IO Interactive launched Hitman 3 back in January for multiple platforms but only PlayStation VR saw exclusive virtual reality (VR) support. Today, the studio has announced a seven part DLC expansion for the title, all based on the seven deadly sins.

It all begins on 30th March with the release of Act 1: Greed, which will provide players with a specific contract in Dubai to complete, the sin-themed unlockable Rapacious Suit and at least one sin-themed item – either the Greedy Little Coin or The Devil’s Cane. This first stages focuses on a new Escalation called The Greed Enumeration: “which allows you to carry certain items over between each of the three stages.”
The studio hasn’t revealed when each subsequent act will arrive but the DLC launch this month marks the start of the Season of Greed, with each season lasting between 4-6 weeks. Each season will include free content with regular Escalations, Featured Contracts and Elusive Targets cropping up. IO Interactive will be releasing the full content roadmap for the Season of Greed in early April.
When it comes to purchasing the Hitman 3: Seven Deadly Sins DLC there are two ways to go about it. Each content pack can be individually bought, retailing for $4.99 USD / £4.99 GBP / €4.99 EUR. Or there’s the Seven Deadly Sins Collection which will set you back $29.99 / £29.99 / €29.99, saving you a bit of cash instead of buying them all individually.

For PlayStation VR owners Hitman 3 provided quite the content lineup with features not attempted before. Not only could you play the entire campaign in VR – unlike some VR titles which only offer a cutback VR mode – the videogame also allowed them to import Hitman 1 and 2 environments to play in VR if they owned the games.
As IO Interactive release further details on Hitman 3: Seven Deadly Sins, VRFocus will let you know.