Vindicta Confirmed for September Release on Oculus Rift

If you own an Oculus Rift and enjoy the odd first-person shooter (FPS) or two, then you’ll might be pleased to hear that indie developer Game Cooks will be releasing its videogame Vindicta on the headset next month.

Game Cooks originally launched Vindicta on HTC Vive back in June as an Early Access title, and since then has received additional content and a price reduction. The Oculus Rift release on 14th September will not only add support for the headset but also improvements and bug fixes. On top of that there will be another discount, reducing the price from $14.99 USD down to $12.89.

Vindicta screenshot 3

The storyline of Vindicta revolves around the player taking the role of Agent V, who has been sent to infiltrate the fortified headquarters of the sinister UB Industries, a company seeking to build a robot army in an attempt to take over the world. The player will encounter a variety of robotic foes, from humanoid robots to big mechanical spiders as they work through several levels.

To make it standout from the rest of the FPS crowd Vindicta employs a movement system, whereby players swing their arms to make them move – much like Survios’ Sprint Vector or Dash Dash Run! – which hasn’t been used on this genre of videogame before. And for those that don’t want to swing their arms around there’s always the trackpad option.

As further details are released VRFocus will keep you updated.