New Skyrim VR Patch Introduces Smooth Turning

Since the launch of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR on the PlayStation VR, players have been clear in their demands for developers Bethesda to introduce the option for smooth turning into the title. The campaign has been successful, as the latest update for Skyrim VR introduces the option for smooth turning.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR uses snap-turning, also known as click-turning, as part of its movement scheme, aiming to reduce the symptoms of simulation sickness experienced by some VR users. This decision caused some controversy, as some players who don’t suffer from simulation sickness can find snap-turning distracting enough to break the immersion that is so much part of the VR experience.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR screenshot

Last week, A representative on the Bethesda forums called Jurassica indicated that the development team were working on introducing an option for smooth turning into Skyrim VR. This has now been confirmed with the release of the patch notes for Skyrim VR update 1.02.

Smooth turning on PlayStation Move controllers has been added to Skyrim VR, in addition an option to control rotation speed in smooth rotation has been added. Another new feature added was a set of crosshairs for use when using the PlayStation Move controllers for casting spells.

Several bug fixes have also been applied as follows:

  • Removed the auto-unsheathing when raising your shield hand when weapons are sheathed.

  • Fixed an issue with 2-handed weapons in left hand mode

  • Made adjustments to blocking and bashing so that it now works correctly with 2-handed weapons and 1-handed weapons with no secondary weapon equipped

  • Improved feedback for blocking

  • Improved feedback for getting staggered

  • Improvements to Eagle Eye

  • Improvements to setting targets for summon spells

  • Fixed an issue where your follower or other NPCs would block UI

  • Fixed an issue where the training menu would not be in the right place

  • Improved directional power attacks

  • Stats menu will update without having to restart the game

In the Reddit post announcing the new update also thanks the community for its feedback and asks players to continue to report any issues they encounter, as well as any additional comments that may improve the Skyrim VR experience.

VRFocus will bring you further news on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR as it becomes available.