Life in 360°: Many Players Ready

Virtual reality (VR) is very much in the public consciousness at the moment and somewhat ironically VR itself has had nothing to do with it. That’s because, of course, the much-anticipated film Ready Player One is out. A film in which the idea of VR and virtual worlds is very much centre stage in proceedings – and a film that used several VR head mounted displays (HMDs) in its creation.

Life In 360° / 360 Degree Video

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve brought you news of all manner of tie-ins, marketing campaigns, add-ons, take-offs, ‘influenced’ by’s, etc relating to the film. It’s been difficult to know just where the next one will come from. Obviously over the last week we’ve been focused on two items related to Ready Player Onethe virtual escape room that was at the GPU Technology Conference in San Jose, playable with NVIDIA’s Holodeck (read our hands-on with it here) and the news from HTC Vive regarding tie-ins that are coming to both Viveport and a number of VR arcades around the United States.

However, the item I’ve probably seen the most is none of these. In fact it’s not official in any way. I can’t the begin to tell you the sheer number of messages, tweets, etc we had about this particular 360 degree video.  (But please, you can stop now.) A fan film made by the Spanish VR community – but recorded in English – and published on the channel Jugon Virtual, take a step into the world of Ready Player One as the hunt for the three keys continues.

But would you buy a Gray’s Sports Almanac from this man? I leave that decision up to you. You can check it out for yourself below. As always VRFocus will be back on Wednesday with our next visit to Life In 360 before wrapping up the week Friday morning at the same time. Be sure to check out all the stories and features that went out over the weekend too – there was a lot! See you soon.