3dRudder is Even Cheaper Just for Cyber Monday

A couple of weeks back VRFocus reported on French company 3dRudder announcing a new permanent price drop for its foot controller of the same name. Today as you may or may not be aware is Cyber Monday, an off shoot of Black Friday where retailers continue their weekend deals for one last day. And to for this last sale day, 3dRudder has further reduced the cost of its device. 

Originally the 3dRudder would have set you back $179 USD/ €179 EUR but that was cut down to €139. And for today only you’ll be able to save a bit more cash – if you’ve any left after the weekend – by picking up the controller for €99/$99. All you need to do is enter code: 3dRudderBlack99 at checkout to get your price reduction.

3dRudder Air Car

Regular VRFocus readers should be well versed in 3dRudder by now, as the device is fairly unique in that it can be used to move around virtual environment’s whilst sat down, with the intention of reducing nausea for some players, allowing players to sit down during longer gameplay sessions, move about freely if space is at a premium, all whilst using motion controllers to grab and pick things up as normal.

3dRudder enables you to walk, run, hover, swim, or control vehicles such as aircraft all with your feet, and it’s compatible with both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive experiences purchased through Oculus Store or Steam.

Since its launch back in 2016 3dRudder has added plenty of updates to expand its support and functionality, such as:  Unleashed Mode, created to aid room-scale experiences – or more accurately players who’re in small, confined spaces; Unreal Engine 4 VR Editor navigation aiding developers working with the videogame engine; and 2-keys mapping for when certain titles have two keys for similar actions, such as one to run and one to walk.

3dRudder’s also has a professional focused $179 Business Edition, designed for virtual reality (VR) developers or companies which require access to SDK’s and game engines resources, whilst providing dedicated support for integration.

3dRudder is available directly through the company’s website. For any further updates or announcements, keep reading VRFocus.