Explore An Abandoned Space Station In VR FPS Title Space Crawl

Developer Hyperfine Studio have revealed that their upcoming virtual reality (VR) title Space Crawl will be releasing onto Steam this month.

Space Crawl

The title, which was first revealed back in August 2017, is a first-person shooter (FPS) built exclusively for VR that puts players into a zero-gravity space station that has been abandoned and now overrun with aliens and security bots. It falls down to the player to go onto this now dangerous space station and deal with the enemies on board following a mission that went wrong.

Armed with nothing more than a few weapons, players will need to navigate their way through the eerie halls of the station as they try to find the needed pieces to correct the mistake made by their N.A.V.I.G.A.T.O.R system on the way to Pluto. Of course, with all the different types of aliens and security bots on the station, anything could come out of the shadows and players will need to stay on their toes to ensure they succeed in their new missions.

Space Crawl

As the title has been developed from the ground up for the HTC Vive, Space Crawl will offer players an immersive and responsive gamplay experience aboard the abandoned space station. With realist weapon handling, players will need to take into account the recoil while in zero-gravity all while aiming down sights to ensuring a better shot. Of course, the aliens and security bots will be able to attack as well so mastering the movement systems to dodge attacks will be key. Space Crawl is ensure to test no just a players weapon handling skills but also their survival skills in this intense experience.

Offering a fully immersive experience, the developer Hyperfine Studio are hoping to create engaging gameplay within Space Crawl that will deliver a truly immersive FPS zero-gravity experience to it’s players. Of course, with everything lurking in the shadows players will need to keep their wits about them and always check what could be awaiting for them in each room or hall.

Space Crawl is set to release sometime this month on Steam but a version of the title is currently available on itch.io for $3.59 (USD). VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the title in the future so stay tuned for more.