It is quite difficult to know exactly how to describe Dreams. Similar to one of Media Molecule’s previous titles, Little Big Planet, the community will be very much involved in how the experience will end up, but some new artwork could suggest how it might take shape.
Dreams was first announced back at E3 2015, sparking the imagination of developers, videogame fans and press alike with its amazing visual style and the ability granted to the users to create and share their own content.
For all intents and purposes Dreams is a complete game creation platform that gives users all sorts of tools to create their own videogame experiences and share them with friends or the community at large.
While the ‘Create Mode’ will undoubtedly be the main draw, the title will also offer a single-player story campaign for players to explore to get to grips with the world of Dreams and perhaps get ideas for the sorts of things that can be created.
Media Molecule have confirmed PlayStation VR compatibility with the Create Mode of Dreams, so users will be able to shape their own worlds from within VR before sharing them with the rest of the community.
Some demos of the creative tools have shown such basics as how to animate a moving platform, and implement logic chains into the action, such as a trigger that can be set to make a platform start to move one the player character enters a certain area.
All the creative tools within Dreams have been designed to be easily usable with a standard DualShock 4 controller, in a way which users should find suitably intuitive.
There is still no word on a release date for Dreams, but excitement and interest in the title remains high.
The new art is available to view below. VRFocus will be sure to bring you the latest on Dreams and other upcoming VR projects once it becomes available.