Affected: The Manor Brings its Horror Chills to PlayStation VR Tomorrow

Having originally released for Samsung Gear VR in 2016, Fallen Planet Studios’ horror experience Affected: The Manor then arrived for Oculus Rift the following year. Having gained popularity thanks to its pacing and atmosphere, the title is now set to arrive on PlayStation VR tomorrow.

Affected - The Manor

Affected: The Manor isn’t a full-blown virtual reality (VR) horror with puzzles to solve or monsters to fight. It’s what Fallen Planet Studios calls a ‘walkthrough horror’, where players have control of their movement and nothing else. Set in a dimly-lit haunted house where suspense, audio, and lighting are used for dramatic effect, Affected: The Manor offers variety in the form of two alternate routes and four different endings – if you’re not too scared to watch again.

“We are delighted to bring Affected: The Manor to PSVR,” said Alex Moretti, CEO of Fallen Planet Studios in a statement. “Our Oculus version is a top user rated experience and has been since its release, so to be able to make it available for the PlayStation community is really exciting for us. During design we deliberately removed any complicated mechanics and eschewed convoluted puzzles, so with just one button to move in any direction that the player is facing, it enables full immersion within the experience; it really is virtual reality at its core. As a studio, quality is so important to us feel and we really feel we have created the best horror walkthrough in VR. The ratings we have received on previous platforms is testament to that and we have worked for a long time on our PSVR build to get it to the quality that people expect from a Fallen Planet release.”


Today’s announcement isn’t just about Affected: The Manor, as fans of the title will know that it’s part of a trilogy. Affected: The Asylum and Affected: The Carnival were originally slated for a 2017 release but have now been confirmed for next year. In another twist, it looks as though all three may arrive on disk for PlayStation VR with Rob Edwards, MD of Perp Games commenting: “We are thrilled that one of the most successful VR experiences is coming to PSVR. The scares and horror within the Manor are just the start and we are very excited to be working with Fallen Planet Studios on a very special Physical Release in 2019.”

Affected: The Manor is available on the PlayStation Store from 27th November in all territories for £5.99 GBP / €5.99 EUR / $7.99 USD. For further updates on the other two titles, keep reading VRFocus.