Epson’s Moverio Looks to OSVR for Content Creation

Epson has today announced the availability of a device plug-in based on the Open Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) platform to enable cross-platform content creation for Moverio software developers. The integration of the plug-in with the Moverio augmented reality (AR) smart glasses was made in collaboration with Sensics, creators of OSVR and a provider of special-purpose virtual reality (VR) and AR solutions.

Epson Moverio BT-350

Developed as a platform upon which Razer’s OSVR Hacker Dev Kit (HDK) was based, OSVR is a multi-OS middleware layer that connects popular applications and videogame engines to hundreds of VR and AR devices using a common universal interface. By downloading the device plug-in, Moverio developers can now use the Unity engine and a wide selection of other standard tools to create content for the Moverio platform in addition to running existing OSVR content on the Moverio.

Additionally, developers will be able to integrate peripherals, such as positional tracking sensors or natural human interfaces, with Moverio applications in an easier way as well as gaining access to image analysis and AR toolkits that are pre-integrated with OSVR.

“We are excited to add Epson and their strong line of augmented reality products to the list of devices supported by OSVR,” says Yuval Boger, CEO of Sensics. “Our experience shows that enterprise customers seek multi-vendor solutions that can be upgraded over time and OSVR makes this process exceptionally easy.”

The current Moverio AR smart glasses were first introduced in 2016, with the Moverio BT-300, the third-generation of Epson smart glasses. The device features an OLED digital display and quad core Intel Atom processor, and includes a built-in five mega pixel front-facing camera. Other devices in the Moverio range include the BT-350 (pictured above) and BT-2200 (pictured below).

Epson Moverio BT-2200

“This collaboration between Epson and Sensics enables OSVR developers to easily port existing games and apps to Epson’s Moverio augmented reality smart glasses, and provides existing Moverio developers with powerful new tools and resources for building rich new content,” says Leon Laroue, Technical Product Manager of Augmented Reality Solutions at Epson America.

The Moverio OSVR plug-in is available now and can be downloaded via Github, with instructions for use and sample applications also available. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on the Moverio AR smart glasses and other hardware and devices joining the OSVR platform.