DOOM VFR is one of the most highly anticipated virtual reality (VR) titles. Its release date is coming up fast, and many videogamers will be hoping for a copy beneath the Christmas tree. For those who have not yet invested in Sony’s VR headset, but want to blast demons to bits, a new option will soon be available with the launch of a new PlayStation VR bundle.
DOOM VFR puts players on the UAC facility on Mars, a place responsible for the creation of the famous BFG weapon. As the demonic invasion rips through the facility, the player is the last survivor, moved by a top-secret protocol into an artificial brain and given a powerful robot body and issued the command to restore the facility and stop the demonic incursion using whatever means necessary – which in this case involves guns. Lots of guns.
The bundle includes the PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation Camera, the updated PlayStation VR Demo Disc and a copy of DOOM VFR on Blu-ray disc. Product codes shown on the packaging suggests that the version of the PlayStation VR headset included will be the updated hardware version CUH-ZVR2.
The DOOM VFR is planned for release on 1st December in the USA and Canada, where it will be priced at $399.99 (USD) or $499.99 (CAD). Pre-orders for the bundle are available from today through the PlayStation Store.
The bundle does not include the PlayStation Move or PlayStation Aim controllers, both of which are compatible with DOOM VFR, with the Aim Controller in particular considered to provide a more immersive and intuitive experience, though the title is also playable with the standard Dual Shock controller. Both accessories are available for sale separately.
Similar to the PlayStation VR Skyrim bundle announced earlier this month, there is no word on if there are any plans to launch the bundle outside North America.
VRFocus will bring you further news on DOOM VFR as it becomes available.