Humanity Can Mess Up Anything. A New VR Exhibit Imagines How We Nearly Ruined The Moon.

Humanity has the ability to do great things.  We have expanded our knowledge of the universe in astounding ways in a relatively short amount of time. We are capable of great feats of courage, of skill, of great works of engineering, art, literature, cinematography and other forms of culture. We are also equally capable of cocking up everything we touch.

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art - LogoSo, if you were to ask if it were possible that humanity could somehow mess up its greatest ever achievement – landing on the moon – thanks to our own stupidity, then the answer would have to be… yes. Yes, we probably could.

The moon has captivated and inspired people for thousands of years, and a new show at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (that’s Lousiana, north of Copenhagen in Denmark) is celebrating our relationship with our nearest celestial entity. Called The Moon: From Inner Worlds to Outer Space the exhibition which opens today it charts everything “from painting to virtual reality, superstition to science, myths to missions, fantasies to space colonies. with the VR component coming from a particular interesting source… and an even more interesting point of view.

The VR work is one made by Laurie Anderson. Anderson was made the first artist in residence at NASA back in 2004 and her work looks set to take people not to the moon we know but a dark reflection of what could have been.  The moon becoming a dumping ground and the site for humanity’s disposal of all nuclear waste.

“The disposal of certain components of high level nuclear waste in space appears to be feasible from a technical standpoint.” Reports the technical paper on the subject that was first proposed back in 1978. “Disposal of all high level waste (Mix No. 1) in space is impractical because of the high launch rate required, and the resulting environmental impact, energy requirements, and economic factors. Thus, some form of waste separation will be required. A separation of just the unused uranium and cladding reduces the launch rate by a factor of approximately 40.”

“The storage of nuclear waste in space does not appear to be an attractive option.” It later admits.

The installation will take visitors through this moon that could have been, one tarnished by humanity, as well as include other sections that will take the user in different directions of thought and awareness.

Exact details are sketchy as Anderson has expressed a desire to keep what exactly happens secret. However, you can find out by attending the exhibition which will be at the museum up to January 20th next yearVRFocus will bring you more news of VR’s use in the arts very soon.