Though the SEGA Dreamcast is long gone now, its legacy lives on in the form of the videogames that came to prominence on SEGA’s last console. One of those is Space Channel 5, whose virtual reality (VR) adaptation has been making the rounds at event in Japan, and now wil finally be getting a home release on the PlayStation VR.
Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash is currently in development and is set for release some time in 2019, appropriately marking the 20th Anniversary of the title’s release on the Dreamcast.
A demo of Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show 2018 on 20th-23rd September, 2018. There are also plans to hold a special campaign called the ‘Gyun-Gyun Campaign’ to celebrate the announcement.
Players will be broadcast into the 25th Century where players will take control of rookie reporter twin sisters Lou and Kee who will act as the player avatars for the futuristic rhythm adventure. Lou and Kee (and the player) will be able to dance alongside iconic Space Channel 5 host Ulala and bring back a wash of nostalgic memories.
Developers Grounding Inc have promised that the classic Dreamcast setting and gameplay will be present, but now players can react to the rhythm using their body, instead of just the controller. Brand new stories, characters, stages and sounds can be expected.
Attendees at the Tokyo Game Show will be able to request time with the Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash demo. Demonstrations will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, though some advanced reservations are possible by contacting the company.
Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash will be at the Grounding Booth, Hall 10, W19. The title is available in both English and Japanese, though a Western release has not yet been confirmed. The English trailer is available to view below.
For future coverage of Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash and other upcoming VR experiences, keep checking back with VRFocus.