Motion Capture Acting Within VR? Cloudhead Games Explains In Latest Dev Diary

Motion capture for TV, film and videogame projects is not a new technology, and by this point you will have no doubt seen many a person clad in black with what look like ping pong balls attached to them. In the same vein you’ll have likely seen people using facial recognition technology, and actors performing their roles with a face full of blue dots to record the facial movements.

The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone

For virtual reality (VR) it all becomes a little bit more tricky. However, unlike standard motion capture it also provides an additional and intriguing solution: What if the actor was able to perform their roles as a character within the digital space itself? It’s something that Cloudhead Games are already doing as they discuss the process in their latest behind the scenes video discussing work on the next title in their VR videogame series The Gallery.

In the video representatives from the studio discuss how the actors are able to react to the digital environment. How, thanks to what is essentially an in-VR teleprompter, they are able to make changes to the script “on the fly”. How it all affects VR audio and how it affects the composition and the way a scene is acted at all.

“[The actors] actually end up acting more like theatre actors, because the player could be far away.” Producer and Audio Director Joel Green explains at one point. “Anybody, no matter where they are, is still going to get the empotional effect of the scene.”

The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone is due out 2017 and is the sequel to 2016’s The Gallery – Episode 1: Call of the Starseed. You can read VRFocus‘ review of the latter here.

VRFocus will bring you more updates on The Gallery series as they are made available.

Life In 360º: 360 Degrees Darker

This might well have the potential to be the raunchiest Life in 360º video ever and perhaps you can consider it a Valentines Day antidote.

What can you say about the film Fifty Shades Darker and indeed the Fifty Shades series that hasn’t already been said at this point? In summary the story of boy meets girl, girl discovers boy is unusually adventurous in the bedroom department, girl is okay-with-that-I-guess continues in the second film with even more kinky goings on.

Thankfully, or disappointingly depending upon your personal point of view this 360 degree video Fifty Shades Darker: The Masquerade Ball doesn’t go into R-rated territory and instead shows Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele continuing their journey towards reuniting by going to a spectacular masked ball which you, the viewer are also at. Mr. Grey even remarking that it is good to see you as the couple pass you on the ballroom floor.

Fifty Shades Darker is out now at cinemas. VRFocus will be back on Friday with another 360 degree video for you to experience.

Life In 360º: A Piece Of Pisa

One of my favourite things about virtual reality (VR) is its ability to take you places you’ve seen or maybe never even heard of before from the comfort of your living room just by snapping on a headset. You’re probably familiar with the term virtual tourism as a result. With companies like YouVisit providing experiences.

For today’s expedition into the world of 360 degree video with Life In 360º we’re putting on our travelling shoes again and heading off to Pisa in Italy. However before you get too expectant on what you’re going to see – namely, towers and their hitherto unmentioned leaning capabilities – Pisa has slightly more to offer than just it’s most famous, and indeed most slanted landmark.

Courtesy of the Jonathation Youtube channel, which specialises in travel videos in 360 degrees we’re off to take in the interior of the Camposanto Monumentale (the “Monumental Cemetery”) or Camposanto Vecchio (the “old cemetery”) which is found on the Piazza dei Miracoli in turn also known as the Piazza del Duomo. Originally built in the 12th century, it is currently going through renovation after losing much of its wooden structure in a fire following an air raid in World War II.

Strangely, a local legend says that claims that any body that is buries within the hallowed grounds of the Camposanto Monumentale will fully rot and decompose within 24 hours. Thankfully that isn’t covered by the four minute video which takes in a variety of locations around the grounds and inside the roofed area.

Where will we end up next on Li360? Come back Wednesday morning to find out.

Life In 360º: It’s The 360 Of Life

I regret to tell you I’m not here today. I’m actually on holiday, a fact which some of my friends will be utterly amazed by. Since it is my day off I thought it might be nice to kick back and take in a show. Because why not, right? When was the last time we took to Broadway for our 360 degree treat?

As such we round off the working week by doing just that. It’s an oldie (November 2015) but a goodie as we journey to Pride Rocktake in Disney’s stage show version of The Lion King and its opening number The Circle Of Life. Take to the stage and welcome the young heir to the pridelands.

VRFocus returns with more Life In 360º on Monday.

Life In 360°: Back Under The Sea

Over the weekend, prior to the events of the game jam over at The VR Concept, I met up with some friends I’d not seen for a while. During the evening talk turned to work and I ended up mentioning Life In 360°, and the idea of featuring a different 360 degree video on the site every other day. My friend was intrigued and I ran down some of the various video that we’ve seen in recent times.

During this the topic of underwater recording came up, and whilst we’ve certainly had them I mentioned to them that we’ve not had one for a while. So we’re rectifying that today.

We’re all off to the Bahamas for some scuba diving action, traversing the deep blue waters of the Caribbean, above the jagged rocks, through and past schools of fish. Enjoy a moment of tranquility and the richness of underwater life and VRFocus will be back on Friday with another 360 degree video from around the world.

VR vs. 10 Franchises SEGA Would Be Crazy Not To Bring To VR – Part 3

Hello everybody and welcome back to VR vs. The VRFocus column where the one who doesn’t write that much (that’s me) witters on for about 800-1000 words on his thoughts on the state of play in the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tech spaces. For the past fortnight I’ve been turning the clock back, in a number of ways, to cover ten franchises that SEGA (they of the speedy blue hedgehog fame) would be foolish – FOOLISH I SAY – to not consider combining with VR down the line in some manner.

We’ve already had a number of familiar franchises like OutRun and some that you may not have initially considered such as Condemned.  But with only four slots left which will make the cut? Which big names will be left out? I’ll give you a clue, Mr. T. Hedgehog is one of them.


Space Channel 5: Part 3

I, for one, think that it’s about time outer space’s best news reporter was back out in the field covering another news story of galactic proportions.  Now you might be wondering why I’m including Space Channel 5 in the list when we already have Samba de Janeiro, and especially when I’ve already discounted some franchises for being the same type of game; namely a driving title and shooting title? Well, whilst Space Channel 5 and Samba de Janeiro are similar in that they both have rhythm related game mechanics, they are operating with different intentions for those mechanics.

Whilst Samba is more a pure rhythm title, Space Channel 5 is more a memory game than anything else. Simon Says without the colours. Bop It in a short vinyl skirt.

Here though is where the addition of the 360 degree game play can again bring a fresh twist to an established idea. Not only do you become Ulala in this instance, but instead of moving the directional controller you are copying your opponent’s actions yourself, just as Ulala does. So you have that, but you also have the option to expand the command list a little and really mix things up. As opposed to getting instructions to go “left, right, right, left” what if you got “left turn, right, right turn, left”?  Suddenly you’re not only dealing with 2D actions.

It’s an idea. And we’ve not seen a new Space Channel 5 in a lonnnng time. As Ulala herself would say, “Stay tuned!”

Virtua Tennis

What happened to you Virtua Tennis? You used to be cool.

No really, Virtua Tennis 3 on console was all kinds of awesome, with longevity some devilish mini games and challenges and some pretty bang on game play mechanics. Then Virtua Tennis 2009 and 4 seemingly got a bit spooked by EA getting all… well, EA with the licences for likenesses and whatever it was that did happen during that time, it was all a bit of a mess after that. Some part of the magic was just… lost, as we’ve seen hide nor hair of one since 2011.

So why Virtua Tennis? Well this one is more cut and dry. We’ve seen many a tennis game, or tennis themed game already on VR be it for PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or even the mobile platforms. But frankly none of them hold a candle to what Virtua Tennis was as a video game. Imagine the addictive game play brought to bear once more, but with the same level of attention to detail shown within a VR environment.   The team from Sumo Digital (yes, I’m inviting you to throw money at them again) was very canny about what they could do on the mini games front. Something they replicated in SEGA Superstars Tennis, which, unsurprisingly was based on the Virtua Tennis engine. So the prospect of the Sheffield-based studio’s imagination being let loose in VR would whet the appetite of many a SEGA and tennis game fan.

Are there any cons here? Any VR related issues that may need to be addressed? Well, no. Not really. Tennis games are a proven commodity. Bonus points if the game lets you punch Duke and King in the face for being cheaty sods. If that kicks off a Virtua Fighter mini game then just give SUMO all the Game of the Year awards right there and then and be done with it.


How in the name of Goro Majima’s epic dance moves has this not happened yet? I mean I can kind of understand a reason in-story as to why the latest instalment of the Ryū ga Gotoku franchise – better known to you and me as Yakuza – didn’t invoke the PlayStation VR. Mainly because the title, Yakuza 0/Ryū ga Gotoku Zero: Chikai no Basho, was a prequel and set in 1988.

That being said however, I would have thought Sony would be falling all over themselves to get SEGA in on the act with their most famous (Project Diva not withstanding, and besides we’ve already discussed that) Sony exclusive series. Yakuza’s main game action doesn’t lend itself to PSVR – at least in my opinion. Why is it on this list then if it is isn’t suitable? Well Yakuza, as players know, is in no way just about the story.

Yakuza‘s side missions and elements off the beaten track people know are a strange combination of Japanese culture and utter lunacy. Veering from taking Hostesses on trips to karaoke clubs to winning a chicken at a bowling club which you can then appoint a member of your staff.


The thing is it is those mini games, like bowling and karaoke and baseball and all the other things – well, maybe not ALL the other things – that Kazuma Kiryu and co. get up to that could really make the leap into VR. Frankly i’d like to see what would happen if Toshihiro Nagoshi got his hands on the tech. He’ll probably think of something no one has.  With the series creeping up to the current times will we see a 50+ year Kazuma try and figure out the newfangled PlayStation VR in a Yakuza 7 or will something be created for PSVR after Yakuza 6 heads West? Time will tell if the Dragon of Dojima will get his virtual day.

Derby Owners Club

“You what?”
“You’re joking right?”
No. I’m not joking.
“What, no Super Monkey Ball?”
“No Space Harrier?”
“No Jack Lumber?”
No, but thanks for reading, Owlchemy Labs.
“Not even Seaman?”
NURSE! Another patient’s out of bed again!

I’m willing to bet you didn’t see this one coming. For those that don’t know of the title, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised, Derby Owners Club (DOC) is an arcade title predominantly found in the Asian markets, although it certainly received a strong . Originally released in 2009 you take on the role of both jockey and trainer as you work with your horse, race them and eventually retire them in order to take their attributes (and those of another horse, obviously) to breed the thoroughbred of your dreams. Horses were saved on cards, a bit like on some arcade racers like Initial-D you had a licence card you could insert.

This may sound a little nuts, but make no mistake – DOC was a huge hit in Japanese arcades and very popular in American arcades as well. People stayed there on the machines so long (up to 8 hours) and people waited so long to play that an actual reservation system and waiting lounges had to be introduced. We’ve all waited in multiplayer lounges to get a party – but actually waiting in a physical lounge for the chance to play an arcade machine? Unsurprisingly SEGA rather coined it in.  Not just in drinks sales for those in the lounges either.  In a game where half the time you are a jockey I’m positive there is some way to develop a VR related experience and make things more hands-on.  This has the added bonus of a) revitalising the brand with a must-try experience,  b) brings a much needed new money spinner to arcades and c) helps sell VR.

DOC is a game that rewards loyalty, and a new version could find customers rewarding VR with its loyalty too.

Well, that’s all ten and the end of a three-part (good grief) VR vs. There won’t be one next week as I will be on a medically required holiday from overdosing on SEGA these last few weeks. There may not even be one the week after that, again due to some much delayed time off, so in the meantime I’d like you to suggest the SEGA franchises you would like to see developed for VR in the months and years ahead. Also, which company should I turn my attention to next for a similar list? Suggestions in the comments please, and I will see you next time.

The VR Concept Game Jam: Meet The Owners

One of the early criticisms of virtual reality (VR) was that it would be an isolating experience and not a social one, but that’s not the case. In fact there are those out there that think VR can be not just a social experience among friends in the home but part of a much bigger night out.  VRFocus is currently in London, holding a game jam in Clapham’s Four Thieves public house. But The Four Thieves is not just a regular pub, it is also the home of The VR Concept, a group looking to bring VR experiences to those on a night out.

We spoke to the team about their goals, how they’re bringing VR to a new audience and giving both the competitiveness of multiplayer with friends and the experience of a trip to the arcade a new twist. One they’re hoping to expand beyond their current location with new experiences – potentially including that being developed today by those in attendance at The VR Concept Game Jam.

VRFocus will be bringing you more updates throughout the next 24 hours of the stories behind the game jam and how the game is developing.

Life In 360°: Life In 4×90 Degrees

I have good news and bad news for you, the bad news is we stand at the beginning of another Monday with the working week stretched out before us like some dark shadow. The good news (for me) is that this is beng written in a coffee house in London before Monday and Tuesday’s game jam and I have a cold bottle of coke on the company coin to pass the time. Something that I’m sure is of no comfort on a Monday morning but believe me when I say it is wholely responsible for keeping me going today. Which is just as well as it promises to be a rather busy one.

We’re sticking with sport today, but one we’ve not yet seen here in 360 degrees degrees, we’re off to swatch the a prizefighter of the ring indulge in a spot of fisticuffs. Yes, we’re going to watch some boxing in 360 degrees – or is that four lots of 90 degrees if we’re in a boxing ring? – courtesy of UK broadcaster ITV. The below video featuring a snippet of 27-year old British boxer Chris Eubank Jr. going through a sparring session was released by ITV in the run-up to his fight this last weekend, which was made available on pay per view (PPV) through a new service the broadcaster has released.

Clearly the sparring sessions were of benefit as Eubank Jr. won the IBO super-middleweight title from Australian Renold Quinlan via stoppage in the 10th round. You can check out the video below. VRFocus will be back with another of our scheduled visits to the world of 360 degree video on Wednesday, but keep an eye out for related news throughout the week.

Future of Immersive Leisure 2017 Sets Dates For Las Vegas Event

2016 as you may recall was a pretty packed year, all things considered. There was a point in the summer where it seemed like there was no escape. The whole technology circus lurching from one gathering immediately on to the next. There was no break, no let up, just endless events. This in fairness was to partially be expected. 2016 was effectively virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality’s (AR’s) coming out ball. Two tech (not-quite) debutantes. Both were red hot topics and people wanted to discuss and learn. 2017 is not at that level of fullness yet, but we can add yet another event onto the rapidly bulging calendar. The good news in particular being that it looks like it could be a pretty significant one.

FOIL 2017

Produced by Rising Media, Inc., Future of Immersive Leisure 2017 (FOIL) is a two-day conference focusing on the business side of immersive technologies that will be found not only inside the home (games and other entertainment) but how it will affect the bigger picture outside of it. From entertainment methods to educational. Looking at not just how they will work but also how they will work with each other and the commercial opportunities.

No speakers for the event have yet been announced. However FOIL, which will be held across September 13th-14th, 2017 and  in the world famous Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas will be covering topics  The full list of tech topics according to the website includes:

  • VR Arcades / Parks
    • Amusement Attractions
    • Family Entertainment Centers
    • Cyber Game Centers
    • Amusement Arcade Operators
    • Theme Parks & Leisure Centers
  • (Home) Video Games
  • Museum & Planetarium
  • Movie Theater Business
  • Motion Picture Creation
  • Audio Video
  • Hardware and Software Development
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Retail, Hospitality and Commerce.

VRFocus will be supporting the event as a media partner and we’ll be bringing you news and updates from the organisational team on the full schedule of talks and exhibitors as they are announced. in the meantime you can find out more information about the event here.


Bad Dream Stalks Onto Google Cardboard

Some would say that virtual reality (VR) gives you experiences you could never dream of having. Then again, there are such things as bad dreams. A new title called just that, Bad Dream, has been released for Google Cardboard and other Android-based headsets by Cannes based developers Creanet 3D.


You play not with a controller but by moving your body to get your character to walk, crawl or climb via pantomiming the movement. The twenty minute long experience promises much in the way of scares, with spooky goings on behind every corner. From mysterious shadows, to howling, clawing grotesques and chainsaw wielding maniacs chasing you down the corridor.

All the fun of the fair then.

And all because you wanted to go on holiday to Paradise Beach; unfortunately it’s when you wake up that the nightmare truly begins. The game is available to buy now for £0.79 (GBP) or your regional equivalent and can be found on the Google Play store. A trailer for the title can be found below.  For more news about Google Cardboard games, and related projects click the link in the VRFocus top bar.