Every year in December Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) holds its annual PlayStation Experience event in Anaheim, California, not only allowing gamers to test the latest videogames but also revealing new and upcoming titles. Well it now turns out that it won’t be taking place in 2018.
On the PlayStation Blogcast released today, Sony Worldwide Studios Chairman Shawn Layden confirmed the consumer focused event won’t be held for the first time in four years in the US.
Explaining why Layden said: “For 2018, I know this is going to be a disappointment for some people, but we’ve decided not to hold PlayStation Experience. We won’t have it in the States this year. The reasons behind that really are, we don’t have, we have a lot of progress that we’re making in our games [and] we’re seeing that coming out, now that we have Spider-Man out the door we’re looking into 2019 with games like Dreams and Days Gone but we wouldn’t have enough to bring people, all together in some location in North America to have that event. We don’t want to set expectations really high and then not deliver on it.”
That will certainly annoy fans who enjoy travelling to the event to see the very latest that SIE has to offer, whilst putting a worrying twist on the lack of third-party titles that tend to make an appearance. Could this be Sony starting an early wind down to refocus efforts on its next console. While the rumour mill has been rife about PlayStation 5, there’s been no concrete details from the company just yet.
And what about PlayStation VR? The headsets sales of 3 million may trifle in comparison to the PlayStation 4’s 82 million+ but its still proved more popular than PC rivals Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. And there’s always a constant influx of titles for the device, including a number of notable exclusives.
What ever the case, VRFocus will continue to bring you the latest PlayStation VR news and updates.