Wolf & Wood Release Teaser Trailer for Exorcist: Legion VR – Chapter 3

Yesterday VRFocus reported on British indie developer Wolf & Wood revealing details about the next installment of its horror series The Exorcist: Legion VR – Chapter 3: Skin Deep. Today, VRFocus has the first teaser trailer for the upcoming experience.

The Exorcist Legion VR screenshot 4

As with any teaser trailer the studio only gives a brief glimpse at what’s to come, showing no gameplay aspects, instead it’s just an eerie camera pan across a dark, partially moon-lit room. The scene begins with a strange looking doll then as the camera moves you begin to see the doll is located inside a doll’s house, all the while a woman’s crying can be heard. The trailer ends with a baby’s crib in the background, silhouetted against an old fashioned window pane.

For those that read yesterday’s article you’ll instantly know what this is all about. As a quick refresher, The Exorcist: Legion VR – Chapter 3: Skin Deep’s storyline involves a wave of infant deaths that have struck the town and a number of distraught parents have posted details online, claiming to have heard the sound of an old woman calming the cries of their babies.

This old woman is in fact a demon called Abyzou, who has been blamed for infant mortality throughout the history of civilisation. Her hunger for the innocent and unwanted is insatiable. In this case, a newborn baby. As a detective you’re assigned the case, using the skills and knowledge learnt in the previous chapters to solve this next mysterious case.

Wolf & Wood anticipate The Exorcist: Legion VR – Chapter 3: Skin Deep will be released for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive via Steam before the end of the year. The previous two chapters can be purchased in a bundle for £7.18. There’s no price yet for chapter 3. In total the studio will be releasing five chapters.

A PlayStation VR version is also in the works, with chapters one and two due to arrive soon. When VRFocus has those details, we’ll let you know.