Up to 280 Titles Expected to be Available on PlayStation VR in 2018

PlayStation VR fans will be excited to know that their investment is going to be making some more returns in 2018 after a great bunch of releases in 2017. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR and DOOM VFR were big releases, but in 2018 PlayStation VR might get much more than just that.

PlayStation VR DOOM VFR Bundle

Speaking with Nikeei, Sony Interactive Entertainment stated that they expect an 80% increase to their PlayStation VR library, on top of their existing 150 compatible games.

Sony has already sold more than 2 million VR head-mounted displays (HMD) for the PlayStation 4, a very promising number, but how many of those people are aware of and active within the VR ecosystem is another question entirely.

We’ve got plenty of exciting PlayStation VR titles on the horizon, such as Moss and The Inpatient, and they’ll join the games you can already fully experience in virtual reality (VR) such as Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.

We’ve already got a massive list of all the PlayStation VR games we know of coming in 2018 that you can read, but from what Sony are saying it looks like many more games will be announced for the platform in the near future.

The PlayStation VR platform is already host to loads of weird, quirky, and even conventional VR games, and we’re looking forward to the future of the platform, which might just turn out to be the premier place for VR gaming, if Sony play their cards right.

280 titles would certainly put Sony in an advantageous position – of course, it’s no where near the number of videogames, apps and experiences available on PC HMDs, but if Sony ensure some quality control and advertise the videogames and experiences accordingly, they can wipe the floor with easily accessible and organised games and experiences. Not to mention the ease of use, compared to some other HMD platforms.

But of course HTC Vive and Oculus Rift won’t roll over and let this lie, they’ll be preparing their own line ups for 2018, and HTC has already teased what could be a new HMD

Looking forward to PlayStation VR’s line up, or not? Let us know in the comments below, and stay on VRFocus for all the latest news you need.