Chinese game development. It also received the 2017 Golden Plume award for Best VR Game. A VR action-shooter, The Walker offers a unique 360° all-directional monster-slaying experience for FPS and zombie fans. The story takes place in old Shanghai, where undead exorcists have traditional weapons at their disposal, as well as magical Chinese talismans.”

The Walker is available now for £9.99 (GBP) down from £15.99.

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Sneaky Bears

The world is under attack and it falls to you to save the day. When a horde of evil teddy bears lead by an evil mastermind bear named Frank come for you, it will take all sorts of weapons to be able to stop them and put an end to the evil plan that they have started. On your mission you’ll also need to rescue the innocent Panda teddy bears that Frank and his minions have taken hostage as well so get ready for a fight.

Sneaky Bears is available now for £3.69 (GBP) down from £11.99.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

“The achievement made by The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is one by way of both hardware and design to capitalise upon this. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR’s level of immersion is simply fantastic, and while Bethesda Softworks could well have gone the route of DOOM VFR and created a shorter spin-off experience, developing a brand new The Elder Scrolls instalment specifically for VR would have taken many years and far too much in the way of resources for what is still a nascent audience. As it stands some may find the price point of the videogame a bitter pill to swallow, but for those who dreamed of a truly immersive role-playing experience, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is simply the best opportunity available today.” – Read VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce’s review of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is on sale now for £24.99 (GBP) down from £49.99.

Floor Plan: Hands-on Edition Screenshot 2

Floor Plan

Looking for a puzzle adventure videogame that place place entirely inside an elevator? Then this is the one for you. Go floor to floor, find items, and meet a bizarre cast of characters and discover the relationships between the different things in the building to uncover the secrets within.

Floor Plan is available now for £2.99 (GBP) down from £4.99.

RollerCoaster Legends

RollerCoaster Legends

“Speed off on an eight-minute rollercoaster journey only possible in virtual reality. Visit the Temple of Poseidon, the River Styx, Tartarus, and the Palace of Hades, by zipping up and down daring drops and twists while sitting on your couch. RollerCoaster Legends is a mythology based rollercoaster featuring icons from Greek mythology, including the Minotaur, Kronos, Charon, and Hades. Enjoy the thrills of a gigantic rollercoaster in a location only possible to visit through your VR headset.”

RollerCoaster Legends is on sale now for £2.49 (GBP) down from the usual £3.99.

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Gran Turismo Sport

Get ready to feel the thrill of driving and the dizzying rush of acceleration as you get behind the wheel of the worlds fastest cars in intense races. Do you have what it takes to become the master of the sport and raise through the ranks to become the greatest racer there ever was? Gran Turismo Sport offers a truly immersive way to experience Motorsport’s and is a must have for fans.

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for £15.99 (GBP) down from £49.99.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

Two New Horror-Themed PlayStation VR titles On Sale Today

Though Halloween may be still some month away, Sony and publisher Winking Entertainment see no reason to stop the scares from coming, and how released two now PlayStation VR horror titles which both feature themes taken from Chinese folklore.

Though both titles are said to be very different, they share some similarities in where they take their themes and inspiration from, and both are out now for PlayStation VR users to download from the PlayStation Store.

The first title is called The Walker, and is a first-person shooter set in a version of old shanghai which has been infested by zombies. The players of course has a modern firearm at hand to dispose of the undead, but also has the option of a more visceral approach by using a sword for melee combat.

Players will be able to tap into the power of Chinese talismans to use elemental buffs that can be applied to both long-rang and short-range weaponry. Users will need to develop tactics for battling against monsters hiding behind shields, or those wielding swords of their own. Players can even uncover the secret of how to use the talismans to hurt elemental projectiles for an extra advantage.

The second title is called 18 Floors, which is an atmospheric escape room style puzzle-adventure which is set in a strange and surreal space where a series of interconnected puzzles must be completed in order to escape from a sealed room.

18 Floors is planned to become part of a larger series, though the current release features two levels and lots of rooms to explore, each with its own unique setting and style. The background for the title concerns the idea that hell has 18 levels, as portrayed in Chinese folklore depictions.

As a nod to the inspiration, 18 Floors contains quite a few references to Chinese history and culture, which the developers feel adds to the depth and atmosphere of the title.

For future coverage of new and upcoming VR titles, keep checking back with VRFocus.

18 Floors: Room-Escape-Horror ab März für Rift und vielleicht PSVR

Der Publisher Winking Entertainment kündigt einen neuen vielversprechenden Room-Escape-Horrortitel namens 18 Floors von Entwicklerstudio Aoga Tech an, der mit interaktiven Rätselelementen und einer beeindruckenden Grafik punkten möchte. Der VR-Titel soll ab März 2018 für Oculus Rift im Oculus Store erscheinen. Auch eine Umsetzung für PlayStation VR (PSVR) scheint in Planung zu sein.

18 Floors – Schauriger Horror-Escape-Titel für Oculus Rift und PlayStation VR (PSVR)

In 18 Floors übernehmen die Spieler die Rolle von Andrea, die sich auf der Suche nach ihrer wahren Identität in ein steinaltes Gebäude begibt, um eine düstere und geheimnisvolle Etage zu erkunden. In insgesamt 18 verschiedenen Räumen erwarten die Protagonistin furchteinflößende Mysterien, denn jede Tür ist gleichzeitig ein Tor zu einer anderen Welt.

Diese Welten umgibt jeweils eine komplett eigene Geschichte mit jeder Menge Gefahren. Bereits die Namen geben Rückschlüsse auf das Grauen und die Geheimnisse, welche die Spieler darin erwartet: Sealed Room of Phantoms, Train over the Sea of Blood, Forest of Fantasy und City of God sind nur einige der bekanntgegebenen Bezeichnungen.


Das Ziel des Spielers besteht darin, die kniffeligen Rätsel in den unterschiedlichen Welten zu lösen, um aus dem jeweiligen Raum auszubrechen und der Lösung der Identitätskrise näherzukommen. Wie genau diese letztlich genau aussehen und was die Spieler am Ende erwartet, ist bisher ungewiss.


Die Entwickler halten sich derzeit noch über weitere Informationen bedeckt, jedoch versprechen sie ein herausforderndes Rätseldesign sowie ein immersives Spielgefühl, welches das beklemmende Gefühl einer Gefangenschaft realistisch übertragen soll. Ebenso scheint es Uneinigkeit über den finalen Titel im Westen zu geben, denn das VR-Spiel wird sowohl unter 18 Floors wie auch 18 Levels gelistet.

18 Floors soll ab März 2018 für die Oculus Rift im Oculus Store erscheinen. Eine Konsolenversion für PlayStation VR (PSVR) ist laut Trailer wohl ebenso in Planung.

Wir werden euch über Neuigkeiten zum VR-Escape-Horror-Titel auf dem Laufenden halten.

(Quellen: Winking Entertainment | Video: Winking Entertainmaint Youtube)

Der Beitrag 18 Floors: Room-Escape-Horror ab März für Rift und vielleicht PSVR zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Winking Entertainment’s Next VR Horror Experience 18 Levels Coming in March

Winking Entertainment is quite the prodigious virtual reality (VR) publisher, having released titles like Don’t Knock Twice, Fated: The Silent Oath, Unearthing Mars and several more. The publisher has recently revealed its next title, a horror experience by Chinese developer Aoga Tech called 18 Levels.

18 Levels screenshot2

A puzzle solving experience set across 18 floors – the videogame seems to be called 18 Floors on Oculus Home but 18 Levels everywhere else – each area combines thought provoking puzzles with some escape room survival horror. Aoga Tech explains: “An entire floor consisting of an unfamiliar existence, each of the 18 rooms is a different world, with its own history and story: Sealed Room of Phantoms, Train over the Sea of Blood, Forest of Fantasy, City of God, and more.”

There’s also some sort of story line about the protagonist Andrea, whose seeks out her true identity and as usual there’s  a dark conspiracy of unimaginable magnitude to be uncovered.

Confirmed for launch on Oculus Rift – as it’s on Oculus Home – this March, 18 Levels will also come to PlayStation VR if the trailer below is correct. What the trailer or Winking Entertainment has yet to divulge is when exactly the PlayStation VR will see the title. As further details about 18 Levels (18Floors) are released VRFocus will keep you updated.