Bebylon: Battle Royale Showcases New Artwork

Bebylon: Battle Royale is an upcoming virtual reality (VR) title that puts players in control of a baby who, with the thanks of a crazy vehicle, enters an arena to battle against other babies.

Bebylon Battle Royal - newvehicle

As the two-man team continue to work hard on the development of Bebylon: Battle Royale they have shared some new images from the game. Above is one of the new images that showcases a new hover vehicle joining the titles lineup of other fashionable vehicles. All of these are of course the main mode of transport around the battle arena so don’t let the looks fool you, it will surely be packing a punch. Speaking of which, new items are being designed and added to the title which come in all manner of shapes, sizes and possible explosive nature.

Bebylon Battle Royal - Goodies

Elsewhere new character models are currently being worked on as well and Kite & Lightning have shown them off with some work-in-progress Zbrush models, which can be viewed in the below galley. The models in question are Aphrodite and Zeus and they attendance at the Bebylon: Battle Royale games is sure to be a show stopping one. Alongside them is also the work-in-progress model of a new clothing item in the form of a onesie.

Bebylon: Battle Royale has been in development for some time now with the team at Kite & Lightning exploring a number of possible options for the title. This includes face tracking from a mobile phone to allow users to get even closer to the crazy action. This is all thanks to the team securing a stunning $2.5 million (USD) back in 2016 which has allowed them to keep Bedylon: Battle Royale going strong.

VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce got to preview Bebylon: Battle Royale saying: “Though Kite & Lightning assure that the build VRFocus experienced was very early, Bebylon: Battle Royale was already an impressively entertaining experience. The shifting, multi-layered arenas and the balancing of the available combatants can turn the tide of a fight in seconds. Given that the multiplayer gameplay is central to Bebylon: Battle Royale raison d’etre the videogame has clearly been designed from the ground-up with two-player competition in mind, and is exhilarating when victory draws close.”

For more on Bebylon: Battle Royale in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

Bebylon Battle Royal charactermodel
Bebylon Battle Royal WIP Zmodel
Bebylon Battle Royal WIP onesie