It’s not often I get an email asking to be on Life In 360° but it does happen occasionally, and when that 360 degree video is also showing a slice of an area we’ve not really touched on for a while? Well that’s doubly good all around.
So, today’s video comes from Biome Productions and is the first episode of their two-part series Wild Tour: The Cairngorms. Yes, we’re off to north east Scotland and the Cairngorms National Park, a relatively new area of protected countryside which was established not long after the start of the new millennium. Wild Tour: The Cairngorms is a 360° tour of the
park in the company of Sophie Pavelle, whom Biome describes as “an adventurous zoologist and science communicator”. Pavelle acts as both your host and partner on the highland adventure, which takes in all the various stunning landscapes Scotland is known for. From lochs to mountains and from forests to the animals that reside in and on all three.
“The goal was to inspire viewers to discover the UK’s wildlife and the opportunities for adventure that lie so close to home. To do this, Biome aimed to create a 360° experience where the viewer’s relationship with a presenter was that of a friend, rather than just a host. It was also a priority to showcase the Cairngorms National Park in all its splendour, namely the landscapes and wildlife.” Explain the studio in their press release. “The Highlands of Scotland present a variety of challenges for filming in 360°. Our crew on the ground had to contend with torrential rain, a mountain ascent with heavy gear and a plague of midges throughout the entire production! Whilst the midges appeared readily, other animals were much more secretive. The team spent many a sleepless night waiting for the appearance of one of the UK’s most endangered species, the pine marten.”
Beginning with a trip across a loch in a canoe, you can join Pavelle as she explains all about the Cairngorms and just what you can find there. VRFocus will be back later in the week with the second half of this series.