Having launched its closed beta for tactical multiplayer Zero Killed, indie studio Ignibit has today announced that the process has been a success, seeing overwhelmingly strong support from the community. To this end the team will be moving from closed beta to Steam Early Access on 3rd October.
Inspired by first-person shooter’s (FPS) like Rainbow Six Siege, Counter-Strike and SWAT 4, players take on the role of a Zero, pro’s who were once hired by companies to illegally extract superconductive element Petronium from the devastated territory called The Zone.
Heavily focused on team cooperation and communication, Zero Killed allows players to choose between 10 different characters, from the heavily armored Big Foot, the fully loaded with technology A.N.D., to Ox – an ex-navy general with a love for demolition.
The beta began on 17th September and is currently still running. “The feedback we’ve received from gamers during the closed beta tests has been amazing,” says Sebastian “Sunbro” Kropiwnicki, the producer and community manager for Zero Killed in a statement. “The players told us what worked well and what needed polishing and we realized that we want to make this game with the community. So, it’s only natural to go for Steam Early Access.”
“We want to get the game in front of as many players as possible before its full release and we think that Early Access is our best way of achieving that. We don’t want to remain in EA forever though, and we’re targeting a release on the November 30, 2018,” adds Maksymilian “themorfeus” Michalski, the game’s designer. “We think that’s more than enough time to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s.”
Zero Killed features 4 vs. 4 multiplayer gameplay across four game modes: Data Steal, Domination, Hunt and Tournament, with three locations to choose from: Nuclear, Suburbs and Sewers. As well as revealing the Steam Early Access launch for 3rd October, Ignibit has confirmed the title will fully launch on 30th November 2018. For any further updates keep reading VRFocus.