Merge VR Show Off Museum Viewer For Merge Cube

The company behind several virtual reality (VR) and augment reality (AR) products, Merge VR, has shown off a new feature coming to its Merge Cube.

Merge Cube Museum Viewer 01

The Merge Cube works by allowing the user to interact with a physical object and works with a VR head-mounted display (HMD) to let the user see a range of different content. This includes games, educational demos, a map of the solar system and much more. Now, Merge VR have shown off the latest feature for the Merge Cube in the form of Museum Viewer. This will allow users a chance to explore many artifacts in the palm of their hand thanks to the Merge Cube or even place them down to walk around them in 3D space. All the artifacts are to scale meaning the viewer can get closer than ever before to the objects which also have text boxes with information on display as well.

Museum Viewer is designed to be used within classrooms as another means to allow students to engage with education. Interacting with historical objects in 3D space allows for engagement like never before and could see a rise in the number of students interested in the subjects.

Since it’s release back last year the Merge Cube has gone on to sell over one million units, hitting this milestone back in November 2017. As Merge VR continue to develop new products that make use of AR and VR technology, including their $30 (USD) Merge Mini VR HMD that is planned to release this summer, more features for the Merge Cube are sure to be introduced as well.

The Museum Viewer, as demonstrated in the below video, takes advantage of a smartphone or tablet to allow for the interaction with the Merge Cube. In the video users are able to select from a number of different artifacts and move around them with either their device or the Merge Cube. It is an interesting way to allow for more engagement with history and one that could see its application applied elsewhere.

VRFocus will continue to bring you all the latest on the Merge Cube’s Museum Viewer feature and Merge VR in the future, so stay tuned for more.