Football, they say, is one of the things that brings the world together. A sport so significant that you can find it played in nearly every country and on every continent. Yes, even Antarctica has seen the odd football kicked around. The first proper match actually taking place some twelve years ago, almost to the day, and saw two teams of explorers defend their country’s honours on the makeshift pitch. One team was from Spain, the other from the not quite so famous footballing nation of Bulgaria.
Incidentally, the match took place at Livingston Island in minus seven degrees Celsius and was, appropriately enough, a draw. The match ending 3-3 after the Bulgarians took an initial 3-0 lead in the first half.
Fortunately, most people can pull together some friends for the odd kickabout here and there, but in today’s connected world, where thanks to the Internet people can have many friends in places far beyond their home it’s pretty difficult to get them around for a quick game of footie.
Thankfully, Cherry Pop Games – the team behind the popular virtual reality (VR) videogame Sport Bar VR – are looking to provide a solution. Or at least a virtual one. Thanks to their newly announced videogame VRFC, or Virtual Reality Football Club. Launching worldwide later this month for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and also PlayStation VR it looks to bring a more realistic interpretation of playing football in a VR environment than that which has been released previously.
Already we’ve seen a ‘teaser’ trailer released at the initial announcement, but a number of screenshots of the environments in the title have also been publicised, and you can see them now below.
“With up-to eight players online, VRFC is a competitive online and cross-play compatible VR title like no other, where all the action and movement shines in a 1st person viewpoint.” Explains Cherry Pop Games in a statement. “With a smooth 90fps frame rate, VRFC offer more than just fun; it offers an energetic and engaging upper body workout that will keep you on your toes until the final whistle. As with the sport itself, VRFC is easy to play but harder to master, and with a range of training activities you can develop your skills to become a true legend of the game.”
VRFocus will be bringing you more details about the title in the weeks to come.