Desirium VR Expands Support to Viveport

FIBRUM launched its DESIRIUM VR platform back in September on Oculus Store with support for Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR. Today, the company has announced that support has expanded to Viveport and HTC Vive.


FIBRUM is a virtual reality (VR) developer, publisher, and distributor of both of its own and third-party VR content from the world’s leading studios, using DESIRIUM VR to share the content. Currently, the platform has 15 experiences to choose from, including recently released sci-fi horror Moon: The Dark Side.

As FIBRUM continues to support and expand the platform it’ll add further content from its own studio as well as other developers wishing to use its distribution network.

“It seems to me that entering the mass market segment is the future of VR technology. I believe it can be used the same way as Instagram or Facebook are. The market has been developing spontaneously, not the way it had been predicted to. Many companies have not coped with it which is very sad. But we want the VR market to stay positive. We believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. And not from the train that you’re about to hit, but from the tunnel exit,” says Founder and CEO of FIBRUM Ilya Flaks in a statement.

Moon: The Dark Side

The platform also offers a “Descoin” in-app currency, a savings system with bonuses. Users earn extra Descoins for taking and completing achievements within the experiences. But in case they can’t afford an experience, Descoins can be accrued by watching short commercials within DESIRIUM VR.

The original launch of DESIRIUM VR was made possible thanks to a $1 million USD investment secured earlier this year, led by The FunCubator and NP Capital Funds. As further announcements regarding DESIRIUM VR are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.