Christmas is well and truly over. Most of you will have taken your stockings and trees down by now, and as for the rest of you; are you okay? The holiday season has finished and we’ve eaten our fill of mince pies and other festive feasts, and as a result, many of us are feeling a bit weightier than we were before December started. It’s probably just our collective imagination, but just in case it’s not, there’s BOXVR to help us trim down in time for Spring.
BOXVR hits Early Access today, and it’s a good opportunity to get moving again. It’s a rhythm fitness game where you strap on a virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) and workout while listening to tunes.
Many of the workouts are actually designed by professional fitness instructors, giving BOXVR an edge over many other VR workout titles. Five instructors were picked from the London studio fitness scene and they worked with the developers at FitXR to create regular updates.
If you grab BOXVR today you’ll find updates from Ianthe and Jono, who created these workouts to beat January blues and work off any excess weight.
The videogame will have three key features, which are of course the workouts, some algorithmic boxing workouts generated as music uploaded by the user plays, and an endless runner endurance mode. A surprisingly generous variety of features.
Sameer Baroova, co-founder of FitXR has high hopes for the future of BOXVR; “Since we initially launched BOXVR in June last year, it’s been our intention to bring the entire at-home workout experience to Oculus. We’re really pleased to be able to start the year with this announcement, and it will only be the first of many things to come for us and our community in the near future.”
Phil Greenspan, who manages Developer Strategy at Oculus Rift thinks this can have a positive impact on users; “January is a fitting time for us to begin our collaboration with FitXR. With many people resolving to get in shape for 2018, we think BOXVR is the perfect VR workout tool to bring in the new year for our users.”
You can watch a new trailer for BOXVR below. Let us know what you think of getting fit with VR in the comments below, and for all of the latest ways to get fit and stay healthy with technology, make sure to keep reading VRFocus.