A film project based in the South American country of Paraguay is seeking crowdfunding to complete the filming of 360-degree series Opus VR. The project is seeking to not only tell a story, but also to raise awareness of one of South America’s most deprived areas.
Set within the Chacarita area of Paraguay, a largely disadvantaged area that nonetheless sports vibrant and colourful culture, OPUS VR features actors who were born in the Chacarita area who want to tell the rest of the world, not just about is deprivation, but also about its culture.
The creators of Opus VR are seeking $100,000 (USD) through the IndieGoGo crowdfunding platform. Reward tiers range from $5 for the Opus VR newsletter, to $35 for early access to the series prior to official release right up to $15,000 for a week on the set of the series, your name in the credits and a tour of the area where the series is set.
The plot of Opus VR has been summarised by the creators as: “In the Chacarita, Luis Morales, a modern day Robin Hood, decides to organize a robbery to help his neighbourhood with the help of his little brother and two of his best friends. The four men prepare for the hit of their lives that will put in jeopardy their lives, their freedom, and also their neighbourhood.”
The creators plan for the series ot have four episodes of 20 minutes each. It has not yet been confirmed what platforms Opus VR will be available on.
Further information can be found on the IndieGoGo page. A trailer for the project can be viewed below.
VRFocus will bring you further news on Opus VR as it becomes available.