White Lotus Interactive Release Major Update for VR Puzzler XING: The Land Beyond

Indie developer White Lotus Interactive launched its ambitious puzzle experience XING: The Land Beyond back in September 2017 for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR. This week the studio released the 8th update for the title and its a big one, adding plenty of improvements and bug fixes.

Xing: The Land Beyond Screenshot 2

To start with one of the main additions for VR players is the ability to sprint using motion controllers. This was always an option if you happened to use a gamepad but now all you need to do is double tap the movement button to start sprinting, handy for getting round those puzzles even quicker.

Another major fix the team managed to address was a complaint players had about collision, and as such falling through things like bridges. As White Lotus Interactive points out in a long and expansive Steam post on the update: “The collision is fine! The issue is depending on their VR setup sometime people don’t play in the defined center of their play area, resulting in a desync between the players collision and their actual HMD location.” Thankfully that has now been sorted.

For those that suffer with simulator sickness XING: The Land Beyond now includes an optional vignette, darkening the viewable edges to increase comfort. It’s a technique that a number of developers have used when making VR locomotion as comfortable as possible.

Xing: The Land Beyond Screenshot 4

There are plenty more fixes, both VR specific and general, that White Lotus Interactive has added to XING: The Land Beyond. The team isn’t stopping there however, with many more updates planned for the near future including new content. As further details are announced, VRFocus will keep you updated.