Unless you are talking about the web browser, Opera and virtual reality (VR) don’t tend to be mentioned in the same breath very often. Opera On Tap are planning to change that, however, by bringing VR horror opera The Parksville Murders to Samsung Gear VR.
The company has announced the upcoming release of episode one of The Parksville Murders, which will feature exclusively on the Samsung Gear VR. A special screening at an Evening in 360 event in San Francisco will proceed the official release of The Parksville Murders. The screening will take place on 19th October, 2017 and will include new operatic content created by Kamala Sankaram and Jerre Dye and performed by Benjamin Bloomfield, featuring interactive video projections by Cari Ann Sham. The official release for Samsung Gear VR will be on the following day, 20thOctober, 2017.
There are also plans for The Parksville Murders to feature at the Future of Storytelling conference in New York City, which is due to take place on 6th-8th October, 2017. This version of the performance will be directed by Shim Sham, produced by Anne Hiatt of Opera On Tap with VR Production handled by Light Sail VR.
The Parksville Murders joins an increasing number of art and performance areas and industries which have begun to use VR and 360-degree video to expand their audience and reach people who might be otherwise unable or unwilling to attend a live performance. Art galleries, museums, ballet troupes and musicians have all begun exploring the possibilities offered by the immersive medium.
VRFocus will continue to report on new developments in the VR industry.