Life In 360°: The North-South Divide

It has been a while since we’ve had a full on 360 degree immersive short on Life In 360°, so why not round off our scheduled videos for this week with one? We’re heading over to PBS Digital Studios for a relatively recent release.

Called My Brother’s Keeper and inspired by PBS’s own drama series Mercy Street, My Brother’s Keeper is a tale of the American Civil War. I’ll let PBS themselves explain…

“It tells the story of two estranged brothers who, fighting on opposing sides of the Civil War, unexpectedly reunite on the battlefield at Antietam. As we walk into battle with Ethan (19) and Jackson (16), we flash back to glimpses of their young lives to understand what has led them to this extraordinary, life-altering moment amid the carnage and brutality of war. The VR short film uses innovative technologies and techniques to create a cinematic experience that brings this pivotal period of American history to life – placing the viewer not only at, but in, the Battle of Antietam.”

You can see the video below. VRFocus will be back on Monday with another 360 degree video.

Life In 360°: Mary Jane’s California Role

Monday it was a discussion about the make-up of a health threatening virus, Zika. Today we move from disease to drugs, in fact we take on the topic of medicinal drugs.

Following the vote to legalise Marijuana back in November there continues to be much discussion about the potential ramifications of the decision. Of course having locations devoted to the production of marijuana for medicinal use is actually nothing new.

In the video Garden Of Weed’n, Seeker VR headed over to PolyKulture to discuss owner Micah Faluse’s hopes for a bright future for his cannabis vineyard (his ‘cannyard’) and how a community grew up around the growth and cultivation of farming weed.

VRFocus will be back on Friday with another Life In 360° video.

Life In 360°: A Viral Strain

GDC is creeping into view over the horizon, and that means plenty of news and revelations for all concerned. That means we can presumably expect this week to be a bit more heavy on the business and tech side than the gaming side of virtual reality (VR) as people hold off their announcements until the time comes. Save for the few parties who will no doubt

Baring all this in mind we naturally start off the week with that most exciting of things, disease!

Okay, perhaps that’s not the most exciting way to start the week but that’s the case. We’re in for a 360 degree degree scientific treat courtesy of Visual Science who have brought to life the Zika virus in 3D. You may well recall the Zika virus causing much alarm last year and in 2015 following a cross-continental outbreak. In fact it has been just over a year since the World Health Authority (WHO) declared Zika an international health emergency. Zika infection is believed, for it is actually not yet proven, to be the cause of reduced growth in the brain and skull resulting in a significantly shrunken head.

There are, at this time no vaccines for the Zika virus either. So this will be a problem for some time to come.

Watch below as Visual Science give you a rundown of how the viral strain operates and interacts within the body. VRFocus will be back on Wednesday for our second of three scheduled weekly visits to the world of 360 degree video. What will it be? Tune in then to find out.


The VR Job Hub: Framestore Galore, nDreams & More

Depending upon where you are in the world and the company you work with of course you may be finding yourselves heading towards the end, not of the physical year but the financial one. As such it may very well be time to take stock of your personal aims and goals and see if perhaps you want to try your talents elsewhere. New challenges, new faces, and the VR Job Hub is here as usual to list down some opportunities.

View the new listings below for more information:

Location Company Role Link
London, UK Framestore Lead Gameplay/Engine Engineer (VR)  Click here to apply
Montreal, CA Framestore Head of Production (VR) Click here to apply
Montreal, CA Framestore Lead VR Engineer Click here to apply
Montreal, CA  Framestore Pipeline Technical Director (VR) Click here to apply
Montreal, CA  Framestore VR Engineer Click here to apply
Montreal, CA  Framestore Senior VR Engineer Click here to apply
New York, USA  Framestore VR Engineer Click here to apply
New York, USA  Framestore Technical Artist (VR) Click here to apply
 Newcastle, UK Luminous Group, Ltd AR/VR Developer Click here to apply
 Swindon, UK Rendermedia 3D Game Artist / Environment Artist Click here to apply
Farnborough, UK nDreams Gameplay Programmer Click here to apply
Farnborough, UK nDreams Tools Programmer Click here to apply
Farnborough, UK nDreams VFX Artist Click here to apply
Farnborough, UK nDreams Lead VFX Artist Click here to apply

As always you can check last week’s post for more listings. If you have a role within the VR or AR tech space and would be interseted in having it feature on next week’s VR Job Hub please send details of the role to either or

Check back with VRFocus at 3PM UK time Sunday for the latest positions.

Competition: Win A Pair Of VRWC 2017 Tickets With VRFocus

February is almost at an end already and the virtual reality (VR) calendar shows no signs of slowing down. In the UK, VR World Congress (VRWC) is rapidly approaching, bringing over 2000 attendees from across the globe representing all fields of VR and its related industries to Bristol. Running from April 11th to the 13th, VRWC 17 is set to once again be another landmark VR expo crammed full of talks, experience, software and hardware. With representatives from Microsoft, Leap Motion, IBM, AMD, the Royal Opera House, Samsung, Ultrahaptics, Oculus Story Studio, the BBC and many more already confirmed.

It sounds like it will be quite an event – which is why we at VRFocus have teamed up VRWC to offer our followers the opportunity for one lucky winner to win a pair of full conference and expo passes for VR World Congress 2017, worth £600!

thumbnail_Win Tickets for VRWC
These tickets grant the holders access to the vast majority of events at VRWC:

  • An open pass to the huge VRWC expo for the entirety of the 12th and 13th of April

  • Access to all VR World Congress talks across all three days

  • Opportunity to attend official after party – and organise meetings if so desired

VR World Congress has been designed to cater for a wide audience. From those looking to simply try out the latest VR software and hardware to game developers looking for tips, tricks and investment. The event is also focusing on individuals from fields such as healthcare, marketing, education, entertainment and property looking to learn how VR is shaking things up, and how it can be used practically moving forward.

Whatever your interest in VR, be sure to enter the competition via the Gleam tool below. There’s a host of ways you can enter and if you’re a follower of ourselves or VRWC on social media you’re already well on your way. You can even visit the VRWC webpage for an additional entry each day! The competition ends at 11:59:59 PM (GMT) on March 4th 2017.

Win A Pair Of Tickets To VRC 2017 With VRFocus

VRFocus will, of course, be bringing you more updates and stories of all things VR, and indeed VRWC related but you can also sign up for the VR World Congress mailing list, to get updates on the event straight to your inbox.

Life In 360° Extra: The Making Of Dragonwatch 360° VR Experience

No you’re not mistaken, you’re reading a Li360 on a Sunday. But this is one occasion where we’ve actually received some more information about a video after publishing that is actually worth a follow-up. So welcome to Life In 360° Extra – an extremely irregular addition to the VRFocus line-up.

On Friday we brought you a 360 degree video from Shadow Mountain Publishing, promoting the latest book in Brandon Mull’s Fablehaven series of fantasy novels. One which put you in the centre of the circle formed by returning Fablehaven characters the Singing Sisters.

Now, we’ve more on the creation of the video from it’s Prodcuer, Lowell Oswald Jr of Strillogy Productions. As well as some behind-the-scenes images from the production.

While scouting the locations for the Dragonwatch trailer, I came across a place I hadn’t been in years. The Homestead Crater in Midway, UT was somewhere I had visited many times growing up during the winter seasons. It had been more than ten years since my last visit to this unique local hotspot. Upon entering, the warm moist air and smell of the crater brought a rush of memories from my childhood.

As I stood on the dock surrounded by water I knew this place would be perfect..but only if I could capture the feeling I had as I stood looking at the mist rolling off the water and the light bouncing around the cave walls.

Dragonwatch Fisheye View

While discussing the location options with Julia, the marketing manager for Shadow Mountain, she also mentioned this exact same location so I knew we had to use it.

I began working with our storyboard artist to capture the scenes as I had envisioned them. When we got to the cave section I felt disappointment that we may not be able to capture everything I had envisioned. With all the blocking, equipment, and limitations of filming in such a small area I knew it would be a struggle to bring the full effect of the crater to the screen.

Dragonwatch Video 1

Just a couple months prior to all of this I had been working more with VR/360 content and exploring the potential to bring this incredibly new immersive experience to more of our clientele. The costs had been prohibitive until new cameras from Samsung, Nikon, Ricoh (to name a few) starting popping up. The quality of the videos and images these produce still leaves much to be desired, but I knew it might be just enough to capture a little extra that wouldn’t be seen in the main video book trailer we were creating.

Dragonwatch Video 2

Our original budget for the trailer only covered enough to make a single trailer shot with our C500 4K camera and cinema lenses. However, since I had recently purchased a Samsung 360 camera for smaller projects and personal use I decided this was something I could bring on set to help capture everything I wanted to see.

After the storyboards were complete and the script was locked I began planning our each piece. I was drawn to the scene with the Singing Sisters. In the story, each of their hands/arms is fused to the other creating a full circle of the three. While working through the blocking challenges of this I realized that a 360 view of them surrounded by the crater would be an incredible way to capture a piece of this story in a more immersive way.

Dragonwatch Video 3

Our thanks to Lowell Oswald Jr and Andrea Thatcher for their help in bringing us new information on the video. Dragonwatch by Brandon Mull is out next month.

You can of course read and watch the next edition of Life In 360° tomorrow on VRFocus at the usual time, where we will be stepping from fantasy books into the world of medicine.

This Week in VR Sport: Training And Trade With Both Kinds Of Football

Saturday means another trip into the area where the world of virtual reality (VR) interesects with the world of sport, presumably represented by some sort of Venn diagram. This week in there is an incredible mix of sports – whether or not you consider them all to be one – but it is all still a bit US-dominated.

VR Praised By College Football Coaches

Not a week goes by without some kind of American Football related story being included in our Saturday sport round-up, and if you were hoping the Super Bowl spelt the end of those for a while I’m afraid you’re mistaken. We may be in the post-season but that only means it is a time for reflection, and after its first season in full use as a coaching tool for many professional and college teams VR has proven its worth as an aid – at least according to one coach.

Speaking in a video to Fox Sports, Texas Tech coach Kliff Kingsbury described the vital role the team’s system – provided by STRIVR – is playing in developing younger players.


“College football is incredibly competitive. You have some of your top-tier programs who get the five-star players. If you aren’t getting those players, you better find advantages elsewhere. And virtual reality has helped us dramatically.” It’s also changing the way players prefer to look back at archive tape of their opponents and themselves, as Kingsbury explains. “One of the bigger things is that I see them wanting to go use the virtual reality,” Kingsbury said. “It’s not easy to get them to watch the standard film anymore because they want to put [the VR headset] on, they want to see it and hear it from that perspective. Because that’s how they play.”

Another college coach Matt Rhule of New Baylor will be bringing the technology on board next season after being thoroughly impressed by what he has witnessed in his previous coaching role. “I’m a huge, huge believer in virtually reality. We had it for the last two years and won 10 games in each of those years. I think the eyes are one of those untrained aspects of football. Everybody talks about ‘speed’ and how fast a guy is. But it’s also about recognizing players and structure, and I think instincts can be learned and taught, so that intangible thing becomes tangible.”

Manchester United Tean With Swissquote For 360 Degree Series

Manchester United’s captain Wayne Rooney, along with teammates Sergio Romero, Marcus Rashford and Anthony Martial have teamed up with Swissquote, one of Manchester United’s commercial partners, to be a part of a new series of videos that will see show the “synergies between FX trading and football”. With the first video in the 360˚ series called “Take the Lead” looking at the direct similarities between a player and a trader.

If this sounds a bit silly to you, yes you’re right, it is.

It does however use the 360 degree vision in an interesting and creative manner however, offering a splitscreen view, or two lots of 180 degrees between both parties. Episode 1: “Take security” features Rooney preparing to leave for a game, with future videos set to show Romero going through his morning routine, Rashford engaging in a video call with former Red Devil’s star Andrew Cole, and Martial getting dressed up smartly for an event. All with a trader equivalent doing the same thing.

Wecast Network Finalising Work On ‘V Market’, A VR/AR Powered Commerce Service

It has been said many times, but it still bears repeating that virtual reality (VR) is not just about videogames. There are many organisations out there who are working to use the technology of VR, and other high level technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) in order to evolve existing products and create new service solutions.

Wecast Network Inc

One company that is using all three currently is Wecast Network, Inc (known formerly as YOU On Demand) Announces Q3 2016 …. A licensing, sales and video commerce already working in the field of AI, and a company with ties to large film and video distributors such as Paramount, Disney, Miramax, 20th Century Fox, NBC Universal as well a number of Chinese distributors as part of its role in an ongoing video on demand service within the country. As part of its work Wecast Network is in the process of finalising what it is terming “a VR, AR and AI-enabled commerce technology solution” called V Market.

A Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing tool to be provided as part of Wecast’s services, it is looking to leverage AR and VR into unlocking new revenue streams as for clients via interactive experiences, 360 degree videos or augmented information overlays. Allowing customers to shop and browse in new ways and, more importantly for the end client, to buy in new ways.

Due to launch in Q2 of 2017, you can see two demonstration videos showing the possible ways V Market may be used in the future below. VRFocus will continue to bring you news and updates on how VR technology is used.

Life In 360°: Enter The Circle, Fablehaven Awaits

The week ends with another first on Life In 360°. We’ve had tie-ins and promotional videos for television series and videogames. We’ve had 360 degree trailers for films and shortform VR film experience for both fact and fiction. We haven’t, so far however had a 360 degree trailer… for a book.

That changes though with this release, created to promote Dragonwatch, the latest book in the Fablehaven series of fantasy novels written by New York Times best-selling author Brandon Mull. The book sees the King of Dragons bent on putting an end to the age of man and re-establishing dragons as the true rulers of the world, putting strain on the Dragonwatch – as well as series protagonists Kendra and Seth Sorenson – as they strive to somehow keep the balance of peace between the two worlds of man and dragon.

The video itself, posted online by publishers Shadow Mountain Publishing, takes you into the darkness for a rather up-close and personal confrontation with Berna, Orna and Wilna, the Singing Sisters .If you’re a fan of the series there’s also a different, standard trailer for the book which you can see below that.

VRFocus will be back on Monday for more Life In 360°

Get A Drone Of Your Own With Exo

Google’s Android Experiments website has published a new experience for owners of the Google Daydream head-mounted display (HMD) which is positively out of this world.

Exo, an application created by Los Angeles based developers Hook Studio using the Daydream technical preview version of the Unity development engine is available on both Google Play and in code form via Github. And sees users controlling a futuristic looking drone. Flying around on four anti-gravity hover pads over a particularly rocky alien planet. It is up to you to control and use it to discover what is going on in the outside world and use it to interact with alien technologies and other elements as you sit in the relative safety of the mothership.

“Exo was born out of a series of prototypes that we did on a makeshift Daydream dev kit, exploring possible uses of the controller’s unique rotational tracking and touchpad interface.” Explains the studio on the game’s product page. “One of our early test flight mechanics directly translated the controller’s orientation to the drone’s orientation with a simple uni-directional thrusting mechanism. This turned out to be both engaging and challenging for the player. The rest of experience was built around that basic control concept which is not possible on other mobile VR platforms.”

Free to download, you can find screenshots and a video preview for the game below. VRFocus will continue to bring you news and updates relating to the Google Daydream as we get them

Exo-1 Exo-4 Exo-3 Exo-2