Google Accidentally Reveals Existence of Pixel 3 Smartphone

Google’s line of Pixel phones has been its flagship for new features and functions, including things such as the now-defunct Tango project along with successor, ARCore as well as forming the main compatible line of smartphones for the Google Daydream. A slip-up in a line of code has accidentally revealed that a successor to the Pixel 2 is on its way.

Google published a new commit on its Android Open Source Project pages, the details of which were scoured by eagle-eyed fans and developers who spotted an intriguing detail that let the cat out of the bag.

XDA-Developers noticed the following Cherrypick, which appeared to confirm the existence of the Pixel 3: Cherrypick “Add device config to decide which Auto Selection Network UI to use.” This change added the config because the HAL V_1_2 only supports Pixel 3, and the new Auto Selection Network UI is based on HAL V_1_2. So we set the flag to decide which Auto Selection Network UI should be used based in the device type.

The ‘HAL’ referred to in the message is a reference to the ‘Hardware Abstraction Layer’, the software the allows the Android operating system to talk to a particular phone’s hardware. The particular HAL functioned referenced her involves cellular connectivity, which has already led to speculation on what extra radio or cellular features may be included.

Obviously, the reveal doesn’t include any information on what the hardware will look like and what features will be included, thought it is almost certain to include the new ARCore toolkit, and is very likely to include Google Daydream compatibility.

Some analysts are finding it interesting that this discovery comes only a few months after Google closed a deal to move a significant portion of the HTC smartphone design team and integrate them into the Pixel smartphone design team.

Further news on Google’s plans for the Pixel and its upcoming AR and VR projects will be right here on VRFocus.