New Update Appears for Wands

The spell-slinging virtual reality (VR) title Wands from Cortopia Studios has been out for quite some time, first making its appearance on Samsung Gear VR before moving on to Google Daydream and then getting a high-end upgrade on Oculus Rift. The developers are now announcing a new update with The Sanctum of Sahir.

Wands is a multiplayer experience in which the player takes the role of a magic user who is seeking to defeat other sorcerers, who are, of course, other players.

Players can find various ancient relics in order to unlock various powerful spells in order to use them again other players. Spells range from the range offensive fireball, the melee-focussed electric fist attack to defensive shields.

The new update, titled The Sanctum of Sahir will unlock a new arena map, which has been discovered in the depths of the mysterious nether realm called the Beyond.

The map will feature three separate sections through which the magical duels will progress through as a sandstorm and deadly poison sweep across the map. The battle will start outside a huge ancient temple and ends within the burial chamber of a forgotten king.

The developers have been keen on frequently bringing in new updates, and since launch several new environments have been added, such as Aspis Prison, Temple of Ophidian, Celestial Halls, Dead Master’s Vale and Ortus Station and several new arenas and new spells.

Wands has also expanded its support to incorporate support for the newly launched standalone headsets the Lenovo Mirage Solo and Oculus Go. On the Lenovo Mirage Solo, players will be able to take advantage of the WorldSense 6DoF tracking as well as enjoying the ability to take the title with them wherever they go.

Sanctum of Sahir will form part of the Wands 1.4 update patch which is due to be launched later this month. For further news and coverage of VR projects, keep checking back with VRFocus.