Earlier this month it was announced by developer Cortopia Studios that a new update for their virtual reality (VR) multiplayer experience would be releasing, bringing with it a new map for players to battle in. Titled the Sanctum of Sahir, the map is planned to be included in the 1.4 update and now the developers have released a trailer to showcase the map in its stunning beauty.
In Wands, players go up against each other as a powerful magic user who must use all sorts of spells to take down the other sorcerers and be victorious. Players have to make use of a number of items around each arena to unlock more powerful spells which can give them a serious edge in battle. This includes both offensive and defensive abilities.
The new update will bring with it the aforementioned Sanctum of Sahir arena, which takes players into the depths of the mysterious realm called the beyond. Made up off multiple sections, the magical duals will unfold as a sandstorm and deadly poison sweep across the map. Starting outside of the temple the battle will quickly move inside this burial chamber as the fight gets more intense and action packed. As you will be able to see in the below trailer the map looks to have some interesting areas in which players will be able to get the jump on their foes. Just make sure to know the map before you engage in a fight.
Just last month it was announced that Cortopia Studios had acquired Zenz VR, who is currently working on an unannounced fourth VR project. It was also last month that support for Wands had been announced to be coming to new platforms including the Lenovo Mirage Solo and Oculus Go. This means players using the Lenovo Mirage Solo can take advantage of the WorldSesne 6DoF tracking along with enjoying the title on the go.
The Sanctum of Sahir will be included in the Wands 1.4 update patch which will be going live on 26th June and be available for all supported platforms; Oculus Go, Gear VR, Oculus Rift, Google Daydream, HTC Vive and Pico. For all the latest on Wands in the future, keep reading VRFocus.