Relive PAX West With HTC Vive

As we’ve already mentioned this week the convention season in the northern hemisphere is all but done, with only Sony’s PlayStation Experience really barring the way to Christmas. Australia on the other hands has PAX Australia to look forward to, which you can find out more about here. The most recent other PAX event however was PAX West, which was held over in Seattle, Washington at the beginning of last month.

Both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) had representation at the convention. Over on the AR side, developer of VRobot, demonstrated a build of AR god-sim sandbox title ARrived. For VR there was a large number of videogame titles ready to display. Including Oasis Games showing off two videogame titles ahead of release in Light Tracer and Hidden Dragon Legend, Sony had an array of games for the PlayStation VR on display, including the likes of Gran Turismo Sport, 100ft Robot Golf, and the adventures of Quill in the ever popular Moss.

HTC Vive stock image 6It wasn’t just PlayStation VR videogames and hardware that was available to try, however. HTC Vive were also in attendance and now, albeit some time later, the company has released a new video chronicling some of what they got up to over in Seattle. You can check out the video below and be reminded of some of the sights and sounds of the convention, from cosplayers and enthusiasts to some of the more familiar names of VR gaming, such as Bethesda Softworks’ VR division and their adaption of Fallout 4 into Fallout 4 VR. A title VRFocus described as possessing intriguing depths in its recent preview as “given more time [from its initial appearance at E3] there were many of its nuances that revealed themselves through further play”, the implementation of the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.) in VR was also particularly praised.

Hardware partners such as Intel, DELL/Alienware and Corsair also feature in the video. For more updates relating to the HTC Vive, or any of the main head mounted displays (HMDs) click the relevant name at the top of the site and get up to date on the very latest news.