Harmonix Adds Official Modding Support for Audica

For those looking for a musical change away from Beat Saber then Harmonix’s latest Audica may just scratch that rhythm action itch. This week the studio has released the next update for the virtual reality (VR) title, embracing the creative modding community by introducing Community Maps.


Harmonix has released authoring tools and documentation for Audica, allowing players to create fully-supported, alternate target maps for the soundtrack. “We’ve been listening and heard that you all want more support for custom content, and today marks the first step in what we’re internally calling “the AUDICA Creator Initiative” with the introduction of Community Maps,” states the studio in a press release. “Our goal is to provide a platform for our incredibly creative modding community to showcase their talents to all of AUDICA’s players.”

The studio goes into detail in a blog posting, with the core of it being that to make Community Maps you’ll need a basic understanding of Reaper to proceed. Any maps made can then be shared on the Harmonix Discord channel for others to download and play. Plus, maps automatically get official leaderboards.

Or for those that just want to play the maps, head to the same Discord channel and find the #audica-community-maps sub-channel. Being an early access title this process on Audica isn’t particularly streamlined which Harmonix is planning to improve in the future. For now, you’ll just have to carefully follow the blog instructions.


After the release of Rock Band VR in 2017 Harmonix return to the VR scene last month with a first-person shooter (FPS) style rhythm game called Audica. Gameplay involves two guns, one orange and one blue, with which to shoot a variety of single and multiple colour shaded targets.

“Audica is a bold experiment by Harmonix, trying to mix up the rhythm action genre with mechanics that only VR can truly provide. It really does sit on a knife edge between standout gameplay design that keeps you on your toes and just being overwhelmingly complicated, assaulting your senses from every direction,” VRFocus wrote in its preview.

As further updates are released for Audica, VRFocus will keep you posted.