ROM: Extraction Developer Teases ‘Something Cool’ is Coming to PlayStation VR Soon

Towards the end of 2016 First Contact Entertainment released its first virtual reality (VR) ROM: Extraction for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Now with the end of 2017 approaching the studio has teased it’ll be bring something to PlayStation VR by the end of the year.

Adam Orth – best know for creating Adr1ft prior to moving to First Contact – sent out a teasing tweet recently, simply stating: “Something cool coming from us for PSVR and PSVR Demo kiosks before the end of the year…” He then followed that with an image (seen below). Whilst the tease could relate to a new title, it most likely pertains to ROM:Extraction, which the studio announced back in June would be coming to Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) headset.

First Contact Entertainment Teaser

That summer reveal only stated a release this year, so with the days ticking away a November/December launch on PlayStation VR is looking most likely for ROM: Extraction. 

For the festive period Sony Interactive Entertainment America (SIEA) is bringing back its in-store demo program for  PlayStation VR – in the US – with more than 200 Best Buy and GameStop locations featuring a playable headset. Demos confirmed so far have included Gran Turismo Sport, Final Fantasy XV: Monster of the Deep, Superhot VR, Dino Frontier, Raw Data, and Voltron. And it looks like there’s another to add to that list, so you be able to try ROM: Extraction before you buy.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of First Contact, in the mean time why not check out all the videogames currently available for PlayStation VR.